Ten Fapstronauts Journey

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by NeverWalkAlone, Jun 5, 2020.

  1. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Day 7 completed:
    I am so glad to announce I have completed phase 2. No urges to be considered at all till now because I had to work on night shifts.
    promoted to
  2. FlowingSaiyan

    FlowingSaiyan Fapstronaut

    DAY 13
    Step fucking 13. This is the longest in my stepcounter so far. I guess now my brain is really starting to miss P. Some images had been flashing in my head. But I didn't relapse. So that feels good.

    During my first streak, it felt a kinda easy. I had got the hang of it. I did have urges but the thought of relapsing didn't cross my mind. And then I broke my streak. And then I tried and tried and tried. But couldn't even cross the 10 day mark. And I remember feeling so stupid that I broke my streak. But now I'm feeling exactly how I wanted to for over a month. I have again got the hang of NoFap. And I will not succumb to any urges. For all of you guys.

    I hope everyone is doing great.

    PS. I pasted this from my journal today because I'm feeling a bit lazy lmao forgive me.
  3. Sheidheda

    Sheidheda Fapstronaut

    I have relapsed going back to day 0 I will not let this setback define me
  4. FlowingSaiyan

    FlowingSaiyan Fapstronaut

    Guys I have relapsed, will give an update later in the day. Back to day 0.
  5. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    @FlowingSaiyan @Sheidheda
    You are heros my friends, you can do it and you will do it. Why?
    Because you are brave enough to write down that you've relapsed and this is normal in a long journey that is goin' to change our lives.
    Please don't be hard on yourselves and take your time to think about the reasons you want to go on this journey, that's the point where you can start again.
  6. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Day 8 completed:
    I had some urges last night, my brain says to me "let's have some fun and watch some images and videos". I surely know it's fake and I hope I m not fool enough to follow these thoughts and relapse again.
  7. FlowingSaiyan

    FlowingSaiyan Fapstronaut

    DAY 1
    So what happened. Well my day was pretty much full of urges and images of P flashing in front of me. But I had it under control. I resisted and resisted and resisted. Didn't give in at all. But it was while I was trying to sleep that I felt my armor cracking. The urges got stronger. And just one tiny slip is all it took. But I'm not really very mad at myself for relapsing. In fact, I feel proud of myself for having resisted so long. I could have never even imagined that I have that much will power.

    Going for it again.
  8. Griitings

    Griitings Fapstronaut

    Day 3
    i have been quite busy so I have been able to manage the triggers. I'm actually having urges.
  9. Sheidheda

    Sheidheda Fapstronaut

  10. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    I reset my day counter (8.5 days --> 0 days):
    I woke up suddenly at 3 am because of irregular sleeping, Actually I didn't have any desire for watching p, but what happened was totally (HABIT or ROUTINE). I just found myself forcing myself to watch p even if not excited to do so.
    I can only explain this by "My brain is still very tightly wired to watching p habit" and I needed more time to reach a higher level in the rebooting process of my brain.

    What I should I do to avoid this failure again on my journey? "I asked myself"
    1. Have enough and regular sleep.
    2. Sleep and wake up early.
    3. If I wake up in the middle of the night again, I'll avoid any electronic devices and maybe I'll try relaxation music to get asleep again.
  11. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Keep on my friend, promoted to START REBOOTING PROCESS
  12. Sheidheda

    Sheidheda Fapstronaut

    @NeverWalkAlone You are a real hero my friend I admire that you did not let your relapse get in to you but instead you looked for a solution therefore encouraging most of us who are struggling with this issue,,, thank you
  13. Day 0 again.
    I've been questioning myself because I keep relapsing and the weird thing is that I don't understand what triggers it. PMO has prevented a lot of people from having meaningful relationships and I keep relapsing even in full knowledge of that fact.
    I need those who have made it past 10 days to tell me what they do whenever they have thoughts of relapsing. My highest streak so far is 4 days but I read somewhere that it takes almost 6 months for the brain to get rid of the effects of pornography.

    Anyway I wish all the best in your fight.

    FlowingSaiyan and NeverWalkAlone like this.
  14. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot my friend
  15. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    Firstly you have to understand that you don't keep relapsing because you're guilty. No, your brain releases every time you watch porn high levels of dopamine (hormone of happiness).
    After you finish porn session you feel miserable and angry so that you can't stand with these feelings until you relapse again to help your brain produce dopamine again.
    And so on, you keep in this cycle until your brain gets addicted to it leaving you unaware of the real reason you make this habit or routine over and over.
    You need to break this cycle, the first days are the most difficult days because we're still training our brains to rewire themselves in another way of watching porn.
    FlowingSaiyan likes this.
  16. Thank you
    FlowingSaiyan likes this.
  17. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Can I join this challenge please?

    Day 2 - Never Give Up!
  18. NeverWalkAlone

    NeverWalkAlone Fapstronaut

    You're welcome my friend
    FlowingSaiyan likes this.