Progress Thread (Feel Free To Join)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 12, 2020.

  1. Doing better with urges these days. I realized I had to go all in if I wanted to beat this. I stopped fantasy as much as possible and started looking away if I see any triggering material.
  2. Got through yesterday! Did my first workout in a long time! I bought a bunch of gym equipment since the gym doesn't want to open for the year and I now realize that I can't sit here patiently and wait a year to work on myself as a person or else I'll go back to my same old habits like before, so I'm taking action right now! So far so good, and I feel amazing! Also I feel like I am quickly recovering back to normal like I how I felt before the relapse.
  3. 2 Days clean again and I wouldn't have it any other way! Am really getting aggressive with the workouts and I can really feel a difference! I'm doing most of it right before bed, so I definitely am having an easier time going to sleep because of the soreness (my relapse happened the only time this month that I broke my schedule for the holiday and stayed up too late in bed, so this is really going to help prevent that going forward).
  4. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Coming here with my tail between my legs... Didn't want to come back because I was embarrassed that I relapsed. And it wasn't just a moment of weakness looking this time, I took it all the way. Man, I just don't get the hold that this has over me. I can stop anything else I want when I've tried... But this beast is different for whatever reason. Maybe it's the easy accessibility.. and that it's free? I don't know, these are questions for someone smarter than myself. I know I shouldn't focus on the weak parts of myself, but it's hard not to.

    ... Damn.
  5. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Reduce Internet usage. Get a prepaid, and opt for a worse plan.
    Stay busy.
    Think about it for yourself. You’re your best doctor.
    You will be fine, just keep working towards it.
  6. Keep going. It will take time to tame your inner urges. But you should not think relapse is the end or a reset back to square one. It's not at all. Every day you get better and you chip away at your addiction. Get back up and keep going. You will start feeling better once you get back on track and your goals will become clearer.
  7. We all have been having unusual levels of success lately in NoFap since joining, and you will too if you keep on learning from your moments of weakness. Relapses expose holes in your battle plan, and it's your job to keep adapting until this becomes your lifestyle.
  8. This was a pretty accurate depiction of what happened to me in my last relapse. Love that part near the end "I know I cant have it both ways, and never will." Will keep that in mind as I work my way back up again. You give this monster an inch, and it'll take you a mile.
  9. On day 5 currently since my relapse and I feel back on track! I'm definitely starting to feel some more of the benefits than when I first started on this journey, and it's really helping me to hate my old life-style and to not ever want to go back. Each day in NoFap keeps getting better (except days with urges) and I'm really happy with all the progress I've made so far
  10. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Yeahh! Good to hear about that Appropriate Mindset! And that you’re getting out of the whole of early days. Keep going bro..

    I’m doing fine..Had a horrid dream I relapsed and Chaser effect troubled me today. Otherwise, my mind is so much clearer! I’m enjoying my subject even deeply now!

    Stay Safe and Stay Strong boiis!
    And as I always say, please, stay calm. Lol.
    Dale848, sp9923 and Sweet Kevin like this.
  11. I also had an identical dream not too long ago during my last streak I believe and it gave me some of the worst urges in my life that I somehow resisted. You got this bro!
  12. sp9923

    sp9923 Fapstronaut

    hello best of luck bro
  13. Best of luck to you too!
    sp9923 and thinking_differently like this.
  14. Got some serious brain fog and feel semi depressed. Mind and body definitely going through withdrawal now. #growthmindset I will push through. Almost at 10 days.
  15. DANG IT... The trigger is my phone. I've read of people doing a tech fast, and that will be the next step in adapting for me. Just ordered a digital alarm clock on Amazon so I can keep my phone out of my room at night, and I will be completely shutting my phone off during set hours that make sense for me. I'll only feel terrible about relapsing last night unless I take solid action going forward, so I will be implementing all of these things asap and will let you all know how it goes for me. I WON'T GIVE UP
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 11, 2020
  16. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Thanks, guys. I have been doing really well the past couple days, no thoughts or urges. It actually seems a bit easier to control, overall. But tonight I had an argument with my girlfriend and it pushed me to where I found myself looking at porn again... I know it's dumb to do, that's why I'm back here... I just need to read some posts from you guys and get my mind right.
  17. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    The more you seek porn, in such times, the farther you are drawn from her. Fuck porn and Choose your girlfriend who cares and FUCK those Slu*

    Stay STRONG brother!
  18. So true! Really good response right here! PMO kills love, so when you fight it you are fighting for her instead of against her. PMO is just gonna make things worse and cause more arguments. The short term pleasure will cause long term displeasure in your relationship. Recently I fell back at square one, but took action to avoid again in the future. I found a specific trigger in a specific situation that my brain gravitated towards, and I removed that trigger and will thus am making my mind choose a better option next time. Find a different way to vent out and start doing it in those situations!
  19. MakeorBreakTime

    MakeorBreakTime Fapstronaut

    Fuck, guys. The argument with my girlfriend carried over to today... I tried to be rational and talk it out with her, but it felt like she didn't really care what I had to say... and it's like this voice in my head is asking me what the point is. I know I can't blame anyone else but myself for my actions, and I know we all have our own problems... But damn, it's really been a bad day for me. I feel like any progress I thought I had made is unraveling. I'll try to be better tomorrow. I hope you guys are accomplishing your goals.
  20. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    I am no one to say this, but:
    Sit down with her, talk it out.
    And after the discussion, Do something for each other, make dinner! whatever you love!
    Sweet Kevin likes this.