Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by NeverWalkAlone, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. Day (15/90): Completed

    Yout might ask why the count is red, here it is:
    Holy shit.... this was the fucking hardest day so far... and the day is not even over... I had intense urges and also started fapping to some semi-porn (clothed women) but could hold me back. I went into the cold-shower, but I know that starting to fap(or edging) is normally a harbinger for relapse...

    I'll try to get a clean head, maybe go outside... or for sure I'm going outside now.
    G0ReadAB00k and NeverWalkAlone like this.
  2. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Thank you my friend for these motivating words, my mistake was that I didn't try to write here once I felt so weak, I will be more focused this time with investing my time in a new habit.
    G0ReadAB00k likes this.
  3. G0ReadAB00k

    G0ReadAB00k Fapstronaut

    Good for you for stopping in the middle of the fap!

    One technique that has also worked for me in the past is to remember that every time the temptation arises, you DO have the ability to change your thoughts. Once the thought pops up in your mind, recognize it and then actively take authority over your thoughts to think about something else. For me, as a Christian, I choose to focus on the image of Christ on the cross dying for my sins, but for you it can be anything! Just tell your brain "NO! I am NOT going to go down that line of thinking. I am going to avert my thoughts to something beneficial and productive!"

    The cool thing about this exercise is that it is also actively rewiring your brain, just like abstaining from fapping!
    2ndChance! likes this.
  4. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Calm down my friend, you made the right decision to write down here now.
    I was just feeling like you, my brain was screaming for porn, it is the rebooting process, if you pass it, your brain will calm down again giving up gradually the idea of watching porn.
    2ndChance! likes this.
  5. krisztouch

    krisztouch Fapstronaut

    Day (12/90) completed
    NeverWalkAlone and G0ReadAB00k like this.
  6. I went for a 45 min. rain jogging to settle my mind. Now I'm clearer and a step further on the way.

    Happy to announce my official longest streak since I was 13en or something.
  7. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Thank you
    G0ReadAB00k likes this.
  8. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    I had a severe temptation yesterday. I wrote my thoughts down. I challenged myself that I was not going to use artificial things (mobile phone/computer, pixels, screen, high speed internet) to arouse myself. I also reminded myself about the benefits I would get the following day, that is being proud and happy that I did not PMO, as well as the long term benefits (sharper memory, confidence, appreciating natural things, balance in brain chemicals, healthy sexual organs, among others).
  9. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Congrats man
  10. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    That's it. Congrats my friend, I am so happy to hear these good news from you.
  11. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Congrats my dear friend, keep on, you are just 3 days far from completing Phase 4.
  12. I had to reset my counter, I slipped into and could not resist. Right now I'm pretty downed, but I know that there should still be progress, and I want to tie on that in this try. I can't leave it any chance if I want to get over these 2 Weeks.

    I will go inside me and think about the causes and what I can do better this time.

    Stay strong guys.
  13. krisztouch

    krisztouch Fapstronaut

    Keep it up bro
  14. krisztouch

    krisztouch Fapstronaut

  15. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    @krisztouch @2ndChance!
    Calm down guys, we must know that approaching our goal is not only about "achieving x number of days", but with the mindset of putting distance between yourself and porn, so that it's something that truly feels like it's in your rearview window.
    We are winning, no need to worry or getting depressed, because our brains are healing, look how much have you been watching porn before and look now at your best streak, there's a big difference of course. Our brains are at a very good position now, that we should keep our success and get more focused on completing our long journey. We shouldn't binge on feeling depressed, it will make our brains more needing to porn until we relapse again.
    We are not guilty if we relapse after achieving a very good streak compared to our previous addiction to porn, but we are guilty if we don't give our brains the full chance to reboot again.

    We will reach our big goal together, and at the end of the road we will all remember these failures and how we were strong to go on again.
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
    krisztouch likes this.
  16. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Day (3/90): Completed :emoji_v:
    Phase (1/7): Completed

    Yesterday I felt depressed for some time, I know it's my brain screaming because it thinks I will relapse again and again and it wants more images and videos to release more dopamine.
    But I should give my brain the full opportunity to reboot and don't lose the last success I have achieved.
    I am more focused on exercising regularly, and I will try yoga/meditation.
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
    krisztouch and G0ReadAB00k like this.
  17. G0ReadAB00k

    G0ReadAB00k Fapstronaut

    Day (3/90): Completed
    Phase (1/7): Completed

    Being out of my own house and with my fiancé's family this week has been a huge distraction from porn. I don't have much privacy here, which is a very very good thing in this season. Staying busy with work, keeping my head down, and pressing forward!
    NeverWalkAlone and krisztouch like this.
  18. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    That's good to hear. Good luck champ.
    G0ReadAB00k likes this.
  19. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

  20. G0ReadAB00k

    G0ReadAB00k Fapstronaut

    Great job! Keep it up homie!