Masturbation WITHOUT Porn

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by satauara, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. satauara

    satauara Fapstronaut

    I am a college student and I'm into porn since 10 years.
    The first time I masturbated I watched a porn and then did it. Since then I developed a habit of watching the porn, then setting the mood and then jerking off!
    Most of the times I watched porn and then masturbated and eventually got into "Porn addiction". This habit is almost 5-6 years old.

    On the other hand, I've read articles on masturbation. And It's considered as normal. Suppressing it can have its own impacts. Maybe, Masturbation without porn is considered healthy. It's like using your body with a substance abuse. Porn and Masturbation are really two very different things.

    And according to my experience whenever I tried to jerk off without watching porn I didn't get that much pleasure. Yes, That's my Dopamine setting over these years. Like it will only release in full form when Porn is followed by Jerking off!
    So, If I ever feel urge in my NoFaP Journey, and If I have very strong desire for a relapse Should I do it without watching porn? Why quitting masturbation when your problem is just with Porn?
    Because I've "just" porn addiction. I can say this because If I had not developed this addiction then I would masturbate like twice or thrice a week. But it's PORN which is accelerating the frequency, and thus affecting the overall health.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  2. Masturbation is a mortal sin.
    big floppa, wallieboy92 and tyrharper like this.
  3. MrYang29

    MrYang29 Fapstronaut

    your seed is your will. if you wanna feel unmotivated and tired when you wake up. ya keep doing your masturbation routine.
    yugowolf1991 and Supination like this.
  4. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    Masturbation drains you of your energy which could have been devoted to something meaningful.
  5. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    Dont get me wrong I am not shaming you or anyone who go for soft mode like you have mentioned that, but it is useless to masturbate without porn or sexual images. I have listened to Gary Wilson and he even said that when we talk about masturbation 80% of people using sexual images, eroticas or anything what helps them to masturbate. Without that help they will not masturbate. And also you will not heal if you dont give up masturbation. I have tried that out multiple times, without any success. You are creating earlier or later your own "pornfantasies" in your head. Like fanatsies with lets say having sex with your co-workers or with your teachers or anybody like having the fantasy with an imaginary stepsister or with a MILF. If you masturbate you are using images in your head also from earlier porn scenes you have watched once.
    The only solution is definetly hard mode. But lets say you have a girlfriend and you have alot of sex with her. This is what I can understand abit more but even then you both would profit from Hard Mode as well. You can replace sex masturbation and porn with hugging, kissing and stroking each othe for example.
    As i tried soft mode out, I jerked off in the toilette during my work time. I've imagined having sex with one of my coworkers who is a mother in real life and I had fantasies having secret sex with her in the office doing anal sex practices with her. Although it was always a taboo for me having something with my coworkers. After work she drove me with her car to a train station and even then I still had fantasies that she gives me BJ in her car. She was married and had a son. It goes that far that I would accept to have secret sex with her in reality if she drive us to a car park where nobody see us. So I keep using these fantasies and imaginary stories to masturbate and i never healed from it. I can't imagine that somebody healed with soft mode. I think with soft mode it is still comfortable for anybody. But hey if you see sucess then go for it.
  6. That's easily fixed if you go 100+ days on hard mode or monk mode. I've done 103 days hard mode in the past (been trying to reboot for over 2.5 years) and from my experience, P-subs become just as addictive as P once you have a very long streak. With very long streaks and partial recovery, it gets to the point where I don't even care for P-subs--it's only the MO I want. The P was just a means to an end so once I'm somewhat recovered and don't feel a need for P, MO becomes much more desirable.

    MO on its own without the P-subs, imagination, fantasies, etc... based on only feeling is still problematic for me even when it doesn't involve any "help". I suppose this is the "right" way to do it and modern medicine claims it is not unhealthy, yet the after effects still drain and depress me so I have doubts. I'd rather have urges than feeling drained without any motivation. I guess this is why some recovered Fapstronauts eventually go on to practice SR (semen retention) as a lifestyle.
    Supination likes this.
  7. ankith

    ankith Fapstronaut

    You know what, scientists say that masturbation is healthy, they say that if you masturbate you have less chances of getting prostrate cancer, but they also say that it should be done in moderation or limit.

    so what is the limit? It is generally said that masturbating once a week or 4 times a month is ok, but before you go to that stage, you have to do 90 days Nofap (No porn and masturbation which includes not edging, not using social media to look at girls etc) after 90 days, you can either go back to masturbating once a week or continue Nofap cos you actually save lot of energy. Cos lots of nutrients, minerals go away when you masturbate.

    I hope you can get the idea and take things little seriously, cos mind plays tricks saying, yeah I can just masturbate once a week, its not like I'm addicted, but after a certain time, you are again back to PMO.
  8. That's probably true for non-addicts who are also able to use P in moderation without issues. Most people are not prone to addiction, but those that are should not try to do what non-addicts can do. I see it more as telling a former alcoholic that he can now have alcohol in moderation, which I don't think will work for him, even though it's okay for everyone else.
    Supination and ankith like this.
  9. ankith

    ankith Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I do agree man, I am just trying to create hope. Cos for some people, looking at how they have to stop masturbating forever makes them feel bad or it feels like they don't have any other way. But giving them hope that they can go back to masturbating at less intervals at later part of stage would give motivation to do Nofap than to stop at the starting stage itself.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Supination

    Supination Fapstronaut

  11. Vanagandr

    Vanagandr Fapstronaut

    Masturbating non excessively and not being depend on doing it regularly is a okay in my opinion.
    The moment you can't go a certain (short) amount of time without doing it if you want to function is the issue as well as porn normalising things that aren't normal.
  12. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    I got the most intense O in my life 2nd times. When i fapped by my ex and last week after 2 months without fapping, also without P. Consider already 6+ months without P.

    But consider this bruh: according to andrologist, M is normal as long as not excessive and not prone, and ofc without P. BUT IT'S BETTER NOT TO M AT ALL.
    QuiggyG likes this.
  13. wallieboy92

    wallieboy92 Fapstronaut

    Yes! It's true.
    QuiggyG likes this.
  14. Irishman13

    Irishman13 Fapstronaut

    10 years of practice. I would say porn is associated with masturbation and conversely.

    M => P
    P => M

    I used to PMO for 15 years, it’s sadly true for me. I believe it is the case for other people.

    You have to stop M to stop using P permanently.
    Supination likes this.