Why Every Man Needs to Squat and Deadlift

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by AlphaWolf1776, May 21, 2020.

  1. AlphaWolf1776

    AlphaWolf1776 Fapstronaut

    Unless you’re completely out of touch with reality, you’ve certainly noticed the myriad of “Never skip leg day” posts showing regular gym goers with chicken legs.

    Even though I do find the joke mildly amusing, I decided to chime in on the subject with my own expertise.

    See, the legs are one of the largest muscle groups in your body.

    Not working your legs means that you are robbing yourself of the one of the greatest gifts you have been granted as a Man.

    Take a glance at any Powerlifter or Olympic lifter.

    These men have huge upper bodies for a reason.

    I made it my mission to share three reasons because each reason touches upon a different aspect:

    our Hormones, our Psychology and our Physiology.

    1) Hormones

    Multi-joint compound lifts have been shown to release the most testosterone and growth hormone post-workout:

    The Acute Hormonal Response to Free Weight and Machine Weight Resistance Exercise

    Not taking advantage of this hormonal boost means that you are purposefully handicapping the development of your whole body.

    Working out the largest muscles in your body leads to more Myokine being released, which leads to more hypertrophy in the long-run.

    Since switching from machines to free-weight exercises for my leg development, my whole body grew right in front of me.

    Furthermore, by doing squats and/or deadlifts, you will be burning more body fat in the long-run.

    The caloric need to recover from such workouts is greater than doing isolation exercises.

    Kill two birds with one stone: Raise your testosterone and burn those love handles !

    2) Psychology

    Heavy squats and deadlifts will make you reconsider everything else you got going on in your life.

    The feeling is quite exhilarating.

    Imagine yourself standing in front of the squat rack.

    You’re staring at the bar… You’ve never loaded 405 lbs before, yet you look at the weigh and you say to yourself “Ain’t that beautiful” while wiping the sweat of your forehead.

    You are at peace, because YOU are the prime mover of that weight and you know are worthy.

    You squat ass-to-grass, you pause at the bottom, and you take one last look at yourself in the mirror before exploding vertically.

    The veins in your neck look as if they were about to pop.

    You might falter, but it don’t matter.

    The mortals in the background are wondering who’s that animal grunting profusely, but they don’t matter…

    They are too busy with their Pilates, Zumba or whatever other bullshit is “in” these days.

    They will look confused, wondering what kind of person would make themselves go through such a workout.

    “Working out should be fun !”, they will say…

    The mentality that is necessary to endure heavy squats and deadlifts will carry over to every other aspect of your life.

    Suddenly, getting up earlier doesn’t seem like such a chore and working on that project will be a piece of cake because…gasp… you squatted 2 times your own body weight earlier that day.

    3) Physiology

    Heavy squats and/or deadlifts will change the way you walk, correct your posture and make you more attractive to the opposite sex.

    Have you looked at the men at your gym that are constantly either in the squat rack or doing deadlifts ?

    They have a masculine walk !

    This is how men are supposed to look: You have strong legs that are able to withhold the weight of your upper body.

    Your legs are like columns, they’re the base for the rest of your body.

    Start from the ground up: Make the base as strong as possible so that it can support the development of the upper portion.

    Squatting and deadlifting with good form will also correct your shitty posture. Your lower back, upper back, abs, traps and neck muscles are all activated during the movement.

    Finally, something else had to be said: Women love men with big muscular legs.

    Here’s what you’re going to do: You will make sure to incorporate squats and deadlifts at least twice a week during the next month.

    Then, you’re going to come back here and tell me I was wrong.

    Guess what ? That’s not going to happen, because those two movements will make you a better Man.
  2. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Can confirm on all counts. I'm 54 so 2x a week of squats and deadlifts is more than my body can take, but I make sure to get at least 5 sets of each in one time a week (on separate days) and it has really made a difference. I've always been an ectomorph and a hard gainer who at 6 feet tall would swing between skinny fat (at anything over 185 lbs) and just plain skinny (when I keto dieted my way down to 165). I had a sort of OK upper body on top of long skinny legs with hips wider than a man's should be and any fat carried around the middle. I also had a very hard time keeping good posture with a pretty pronounced slump and "head forward". I saw myself turning into what my dad became physically at my age and swore it wouldn't happen to me.

    Enter squats and deadlifts at heavy (for me) weights and low reps, combined with a radical rework of my diet and I'm now maintaining 180 pounds at ~13% bodyfat with a goal to get down to 10-11. My posture is better, my clothes hang better and my whole body is better proportioned overall. My wife even said a few weeks ago, "You're starting to look like an athlete."

    Guys, these changes aren't gonna happen checking Facebook on a treadmill with a few bicep curls and calf raises thrown in every now and then. You have to lift challenging amounts of free weight through as full a range of motion as your body allows, and do it consistently. If you have to start by just squatting the weight of the bar, so what? Start there and go up as often as you can. Your only competition is yourself.

    And yes, these lifts WILL increase your appetite and not just for food.
    Last edited: May 23, 2020
  3. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    In again to add one more benefit. These lifts and especially deadlift are about functional strength and they do make a difference. A few months ago we were moving things out of my in law's house and we had to get their piano up onto a pickup. There was no ramp so this involved a team lift from the ground up to about 2 and a half feet. In other times I would have begged off being the old man of the group but we didn't have enough hands otherwise. And I had just logged a personal best on deadlift so I stepped up and said let's do this. I lifted my share with ease and no after effects and the others with me, who have always known me to not be a very physical guy, were like, where did that come from?
  4. brod2018

    brod2018 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the insight. I've read too that having a muscular upper body with a weak lower body increases stress on the legs and can lead to vascular illnesses and leg fracture in extreme cases. And let be honest lads, when you make love you're thrusting with your hips, glutes and hamstrings not with your lats or chest lol so those muscles are very important.
  5. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Yes it's weird but building stronger legs will also carry over to your upper body development whereas the opposite isn't true. If I could go back to my 20s and start weight training again I would have definitely spent a lot more time doing squats and deadlifts. I can only squat a pathetically low amount of weight relative to my bodyweight... some of it is a lack of flexibility but a lot is just a lack of strength from years of neglect.

    As for the wimmen... I've heard that's why they check out a guy's ass. If he's got something back there they figure he does a lot of pumping (in both senses) and that turns them on whereas they see a flat-ass guy and assume him to not have much experience and/or stamina in the sack. Hell, guys are even getting butt implants now so there must be something to that theory.
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  6. Perhaps I'm too retarded but everytime I tried to incorporate those two in my routine I either got injured or they took so much energy out of me that I wasn't able to do any other exercises after. So I train exclusively upper body now with some lower body isolations added in from time to time.

    wtf did I just read
    DyingStar likes this.
  7. That's my case as well. Another reason why I'm not a fan of those exercises - I don't want to make my already large ass and thighs grow.
  8. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Squats and deadlifts do take a lot out of you. That's why no sensible workout program will prescribe doing both exercises in the same session, and in my case I only do one session of each a week, but hard, with at least 2 days between the squats and the deadlifts. Also you should always lead with the squats or deadlifts as the first thing in your session cuz they're so damn hard. Then after that go with iso's with whatever energy you still have left in the tank. If what you're doing is working for you though, that's great.
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  9. pump20

    pump20 Fapstronaut

    Does anybody have coregasms when doing deadlifts and squats because those 2 are part of weightlifting? A coregasm is when a person have orgasms while exercising aka exercise - induced orgasm. LOL!!!
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  10. I watched an Arnie documentary, and he said he felt like he was cummin' the whole time he was at the gym.
  11. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Arnold, like Tiger Woods, is a known sex addict so that doesn't surprise me. On the other hand it would explain his high motivation to work out!
    Lilla_My and Chris_Cactusblossom like this.
  12. Mitsuro

    Mitsuro Fapstronaut

    Yeah both those movements are great. You just have to have technique down really well, especially with the DL. Also as mentioned if you go heavy they take a lot out of you as they really stress the CNS. Personally I don’t think heavy DL’s are worth it, too much risk of injury and too much recovery needed,
    I’m a fan of heavy squats though.
  13. bm6

    bm6 New Fapstronaut

    Try front squats. They are easier on the lower back and build up the core strength better than backsquats
  14. bondong96

    bondong96 Fapstronaut

    I'm finally back at the gym and I think this is a key piece to my nofap success that I was missing as I just could not get a good structured fitness routine going without it. Hope it helps me be the best I can be.
  15. Okay alpha male tough guy, will do