Not all streak are created equally

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jun 9, 2020.


Do you think having a life worth living is the missing link?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. In a previous post titled ‘Nofap is not the holy grail’ I mentioned that the happiest and most productive time of my life was on a 4-month streak; but added that I had a longer 6-month streak which towards the end I was not happy at all.

    During those 4 months I was working on organizing a music concert which gave me purpose, acquired new amazing friends which improved my social life, I was working religiously, took karate classes, had picked up drawing in my spare time, and building the foundations of a business. And what I thought was a healthy relationship. It was an amazing time specifically because I was productive, happy, and had limitless energy. I had purpose.

    I could only watch on episode of show at before I got bored and went back to work, meaning productivity had created meaning and habit for me. To this day I am always and still chasing that productivity and happiness.

    So where did it all go wrong?

    That “healthy relationship” ended and I went into a depression. But I soon accepted it and learned that the pain and experience was ok because it taught me not to let a girl be the one to create my happiness. And that I alone was responsible for it.

    During the 6 month streak I was working out religiously but had stopped karate class, drew less, and was not as social. The first 3 months were ok as I was with a mentor learning business. But after a while I felt like I was going in circles. I could not see at the time that nofap was a magic pill. Or that I need good relationship with people, purpose, and hobbies. I am sure some of you have experienced this as well. Yeah you’re on a 1 year streak but where has your life gone. Have you progressed? Are you happy? Are you fulfilled?

    Then there is the last two weeks, were I relapsed last Sunday and Tuesday. I also have not been meditating or journaling. But I have purpose I have spent these last two weeks designing my program as a life coach to help guys with the same problems I use to have. And more importantly I have taken action. I have been sliding into people DMs and I am writing more blog post like this one. That’s what I feel is keeping me going.

    So what if you have been going on a year-long streak, what have you achieved? Bragging about a yearlong streak with no results to show for it is like bragging about having a 10inch dick but you have not slept with any girls. Yet there are guys out there who beat their meat on a daily basis yet they are taking action and achieving things and getting results.

    What have you done with that year-long streak? Stop bragging and start achieving. It’s not just a mindset thing, but behavior. Action breeds results ​
  2. Awedouble

    Awedouble Fapstronaut

    Life worth living according to who?

    This is significant because psychologically someone may be living other people's expectations, whether it's parents, society's or whatever. The societal one may be fine if one was in a healthy relationship with their community, but it seems to me putting other defined goals on a pedestal has something to do with it.

    So do you feel you have (or are) a model to offer? The basic point itself is fine but I do wonder when someone is new to the community they start giving advice in a monologue right away, even if it's just new to posting. Lots of people seem to make the assumption their insight is something nobody else has thought of before.
    Mad-Hatter and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Yes i have a model to offer.
    Vicit_fidem likes this.
  4. Amen, brother.

    Someone once said

    "The secret of change is to focus all your energy not fighting the old, but on
    building the new."

    It sounds like your 4 month streak was all about that.

    Thanks for sharing:emoji_punch:
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  5. That quote beautifully summarise it. What steps are you talk to build the new?
  6. I started running outdoors consistently in April when this corona virus started getting serious in Canada. I live very close to lots of trails in the forest so I'm thankful for that.
    I saw my struggle with porn as an addiction, so instead of merely abstinence, I wanted to focus on "building the new". I found some stories of drug addicts who used running in their journey of recovery. One lady had a crazy life of drugs but then switched to ultramarathon running and got healthy. I learned about the Tarahumara Indians, a group in Mexico that are known for running hundreds of miles at a time in nothing but simple footwear. (They're mentioned in the book Born to Run, check it out!)

    These stories motivated me (I even entertain the idea of doing an ultramarathon one day, but they're expensive!). That, and the benefits of what running/aerobic exercise does to the brain in terms of re-wiring, helped me to be consistent with my runs.

    I am also trying to write out my thoughts more, and doing a podcast has floated in my head, but I'm not sure what to focus on yet. I like movies, so maybe that. Or about nofap/building a better life.

    Still not clear what my life vision is. So i need to think about that
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I am familia with ultramarathon and Tarahumara Indians. Check out the joe rogan podcast he has interviews with several ultramarathon runners. Would you take part in a ultramarathon race if you had money?
  8. Yea I remember Joe Rogan interviewing Courtney Dauwalter who beat everyone by like 8 hrs or something.
    If I had the money and time I'd be tempted to. Better to start with a marathon first though haha.
    That is a shorter term goal
  9. So then whats stopping you from training for a marathon?
  10. Nothing :)
    I'm building up my distance now.
    Averaging about 30km a week and it feels good! (Love the trails way more than road running)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Keep it up. what your next goal in terms of running?
  12. Probably the marathon.
    Thanks brother
    Deleted Account likes this.