The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
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  1. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    2 days done my brothers and sisters. Here´s a great excerpt from rebooting as the best remedy. have a nice day :)

    "Many brothers comment that they have experienced little improvement or a very slow speed of recovery during their reboot. There are several factors to this; frequent nocturnal emissions, unhealthy lifestyle and also the lack of habit to exercise. According to my research, those who frequently exercise while rebooting recover faster and better compared to those who don’t exercise. This is what is mentioned in TCM: movement raises the Yang energy, strong Yang energy contributes to longevity. Of course, I’m talking about moderate exercise and not over-exercising, over-exercising is just as bad as under-exercising.

    Although lots of brothers are undergoing rebooting, they are still staying up late at nights and sitting for long stretches of time. Either they are lacking a deep understanding towards these two issues, or they do it out of habit. The power of habit is very strong and is difficult to correct immediately, however difficult, we must still change the habit with the courage that a warrior possesses. We must correct it or the negative consequences will not be light.
    The notion of staying up during the night, many brothers thinks that this means to stay up during the entire night. Actually, when I refer to staying up during the night I mean sleeping later than 23:00. If you go to bed past 23:00 then the body will have a hard time recovering, this is because what is mentioned in TCM: 23:00 is the time when Yang energy begins to rise, during this time one must be asleep for the body to recovery better, if
    past this time the body will have a harder time to recover. We can compare this to the analogy of missing the last bus at night, we can only resort to waiting for the bus on the following day. According to TCM, if we staying up during one night, a long period of time is required for us to recover from it. The latent harm in staying up a single night might require 100 days for the body to fully recover."
  2. rotten_tomato

    rotten_tomato Fapstronaut

    Day 7
    The virus is keeping us in our houses. But it maybe will an opportunity to make our system perfect!
    RiseToGreatness and CLaYFiRC like this.
  3. Julito

    Julito Fapstronaut

  4. Oh wow sounds so amazing...
    Thanks a lot:)
    You took your precious time out to find these pic and gifs
    Btw i have an idea we can include the magic items from LOTR and gives them as bonus to participants who complete addition goals like
    -meditation for a month
    -Cold showers
    As these magic items used to aid frodo and his friends in there journey to the destroyed the ring(here=pmo) similarly these things would enable us to easily help to keep pmo demon away

    Here is a link for magic items
    RiseToGreatness and Camelon like this.
  5. Starboii

    Starboii Fapstronaut

    Nope, LowFap is nether good as fap, it leeds just to relapses.
    Back to day 0, feel anger and disappointment to myself
    It was sooo unnecessary
    RiseToGreatness likes this.
  6. Cassian Andor

    Cassian Andor Fapstronaut

    I'm back! Let's do this
    RiseToGreatness likes this.
  7. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Day 2 completed successfully

    All the best brothers
    Your brother in this struggle
    RiseToGreatness likes this.
  8. greenTree

    greenTree Fapstronaut

    Day 1
    lets getting started doing all things we always know we should. the time is now
    RiseToGreatness likes this.
  9. Day 3: Feeling alright. Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe out there!
    RiseToGreatness likes this.
  10. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

  11. Rohit kumar chowdary

    Rohit kumar chowdary Fapstronaut

    129 days completed. Very very happy about it
    RiseToGreatness and Camelon like this.
  12. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

    How strange during a little nap
    I've another wet dream & that one during day time
    I started to be worried about the frequency.......
    RiseToGreatness likes this.
  13. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    hei, that´s a pretty good idea, almost like a Role Playing Game :D, very good. and it has to be goals about behaviours that boost the reboot, yeah, maybe it´s possible to drop in some side quests :D. Let´s see what comes up ;) thanks sis
    Deleted Account and ManAtWork like this.
  14. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    no bro, it has to be delt. i too once believe that if i could include masturbation it would be easy to stay away from porn, well, i was wrong. the more i fapped the more i thought on porn, and eventually i use porn again. lesson learned. and i think you learned as well ;)

    maybe some brothers can include masturbation in the reboot and not fall apart, but it´s hard because masturbation deals with fantasy and isolation, which are the two same keys aspects for using porn.

    besides the more i read on the subject the more i see that masturbation itself drains the body vitality. so i really want to stay way from the all porn-masturbation spectre. i recommend this to all brothers. it´s not easy though ;)
    rotten_tomato, Starboii and ManAtWork like this.
  15. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Welcome back brother. Let´s do this!!!!
    ManAtWork likes this.
  16. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    that´s my boy :emoji_muscle: :). Keep going!!!
  17. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    3 days done my brothers and sisters.

    here´s another excerpt from "rebooting as the best remedy", on the subject of nocturnal emissions. a good read for you @Camelon ;)

    "Nocturnal emission does not count as masturbation, frequent nocturnal emission deserves attention however as it’s a sign that our “essence gate” is not secure, if that happens I would recommend seeking a Chinese traditional physician. I would recommend a stretching exercise found in the Eight Brocades yoga movements called “hands reaching feets strengthen kidney/waist”, you can Google it. The exercise is very simple and effective. Every day I would perform it several hundred times which helps to greatly reduce the number of nocturnal emissions. This exercise is mentioned in many Taoist health maintaining manuals and is known under many different names, however the principle remains the same; by stretching the bladder meridian line found at the back of the thigh, also the bladder line and the kidney affect one another.

    Methods in reducing nocturnal emissions:

    1. Do not have too thick blankets
    2. Avoid diet that is too fatty or too meaty
    3. Do not stay up at night
    4. Do not overstrain yourself during the day
    5. Before bed, don’t drink too much water
    6. Don’t take alcohol
    7. Don’t meditate immediately prior to bed

    Regarding wet dreams

    Many brothers are bothered by wet dreams, this is due to filthy material in the subconscious. Sigmund Freud once said, dreams are the window to the subconscious. If your subconscious is not clean, this will then show up in the dreams and we will be unable to control ourselves. Therefore, the thorough cleansing of the subconscious is the key. We achieve this by the repeated reading of the rebooting material, this needs to be repeated incessantly until we flood our brain with it. The degree of purification will not be enough if we do not reach the mentioned level of saturation which will create opportunities for relapses."


    "The method that I would teach everyone is: just do one of the movement from the Eight Brocade exercises, the one that targets nocturnal emissions “Hands climbing feet sturdies the kidney and the waist”. Persist in executing this movement properly, which means to find that stretchy feeling, it’s important to have that correct feeling. When we are doing this movement we should feel the bladder meridian line being stretched tighter, straightened and lengthened like a rubber band. Once we have found this feeling we need to intensify it like tightening the screws of the essence gate. Every day I would perform this movement 500 times before I go to bed I would do it 200 times. I would strongly recommend doing this exercise before bed which is likened to putting a lock on the essence gate. If you do not do this before going to bed then we might experience nocturnal emissions, this is because the essence gate might not be properly secured which can only be secured by performing this movement. However we must take care to not overstrain ourselves while doing this exercise, otherwise, the overtraining may lead to nocturnal emission, we should pay close attention to this. In the beginning, many people lack the foundations, other people may have a poor physical condition, therefore we do not need to do many repetitions in the beginning. We could, for example, start from 30 repetitions, or do them in sets, 60 repetitions may be divided into 3 sets with 20 per set and a minute of rest between the sets. The second day we do this we may experience pain or discomfort in the body, we only need to rest for a couple days to return to normal and then continue from where we left off and we will not experience further discomfort in the body.


    Lastly, I would like to elaborate on the characteristics of the essence. Essence is a mysterious substance, if given is able to grant life and if saved is able to preserve life. There is one characteristic of the essence and that is essence is able to become “internalized”, through meditational practices the essence may be transformed into qi, essence can then be returned to nourish the brain. (translator’s note: in English, this may be called sexual transmutation and has been expounded upon by authors such as Napoleon Hill). The saying that “Once essences are full it will overflow” is a theory that is only applicable to the layman. Because the layman is not cultivated in meditational practices he will be limited on the plane of “Once essences are full it will overflow”. This is like a person believing there are only white swans in the world just because he has only seen white swans, in reality, there are black swans as well only that they have not yet been seen by that person.


    Once a brother has reached a certain stage in the rebooting process he will likely be bothered with the issue of nocturnal emissions. We must learn to control the frequency of these leakages and try to limit the frequency to no more than 3 times per month. Hopefully, I have been able to provide guidance for those who are deeply troubled by nocturnal emissions, I hope one day the issue will no longer come to bother you."
    rotten_tomato and Camelon like this.
  18. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    Day 03 down!
    This whole corona situation is f**king me up. I can't go to the gym anymore, what was a big part of my day.
    I probably can't go to the USA in may, a holiday I was looking for about half a year now. It just makes me depressed and sad.
    RiseToGreatness likes this.