Progress Thread (Feel Free To Join)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 12, 2020.

  1. Yo Dale and Thinking_Differently, how are things going for you guys?
    thinking_differently likes this.
  2. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Good so far @Sweet Kevin.
    Been avoiding thoughts completely. Swipe swipe....
    Sweet Kevin likes this.
  3. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Will do. One day at a time. Was having a bit of a rough time right now, I think it's because I'm bored... Coming here to reflect and get myself ready to be productive. How do you guys cope when urges hit?
  4. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    1.Distract yourself.
    2. Try Meditation
    3. Put the phone/laptop away.
    4. Workout

    these are general techniques, you need to find your own brother! :)
    Dale848 and Sweet Kevin like this.
  5. Haha awesome! Glad to hear it!
    thinking_differently likes this.
  6. Thinking_Differently's list is pretty good and you should definitely start out with those as they will help you out with using your newly gained motivation and energy from nofap in the long term! The key with nofap is taking the energy that you gain from retaining your seed, and using it for new good habits instead of old bad ones (like pmo, social media, gaming addiction). Lately I have been taking my energy and using it to do things I would have never done before such as a weight loss diet, swimming a mile every day, constantly cleaning my room and car to be spotless to reflect the new man that I am now, taking online classes on skillshare all the time to learn new skills, only taking ice cold showers cuz hot showers are a luxury or like junk food if you really think about it, going to bed at 9 pm and waking up at 5 am cuz you are guaranteed to have 7-8 hours every night and you don't waste the time from 9-1 that you were inevitably going to spend wasted on your phone which leads to urges, and always finding something to keep myself busy. Overall, begin to seek discomfort and a brand new lifestyle through this process and you will find success in the long-term! PMO is the exact opposite of that because it is seeking short-term happiness in exchange for long-term happiness. Become the change! Also, don't compare yourself to others because it will create pride in your life that will cause you to stumble. Instead compare yourself to the man you were yesterday and try to surpass him instead! Always be growing! Also though, like Thinking Differently said, be sure to find out what works for you too! I came up with most of my list on my own (except for cold showers), so you can definitely find some stuff too that works for you! If my list sounds like your thing though, then go for it! People mock me for it all the time, but the success and energy I feel gives me the last laugh every day, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2020
    thinking_differently and Dale848 like this.
  7. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    I like a lot of what you are saying... If I just put have as much time into cleaning or working out as I have been putting into porn, I can only imagine what benefits I could gain. Thank you for these ideas, I think I'll clean something right now! Well, day 2 begins.
    thinking_differently likes this.
  8. Haha yea I used to not clean and thought to myself "Cleaning is such a waste of time... I could be literally doing anything else right now" except I spent my time on pmo and it was an even bigger waste of my time (huge double standard there lol)! So I guess spending time on even the littlest things is a way better time investment than pmo at this stage!
  9. Really glad to hear that and I encourage you to keep going with your goal! I'm definitely starting to also learn about myself and my purpose through this and am finding out more every day! I also have been suppressing fantasies and refusing to think about them, and it too is also getting easier. Thanks for sharing that video also. Watched it and really found it helpful and definitely helped shed more light on overcoming this addiction! Currently trying to create as many other pathways as possible through the variety of activities I am getting involved in so that PMO won't even be an activity that I'll want to do. Swimming a mile a day is as easy as breathing now (been doing it every day possible so far since we opened our pool). I'm also going to go to my community center today and ask if it's gym center is open because I've gotta also get involved in working out again! Also congrats on getting past my last streak of 18 days! I can tell that you definitely got this and are headed on the right track! I'm really happy for you bro and you've proven to yourself that you can do this!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2020
    Dale848 likes this.
  10. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Awesome job! I'm assuming that it's really not always possible to avoid these moments or thoughts because of how men naturally are (I generalize, I know). It's so frickin' weird how sex drives us...

    I guess the only important part of the whole process of change is how we respond to these urges, and it sounds like you handled it like a pro. I started this NoFap "change plan" under the idea that I was going to avoid porn and sexual material completely, which I will try, but now i realize that it's not avoidance of sexual material that's important, but rather my response to that stimuli. If I can't change my response, then avoidance is only a bandaid and I am destined to fall into old habits.

    Duh, right? It's something I feel like I've known, but just never really thought about. Day 3, staying busy and now I'm looking forward to my next moment of weakness so I can smash its ugly face in!
  11. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    So true... I'm going to go for a run right now.

    And just visiting this site is extremely helpful for me to put everything in focus. It sucks feeling alone, but just writing on here and reading what you guys say helps me confront my issue and reminds me I'm not THAT alone in this struggle. It's nice. So thank you as well.
  12. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Ya so true. It’s as good as those drugs out there. They exploit our emotions. But we will rise STRONGER.
    Sweet Kevin likes this.
  13. I'm on my day 2 on Nofap as you are and I too didn't have any urge to watch por but I think that soon the urges are going to come back so let's us stay strong and acknowledge the fact the they are going to come and try our best to overcome it because if we overcome the urge today it will be lot easier to overcome the urge next day and surely try to avoid the message "Just a peak" as I have felt .
  14. Lately a some YouTubers that have really helped me to take NoFap and turn it from a "challenge" into a "lifestyle" are *** and David Hammond. I really recommend checking them out for anyone reading this! I strongly believe that the key to overcoming PMO is to become the masculine person that you were meant to become, and these guys are the real deal in helping you to break out of the crap that causes 99% of men to act insecure, feminine, and have no value in their life whatsoever. They teach that once you overcome PMO, the journey is just beginning and you now can begin using your newly gained energy to build yourself up as a man and chase after value in your life instead of chasing after women and sex (they will chase you instead when they see that you are different and have actual crap going on in your life). A quote that I really like from Casey is "Women are born, but men are made". The videos from these people have been a huge help to me personally and I can't recommend them enough! After watching for a while despite my initial impressions, I can definitely say that they are the real deal and have some truly life-changing advice that every guy should know!

    In other news, lately I have had absolutely no urges whatsoever! NoFap has truly gotten easier over time as others claimed, and I now am way more focused on the important things in my life that do matter. I have been building discipline every day and have been seeking short-term discomfort for long-term happiness (such as taking only ice cold showers, swimming a mile even when I don't feel like it, and forcing myself to not take any naps or get tired without caffeine) instead of short-term pleasure for long-term suckiness. I have heard that the flatline period will come eventually and that anyone who enters it will need to have their goals and motivations written out where they can see it so that they do not turn back through that period. They say that you will feel like crap again and will be depressed, but if you make it through, it will be the most rewarding thing you've experienced in your life so far! I am planning ahead for it and am writing out my goals in doing NoFap and will put them on sticky notes above where I sleep and work so that I will stay the course all the way through! This is the streak that will become my way of life! Keep me accountable and also keep on posting here! We all need other people to encourage us and give us advice to keep on going, and we're here on this anonymous forum because nobody in our personal lives have been trustworthy enough to know of our struggles, so keep posting! STAY STRONG!!!
  15. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    I’m hardly getting started with my streak, and yet I have no urges. The reasons :
    1. Using Internet less often in general.
    2. No surfing on Instagram, Youtube, News Websites.
    3. Ignoring urges as they start to build up.
    4. Taking more interest in my studies.
    5. Keeping music as the only source of comfort :D

    I’ve realised that this requires a lot of balance. One shouldn’t get too excited about the streak (As I do lol) and focus on achieving goals instead.

    My mind is much clearer now. I can ‘see’ the things that happen in maths, physics...
    My shingles have almost gone now. I feel recovered yeah!

    Peace boys:emoji_v: Stay At Home! Stay Strong and Stay Balanced.
  16. YUSSSSSS!!! So freaking hyped to hear of ur success so far! I also have quit using social media and have installed chrome extensions to make YouTube recommended bars disappear completely to prevent me getting distracted! Really also applying myself to learning, diet, and exercise lately too! Gotta start now to become the man I'm meant to be! I can definitely testify that "brain fog" does indeed disappear from NoFap and you can focus more clearly on things and not get tired all the time!
    Dale848 and thinking_differently like this.
  17. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Day 2 of many for you! Keep it up!

    I myself had a slip up and I'm a little embarrassed to admit I looked at porn... It was very brief and there was NoFap. I felt saddened by my weakness l, closed it out and came here to give myself a reminder of what im trying to accomplish. I'm glad I didn't continue, the urge was definitely building.

    Why the hell is this so hard?! It feels like the dumbest thing in the world. I have many things to accomplish before I can say I'm truly in control. One step at a time...
  18. Semen retention truly is the first major step in the hardest journey that a man can embark on. Some of us have relapsed and come back even stronger in the process... I know I did. Add more to your schedule and keep yourself busy! The first few days will be near impossibly difficult to keep busy away from pmo because of the brain fog and the lack of motivation, but once you be especially deliberate and man through it for those first few days, you will find it easier! Short-term discomfort for long-term happiness! You got this bro!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2020
  19. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    But you showed perseverance till the end. You held on. You didn’t say “I have watched it already, I’m done.” You kept an IRON HAND on your decision and you didn’t Fap. That’s progress mate.

    Yes it is hard, but only in the starting days, and the easiness increase beyond linearly. Just be really indulged in your routine, your work. Being deeply involved really helps. I have experienced that since I stopped doing useless surfing, my urges have gone.
    True it is, “An empty mind is a Devil’s Workshop”
  20. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouragement, guys. Yesterday was no problem at all. But today... I was really struggling and I went to watch porn again. It wasn't a quick minute either, I felt myself getting lost again.

    It was a close call, stepping back from the edge for a moment I came here to see how I felt about it... I decided that if I came here and still wanted to fap, I'd go back and be a loser. But the words of encouragement from you guys have helped. I want to change and I need to man the fuck up! Fuck addiction! We're stronger than that.
    Dale848 and thinking_differently like this.