I really hate nofap success stories

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    Totally agree.
    I see PU has good things as going out of your comfort zone and getting good in talking with women, but if you use it just to get laid (as much as possible) you will regret eventually
    Nucleus and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Itmakes me sad to see all these frustrated people when they're already what they're looking for. It's like begging while sitting on a chest full of gold coins. Satisfying our desires doesn't bring us happiness. We're the love we're looking for.

    It doesn't surprise me that the original poster didn't have relationships with girls. We project what we think about ourselves around us.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2020
    fg4795, Nucleus and Metis07 like this.
  3. Metis07

    Metis07 Fapstronaut

    OP was a troll really, he has posted such ‘misery and all world blaming’ stuff in different forum’s sections
    fg4795 likes this.
  4. NVG94

    NVG94 Fapstronaut

    I almost agree with this guy. And this is really a good topic to talk about. How ugliness or not having an acceptable appearance negatively affect your life. I have personally being told by my Boss that I am ugly. Although he says this indirectly he has mentioned this few times now, once I was with a really attractive co-worker . Im super happy that this 'really attractive co-worker of mine just talks to me as a usual human being, she would smile with me and treat me like Im human' I was surprised to see this knowing how bad I look , knowing that there's no-way that this girl can think of me romantically . I've always wanted professional life to be professional, so i don't have to worry about that anyway. but the point is YES me being ugly really has a bad affect on my thinking. I would think if i can get a plastic surgery done. I would obsess over the fact that i am not really attractive to anyone who i find attractive and then it leads me to act out. It would spend 1000s of dollars on brothels and go into debt ( here im talking about last year). I was always shy- not confident and pessimistic. When this guy said he had done 1000x times self development i can relate it to too. I can i have read so many inspirational books, improve my career options . make more money etc but to this day i haven't got any interest from a girl I liked. I had been lonely sad but there's onething in self development that this guy hasnot realized and its you cant do anything about the rain, you ve got to deal with what you've been given. For example I would compare myself to Nick Vucci, although i am not a handsome guy like Nick he had no legs or arms. he is a human being with no arms or legs .. How resentful could he get if he started thinking the same thoughts like 'Oh i can get nothing done on my own, i ve got to end this life to end suffering every body else is lucky for they have arms and legs' . Instead he (i dont know his whole story) worked on himself -did everything in his power, Now he has a beautiful wife. Like- is he lucky? How so..
  5. aerokus

    aerokus Fapstronaut

    Written like a true incel.
  6. It's not our looks that are the problem, it's what we think about our looks. Our thoughts greatly affect our actions and our self-confidence.

    Saying that we can't do it because of our looks is an excuse. It's a belief that many people have and that blocks them considerably in their lives.

    When we get over our fears of talking to girls, we realize that appearance is only a small part of what you can communicate. You're so much more than that. Unfortunately, some people hold on to their beliefs. They believe it so much that it becomes a reality.
    I've seen so many guys use their appearance as a strength. Even if that one doesn't play to their advantage.

    It's like watching the storm and not knowing that the sky is behind it.

    Appearance is like the front cover of a book. You can have the best cover, if the book is empty, people won't read it. Basing who you are on your looks is a sign of lack of confidence and self-esteem. You're so much more than that.
    It's a limiting belief. So it's completely normal for you to believe that. But it doesn't define your future.
    NVG94 likes this.
  7. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    IMO this kind of thread is the shadow side of socially driven recovery. It doesn't even have to flat out refute or deny the result of any particular path, but the fact that people are influenced by it to some extent should alert people to the fact that there's a potential problem - even when there's just one person.

    In terms of the premise of the OP, I would just point to one basic principle: Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation. Getting a girl as a reward sound to me like not only extrinsic motivation but also the classic story-booky narrative. There's also the matter of comparison, not in any way where you learn from the difference with a full breakdown of all variables and how it functions, but just someone is better or worse or has better results. Frankly, this is also reflected in streak comparison. To what extent is it significant? Sure a person with a day or two vs. a year is an obvious difference, but how naive do we have to be to take it as a badge of pride if we think 10-20 days makes us better than someone else if you're in the 100+ day range?

    Personally I've gotten to the point where I really care fuckall about the "reward" or even the community at large, especially if the greater majority is going to be engaged in this kind of simplistic thinking and is invulnerable to any ideas beyond the small set of standard popular practices and not be the least curious about other possibilities. The gamification format is artificial, it's a trick to motivate you - it doesn't reflect the realities of life and isn't about shaping your psyche. Success or failure in that doesn't equate success in life, but may very well mean you've mistaken it for how life works if that way of framing it never changes.
    NVG94 and Ὀρφεύς like this.
  8. The person who wrote this was a member of incel forums and is still probably active there. If he ever returns to this site under a different account, he needs nothing but encouragement. I tried to help him change his mindset but I am not sure if I was able to get through to him. The main issue here is that we are told implicitly and explicitly that sex and ability to attract mates is a determinant of value in life. But everyone has value as a human being.

    Incels are sold this toxic idea by society and then when they don't meet these expectations they feel that they are unable to achieve value in life. And even the ones who have sex with prostitutes still aren't happy. This discontent usually morphs into stronger emotions such as rage, sadness, and sometimes hatred, which repels many people and makes us not want to understand them. However, while we consider these emotions as negative, they are indicators that tell us someone has the ability to feel. We need to encourage them to live life for themselves and not for sex. I am a virgin of 21 years and I am overwhelmed by happiness every day at the abundance of love and beauty in this world, even though I perceive many cruelties and injustices. Will I seek a partner some day? Yes, and if I never find one then I will make sure I fill my life with other kinds of fulfillment. There are many to choose from.
  9. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Care to share how you got good at it? And how did you come to the conclusion it's not worth it? I bet it was super fun.
  10. Using women should never be fun.
  11. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    You know what is not fun also? Being a sexless virgin who has never been with a woman. I can verify that is not fun at all. And if those women consented they obviously were ok with it, so I wouldn't say they were being used necessarily.
  12. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    I went out and practiced every day for about a year. Then I was good. I was constantly taking girls home. I did day game and night game. It is worth it in the sense that it means you learn how to be extremely confident with women, even hot ones. You find women attracted to you on a regular basis... all without great riches and having normal looks.

    The downside is that I was addicted to sex and ended up in sexaholics anonymous... and here.

    I died of success. The problem of doing pick-up is NOT that it doesn’t work, but that it does.

    I finally had the confidence to approach and date a good woman, and I married her. I am truly happy to be out of the dating game. The poison of sexaholism remained within me. and I’m still off my head to this day. I’m better than before and have been porn free (and shagging random birds-free for some time) for a while and my head is slowly getting back together.
    NVG94 likes this.
  13. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Yeah well it was fun at first... but then guilt started to get a hold of me. I saw a lot of girls crying. Humped and then dumped. Girls hate this, no matter what the trendy media tells you.
  14. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Agreed. Pick-up would be a great thing for you to learn. The only problem is when pick-up starts to define who you are. If it becomes an obsession it can spell disaster. I recommend using it to find a nice girlfriend. My days of hump and dump have scarred me very deeply and I regret them.

    Yes, of course the women consent... but... Modern “wisdom” rams what they call “sexual liberation” down girls throats. They are told that being promiscuous is cool. Impressionable girl believe it and try it. In my experience, this is the road to hell for women. I have seen a GREAT many women espouse the joys of “getting laid” and those same girls crying their eyes out when I don’t want to see them again. The most liberal coming out with things like “You used me” and “but I love you” even after pre-sex rankings like “I just want a good cock” and other such utter bullshit.
    Some girls think they want to be promiscuous, but in my experience, this is pure crap, fed to them by some kind of evil agenda.

    women want to be loved... not boned.
  15. I've been in this process of approaching girls on the street every day for the past 2 years. I prefer daygame even if I also do nightgame sometimes. It can be dangerous if you take action out of lack rather than love for yourself.

    Many of my friends gave up game because they identified with the results. This process is difficult if we attach too much importance to results. It depends on how we look at it. It can be really fulfilling and allow us to discover our true nature. Only if we take this process in the right way.This goes way beyond just picking up girls and having sex with them.

    But otherwise, this process is incredible. As long as you're honest with yourself and with girls, there's no problem. And I find it normal to assume our desire for women without necessarily wanting to spend our life with them. As long as we don't play and as long as it's honest and respectful for both sides
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2020
  16. PUA teaches people that the only reason to be confident is for sex, and that the definition of success is having as many women as possible. This is the exact kind of idea that creates more disgruntled incels, as I mentioned above. You should have confidence in yourself for other reasons, not just the hope of getting laid.
    recon117 and Deleted Account like this.
  17. Didn't see this comment, so I'll respond to it now.

    I know what you consider fun - pitying yourself. What we have in common is that we have been virgins our whole life. So why are you so bitter? It's clearly not virginity - that's just an excuse. Consent is not the issue. The issue is purpose. Living for instantaneous pleasure instead of long-term fulfillment is not a pathway to happiness - it is a pathway to ruin. I can guarantee you that. If someone's a piece of shit, and then they have sex with a hundred women, does that make them any less of a piece of shit? Not in the slightest. You think you know all the answers in the world. I hope you take an honest look at yourself some day.
  18. RubiconZ

    RubiconZ Fapstronaut

    I am virgin still in my late 20s, primarily for social reasons as opposed to issues of physical attractiveness (I've actually had compliments on my looks when I have sought them out). We'd be naive to say that these things don't play a role in who gets to have sex with who they want, and true enough today's society has exacerbated these problems for the less fortunate among us in ways that didn't exist even 50 years ago.

    But you cannot have this embittered outlook on the world. It will do you no good! Obviously nofap has worked for a lot of people. That isn't everyone, but the science backs up what is going on here. Take what people are saying here, with nothing to profit from doing so, to heart. I'll just illustrate with an example. I had an anatomical problem with my penis which several doctors said could not be dealt with any other way than by circumcision, which I was terrified of and didn't want. I despaired and hated the world, and I was scornful of online forums dedicated to men with this issue who gave solutions that had worked in their cases, outside of anything recommended by the medical estblishment. 3 years later, I still have some issues, but the situation drastically improved through following the advice I was given. I have not required a circumcision and the last doctor I went to said there was absolutely no need for one.

    If you want to boost your ego pawning solutions that don't work, then Nofap is really the last place you'd pick to do it. I trust what people are saying.
    Clerk373 likes this.