Addiction with ADD/ ADHD - what are your strategies?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by SnowWhite, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    I'm 48 and I'm diagnosed with ADD. (not ADHD).
    Starting from childhood, it was always hard for me to focus and concentrate. And it clearly plays a part in the addiction, because I'm easily distracted, and fapping is a good distraction ;)

    Anyway, my strategy is trying to be structurized as good as possible.
    Also it's important to make a cardio training everyday, because this stabilizes my mind.

    For a while, I took Ritalin. It proved to be helpful, because it helps to focus, and I understood how the brain chemistry works inside. But it has side effects, like headache, and becoming erratic, nervous, aggressive when it comes down, so I don't take it anymore.

    Is there anyone with ADD/ADHD and what are your strategies?
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020
  2. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    What does 'ADS' stand for? The symptoms and treatment sound like what used to be called 'ADD' and is now called 'ADHD-PI', but I've never heard the term.
  3. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut


    Thanks! - I used the german term for this, didn't know that it is called differently in english. I corrected the title! So what I mean is ADD or ADHD.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  4. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    I have neither but I do use ADHD medication for my autism spectrum disorder. I tried ritalin as a kid but I got suicidal from it, but I've since used two types of medication that have worked, for being able to keep focus and for reducing mood swings. What helps me most is making a rough planning for every day, or at least (before the isolation) for the part of day I will be at home after uni. It doesn't include times but it does include what I want to do. Sometimes, if I don't know how much energy I will have, I list several options, depending on how much energy I will have (my biggest issue because of my autism is that I get overstimulated easily, for example from social contact or watching a film). Knowing ahead of time what I'll do helps a lot, because otherwise when my head is too full I can't think of what to do anymore and might reside to what feels easiest and most tempting: relapsing.
    Arbiter007 and SnowWhite like this.
  5. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    @Dizzy Lotus May I ask which these two medications are?
    Your self-description and strategy sounds very similar to my own issues and strategies. I have a part of autism/ asperger in me. Best for me is also planning ahead and having not too much in focus, because I'm then constantly "flipping channels" and effectvely, I'm paralyzed then. Also avoiding distraction and sudden interruptions.

    Instead of Ritalin, I found that endurance training is extremely good. Slow and constant. For example, one hour of slow jogging, or swimming (not fast, but constant). It's great for body and psyche and has similar effects as ritalin. Most importantly, you have that great feeling of having something done by your own motivation.
    Arbiter007 and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  6. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    After stopping ritalin I started using another brand with methylphenidate as the active ingredient, but since age 13 or thereabouts I have used atomoxetine. I think it works better for my autism issues, but there are also two downsides: while I used methylphenidate I had no bowel problems, before and after I did and do, and since I started using atomoxetine I suffer from a dry mouth/throat, which has resulted in me always having a bottle of water on me, and getting ridiculously stressed out if I'm out of water or can't find the bottle, even if for just a few minutes. [​IMG] Another downside has been that health insurance used to only compensate ritalin because it was the most used and works for most people, and atomoxetine (at least the brand I have been using for years) is rather expensive. But I think that's changing. Of course that depends on your country, I wouldn't be surprised if in the USA not even ritalin is compensated. [​IMG]
    SnowWhite likes this.
  7. Strenuous exercise , keeping busy . Addiction is only really brought on for me because of boredom . If your going to have an addiction try and make it a healthy one

    I like to get up early in the morning and go out on the bike, the benefits of this is it pretty much gets rid of any hyperactivity that can lead to boredom and addiction. It keeps you calm and better able to concentrate throughout the day, then later on in the evening I'll go out again and help you to get a good night sleep . Keep your nutrition and make up for the lost salts and electrolytes and you won't have any issues sleeping after a day of training
    Arbiter007, SnowWhite and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  8. MrYang29

    MrYang29 Fapstronaut

    I'm ADHD and my strategy is stay busy on my work, i work as a online driver 12 hours a day, and that works. Day 57 right now. Training my self control as intense as i can.
    SnowWhite likes this.
  9. I am only on day 12 but I have been dealing with ADHD, stress and the fact that I am locked inside and cant do shit. What I have been doing is simply creating a schedule that fills up most of my day. Now that doesn't always work. There have been days where I have come close to relapsing. Might I suggest adding app blockers etc if you don't already have them. You can block yourself out of apps for a certain period of time to find another distraction. Best of luck to you mate!
    SnowWhite and Arbiter007 like this.
  10. I used to be a courier driver , working 12-15 hours a day, it was great for keeping busy , always moving , fast paced
    SnowWhite likes this.
  11. Running , biking , weight lifting , hand grip training, sketching , building things for the house . Go buy some wood , make a key rack, build a dvd rack, etc keeps you busy and fun to do. When I've got some cash lying around and am bored to hell this is a think of a task that requires some work and time ,
    Arbiter007 likes this.
  12. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    My husband was diagnosed with severe add. We opted for biofeedback/neurofeedback. They take a brain scan and measure the theta waves send off the results to a Dr. who specifically designed a program for you personally. Twenty weeks ( 2x a week) for 40 minutes. It helped so much!
    SnowWhite and Arbiter007 like this.
  13. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    That's great and very interesting! I want to try this too! I'm living in Austria / Europe, do you know if this program is available there?
  14. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for your answer!!
    Ah yes, Ritalin and Methylphenidate is actually the same (Ritalin is the brand); and I just read of Atomoxetine. The brand is called Strattera in my area.
    I know a guy who is taking "Attentin" which is an Amphetamine actually.

    In general, I try to do without medication - by trying to be structured, doing sports every day (like a meditation), and trying as best to handle stress. I'm extremely easily stressed by noise and by social pressure unfortunately.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2020
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  15. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I really don’t know. We are still fighting our insurance but we went ahead and paid out of pocket, it’s expensive but proven effective. Some respond better than others and it’s also used to help with autism. We found it through our csat.
    SnowWhite likes this.
  16. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    @Dizzy Lotus @Psalm27:1my light @Onwards90 @WildThing @MrYang29

    Anyone of you has also issues with Anxiety, maybe triggered by ADHD?

    For me, it runs like this: due to ADHD, I often miss my goals and I'm lost. This gives me mainly fears of failure, and this can lead to panic attacks.

    I sometimes experience a panic attack of multiple days, until suddenly my brain literally shuts down, and I go into total relief and relaxation.
    The sudden switch between total panic and deepest relaxation is unbelievable.
    This leads me to the thinking that my brain has two "programs", one for anxiety, and one or relaxation, and I'm aiming at a therapy, where I can trigger the "relaxation program".
  17. I don't really get anxiety anymore than the next person , I've just accepted who I am , stoicism baby . You sound like you get anxiety because of the pressure others put on you, everything within you is within your control , even your anxiety , it's all about perspective,
  18. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I asked my husband and he said “ he thinks it’s intertwined, adhd can make his anxiety worse but he feels like it doesn’t cause his anxiety “.
    Dizzy Lotus and Deleted Account like this.