Mandatory vaccination

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by False promise, May 12, 2020.

Should vaccination be made mandatory to stop this virus?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. So basically the world is full of potential costumers, (since there is an epidemic ongoing) , and you basically have no general solution for it, but you try to sell the"non existing solution" to the "yet non sick, but soon-be-infected via vaccines"?
    Genius plan!
    Why? Why not sell it to those who already sick ? (why bother with the manufacturing price of the vaccine?)

    (Umm by the way, have you guys heard of dietary supplements that you may or may not need but they still try to sell you?
    Or homeopathy? Which is basically placebo in pills form?
    You know those are really scams... (In some cases atlest, placebo effect does work for some))
  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    I have no idea what you just said. I understand English may not be your first language, but you need to work on your communication.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Yeah sorry about that.

    You said:
    "Yeah.. seems like a convenient way to infect someone with a virus eh? If you ever wanted to do such a thing.. maybe if you could make profit off of someone who’s sick with viruses? "
    On the topic of injecting yourself with weakened viruses. (If I recall correctly modern vaccines have dead viruses)

    But all I wanted to say, that why would you bother making vaccines to infect people, when there is an epidemic ongoing (limitless costumer base.) Also, since there is almost not an existing cure for the current problem.
    So, the plan is, to sell junk for people, who were not sick before, but now they are sick because of the vaccines?
    Why bother with the vaccines then?
    Why not just sell the junk for those who got sick naturally?
  4. BalancedLife

    BalancedLife Fapstronaut

    They have both been posted by Christopher Exley, who received grants by the CMSRI, an anti-vax lobbying group.
    What a coincidence.
    As a MSc in Chemistry, I can guarantee you that there is nothing scientific in those articles, and a great deal of figures were pulled straight out of the authors' arse. Like when he mentions that a infants' gut is "likely 100 times more permeable than an adult's". Says who? Where are the references?

    For everyone:'s_Medical_Safety_Research_Institute
    fredisthebes likes this.
  5. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    You must be joking... who do you think funds 99% of the studies on vaccines? An anti-vaccine lobbying group? I’m dying with laughter right now. Do you mind telling me how a group benefits by lobbying against vaccines?

    Go ahead a refute these studies not done by exley.

    only 60 studies confirming that vaccinated are less healthy than non-vaccinated. Btw, no one gives a fuck about your chemistry degree.
  6. And how do you really test that? They claim you can't test if a person is vaccine damaged or died from one In anyway, they literally said it's too "difficult" and they're safe so no need... but then magically somehow can spin around and say we create viruses and are spread things everywhere? Funny.

    Where's the supposed proof of anything? I can say things too, that doesn't make it true though. lol
  7. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Well there’s been over 4 billion paid out in vaccine court (VAERS) to vaccine injured people. So obviously they’re able to attribute damages to vaccines. 4 billion in tax payer dollars btw.. funny how vaccine manufactures were made not legally liable for damages. Nothing fishy about that.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. If vaccines are so safe they wouldn't be secretive, hide actual scientific information, lie about statistics, downplay deaths and outbreaks caused by vaccinated people, and a whole slew of other rubbish they do. Bloody Doctors don't even know half the time what the insert says, they're just told to tell patients they're "safe" from that brief "vaccination training seminar" bs they receive. Even though if you actually read the inserts it straight up says there's a possibility of death... then it's not very safe now is it?

    Generally if you have nothing to hide, then you should have no problem showing everything related to what's being asked, yet that's never done and they always deflect with "its safe". Constantly saying something is safe and "the science is settled" doesn't mean anything, some random joe can do that but because he's not a scientist his word doesn't matter I guess.

    All in all, you'd think at the very least them being exempt from being sued (especially in Canada) would tell people there's something seriously wrong there. In Canada there's no payout like the U.S. which at least pays vaccine injured people, so if you get disabled or injured you're absolutely fucked, all because of the so called system and Government they believed in.
    False promise likes this.
  9. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Well said. People throw the doctor card at you too if you’ve actually done your research on vaccines. “You think you know more than a doctor?” Well yeah.. I do. They didn’t exactly major in vaccines did they. Let’s not even go into who funds these medical schools and therefore decides what doctors are taught. Any half decent scientist knows that the science is never settled. It’s absurd to suggest otherwise, especially with how poorly vaccines have actually been studied.

    They’ve put out so much propaganda to try and push the narrative that “anti-vaxxers” are baby killers and completely crazy. Just search vaccines on YouTube. The comments might give you an aneurysm. It’s all by design. When they can get the public to shun those against vaccines, their work is done for them. People will watch one YouTube video and next thing you know they’re on team pro-vax in attempt to showcase some sort of superiority over others. It’s sad.

    Yup they continue to trust the system even when they do such questionable things like they are right now. If this doesn’t open people’s eyes I don’t know what will.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Purity Power

    Purity Power Fapstronaut

  11. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I haven't read the whole thread, but I disagree with the premise that there would be enough vaccines for everyone. I mean eventually yeah, but at first the problem isn't going to be wether we should force everyone to have it, but how to decide who gets to have it of the people who want it.

    When it eventually comes to the point where we have enough vaccines for everyone, we should consider how big of a risk it would create to our society if certain people didn't take the vaccine and what are the propabilities for the vaccine to have negative side effects.
    fredisthebes likes this.
  12. Who is we? Who exactly gets to decide to strip people's rights in this society of ours? That's our choice to make and not anybody else's including the public or governments. COVID-19 isn't serious enough to even remotely think about mandating things against our consent/will, but even then, that's still our choice to make and has been for years.

    By the time these so called vaccines are given out this bloody virus will either be over as it dies out, and if it's not, the majority of people would at least have immunity from it.
    False promise likes this.
  13. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    If it was serious enough of a disease to actually endanger our entire species, individual rights would seem like a minor issue in comparison. Why would you have the right to decide, not only your own, but also other people's fate? But I do agree that Corona is unlikely to be that dangerous.

    I'd recall that professionals have said that the virus is unlikely to go away on it's own. Also as proven by the disastrous results of Sweden's strategy, most of the people who get Corona don't end up with an immunity.
  14. And how many mistakes have these "professionals" (including the useless WHO) made? Information constantly flip flopping, wrong about things, pulling things out of their arse, and a lot of other researchers and doctors saying there's not only evidence of immunity from COVID, but also signs it's mutating into a less lethal form. Just look at the newest outbreak in China, it's far less severe than their first outbreak that resulted in multi-organ failure.

    In the end nothing should trump our medical rights, because why don't we just let scientists and researchers do whatever they want to us to "further and better" mankind? It's no different than what's happening now, we have rights that protect us for a reason, so if you believe so highly in vaccines then you can get one and the rest of us will pass.

    The only person that can dictate what medical procedures we get or what goes into our bodies is us, and if that's taken away governments become nothing more than just a power hungry dictatorship.
  15. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    I do realize that the professionals don't have enough information to make 100% accurate predictions, but I'll still take their opinion on the matter over yours.

    You are entitled to think that way and as of now I don't have any interest to change your opinion. As I said, it's really unlikely that mandatory vaccination would be necessary.
  16. Why are you guys fighting over something that isn't there yet!
  17. That's so harsh! lol
  18. I don't mean to fight, but if it comes off as such it's probably because of how important a topic this is.

    You say "yet" which is true, but the reality is this epidemic is and has already been used by governments worldwide to bolster the debate on mandatory (and even forced) vaccination. It's scary times for us people that want a choice, I don't like what the future holds for us.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2020
  19. Change... "Shit-ton of change!"
    Change is scary, but it's gonna be for the better. It can't be helped anyway, it's started.

    See what's happening in US! You know back in the 1900s media was calling freedom fighters in India, Africa as rioters! Same stuff is happening today with people demanding accountability in US. History repeating itself.

    Same with covid fiasco... "They" have tried to benefit from it, but their time will come too. All these exploitive, primitive systems are going to die... It's a scary world coming up.