My 168 Days Benefits፡

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ayanaambe115, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, under are the benefits of my 168 days NOFAP journey !
    1. My mental capacity has increased significantly.
    2. I'm able to develop a positive self-confidence.
    3. My perceptions about women have changed dramatically.
    (For example, when I thought of a man deflowering a girl, I didn't think it as a
    pleasure rather as it was a burden, but now it gives me a good sense of sexual
    excitement as I think over it.
    4. In the past, to be erected I used to touch my d*ck or should thought of those P
    images in my mind. But now to be well erected it's enough to remind the real
    woman whom I know physically.
    5. In the past, I had only a slight sexual interest for bootylicious women but totally
    didn't give space for any other women. But now a days my sexual appetite has
    increased for most of women who had never attracted me before.
    6. My brain has now significantly reduced giving responses for P actors whom I remind
    and have been sexually stimulated by.
    ( The challenges and temptations I had when I started on NOFAP was gone, and
    now I feel that I will never go back to watching P movies again.
    7. My (aura), natural ability to attract women has increased.
    I thought it was false and hypocritical when others were talking about it but today
    it happened in my life and it surprised me too.
    8. I especially noticed when people value or give credits the things what I have said in
    my office.
    9. I developed recovery confidence. If you ask me five months ago, about my
    recovery, I would probably say NO, or IMPOSSIBLE. But now proudly I say recovery
    is POSSIBLE, and it is left with a small pushing forward.
    (For beginners I think it is big and good news).

    I give my living testimony that everything I listed above is true and actually
    happened in my life.
    EDIT 1: (Apr -23-2020)-- My 169 days
    I have tried sex this night but it was not good as such, still flaccid :rolleyes:. Hope it works in the coming 3 months.
    I'm not disturbed because according to my study PIED recovery has 3 major phases:
    PHASE 1 (from '0'-'90' days)
    DELETING dominates: In this phase our brain begins on deleting old, garbage data. P flashbacks, images and so on
    PHASE 2 (from '91'-'180' days)
    REWIRING dominates: In this phase our brain mainly focus on rewiring it self. Our brain begins to download the correct and inborn sexual stimuli that has been covered by the old and wrong data. Actually deleting too continues in this phase.
    PHASE 3 (from '181'-'270' days)
    CONTROLLING dominates: In this phase our brain begins to give direct order to the sexual organs, so that the organs begin to be functional. In this phase too deleting + rewiring continues.
    N.B. The time period works for an average man. I mean it may be either longer or shorter according to the victim's exposures for different factors such as age, time exposed to PMO, diet, drug exposure, physical exercise, sugar food intake, being diabetic etc ...
    Edit 2: (Jun-11-2020)-- 216 days
    What is new is that I've been dreaming consecutively which begins from my 190 days till now (28 days) and possibly it continues. That is a clear cut symptoms of reaching to the finish line. What do you think ?. I have read some where, 60 days of consecutive dreams is a real symptoms of recovery from a chronic PIED. By the way I had no dreams for the past 10 years when I was fapping. What do you think friends ?
    Edit 3: (Jun-21-2020)-- My 227 days
    Since after my 7 months of rebooting I have noticed and begun to sense lots of changes to my body.
    When I was fapping, my body had already stopped to respond for any stimulants, such as tea, coffee, even for Khat (Local stimulant leaf which has a stimulation dose more than 15 cups of Coffee). But now what happened?
    With 1 or 2 cups of coffee, I could successfully read books the whole night or do Job, with no sleep no rest. This never happened during my fapping years. What I understood is that my brain and body have begun to regain back its innate sensitivity. Any Idea encouraged, what do you think?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2020
  2. theCodingNerd

    theCodingNerd Fapstronaut

    Cool man! good going! what about skin glows and mind power?
    FX-05 and ayanaambe115 like this.
  3. Targaryenn

    Targaryenn Fapstronaut

    What is your strategy to overcome urges?
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  4. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    First of all, I took a long time and talked to myself and finally succeed in convincing. I think that is the most important part of my NOFAP journey.
    Starting with self-persuasion, it is considered to complete the process halfway. Because persuasion means, in other words, to start with planning.
    After starting the engine, as urges come i have been rehearsing in mind about the end of the journey and the benefits it brings.
  5. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    To be honest, when I started my trip I did not really mind and notice the skin glow issue, so the difference was unclear to me.The mind power case is summarized in item # 1.
  6. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    congrats and keep strong !
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  7. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot and I'll keep strong
    control your life likes this.
  8. radfaraz

    radfaraz New Fapstronaut

    Really happy that you saw so many changes in you. Today is my 60th day still going strong i hope you fully heal man
  9. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    Yes it was totally clean of PMO, but real sex has been tried twice but couldn't successful.
    PMO addict1 likes this.
  10. Suvvy

    Suvvy New Fapstronaut

    Ur streak
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  11. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut
    Yeah! From above page. I have been so touched by the translator's effort, the lesson it contained, and the commitment was totally inspiring. That is why i used my avatar in immemorial the translator's anonymous man.
  12. What do you credit for your long term success?
  13. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    Gabe Deem, Alex Rhodes, Noah Church all the web-page developers they are pioneer and all contribute something in my life.
    After that it is all about you! and your strive
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. RoadToValhalla17

    RoadToValhalla17 Fapstronaut

    Did you experienced the flatline? And how many days?
  15. ayanaambe115

    ayanaambe115 Fapstronaut

    Yes! and I still experiencing it, the good news is that the duration of flat line becomes too short as you go strong for more clean days. I remember I had more than 45 days consecutive of flat lines 4 or 5 months back. But now flatline comes and go on and off mode, and it is not so persistent.
  16. JackWhite88

    JackWhite88 Fapstronaut

    keep going, proud of u!
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  17. vishop

    vishop Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Nice! Congrats Dude.
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  18. Really inspirational, man. Congratulations and thanks for sharing!
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  19. LOSEmyselftoSAVEmyself

    LOSEmyselftoSAVEmyself Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    220 Days! Nice job!

    Hard mode too! Major respect from me.

    I think that since I'm on day 90 today,

    I want to keep going for a while.

    It's easier to keep going than to start over.
    ayanaambe115 likes this.
  20. Saitama1000

    Saitama1000 Fapstronaut

    Respect for all those days clean from PMO. I ve been starting to dreaming too which was something rare from past years. Just into my second week I experienced an astral projection while dreaming...