What is your opinion about masturbation (without porn)?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BloodyM, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. You dodged all of my counter-arguments and I guess you're calling that a win. And you won't even explain why masturbation is unhealthy after all this time.
    Wave Surfer 2.0 likes this.
  2. Think about it this way: people masturbated since the times of humans and yet we are still here.
    Masturbation doesn't harm anyone.
    Even if you want to argue that it harms the one doing the deed - you need to be specific. How does it do that?
    So far there is no evidence that it harms anyone except for those doing it compulsively.
    So at this point, we can safely conclude that doing that doesn't harm anyone and therefore is not a moral issue.
    It is also not detrimental to your health.

    There is really no reason to do it. People do it though because it's a pleasurable thing to do.

    Masturbation =/= banging your head on the wall.
    Masturbation =/= smoking.

    Come up with something sensible or agree to disagree.
    Or hate me. Whatever floats your boat.
  3. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    You're a legend. This can be absolutely correct. I did had such experiences in childhood and yes these were my very first sexual experiences.
    If you have any tips for me please share.
  4. So in summary, the main arguments against masturbation are: you lose 0.33mg of zinc every time you cum. I guess I got destroyed.
    Wave Surfer 2.0 likes this.
  5. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    In short. What he want to say is masturbation is not really good. You can definitely live without it.
  6. Where did you get that 40% from?

    I read success stories many times. Don't make me laugh at them again.
  7. That's a weak argument.
    You can live without many things. In fact, you can live on bread and water alone. Because you can definitely live without many things.
    But... Why? What is the point?
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    At the end, if you want to masturbate, no o e is stopping you. But if you decide to not do so, it's good for you only
    Wave Surfer 2.0 likes this.
  9. Wave Surfer 2.0

    Wave Surfer 2.0 New Fapstronaut

    I understand. Then you need to address it at the root cause, on a psychological level, probably with the help of a therapist. Check out this video, it's not about foot fetish, but the basic concept is the same, no matter what fetish you have.
  10. How is that good for you not to do it exactly?
    The argument "you can live without it" =/= it's not really good.
  11. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Because it has side effects
    1. Risk of addiction
    2. Social detachment
    3. Anxiety
    4. Withdrawal symptoms
    5. Sexual thoughts whole day.
    6. Loss of some zinc lol.
    7. Desensitivization to anything other than your hands and that grip
  12. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Thanks I'll try it
    Wave Surfer 2.0 likes this.
  13. 1. Too vague. Please expand.
    2. What
    3. What x2
    4. What exactly?
    5. Happens without it lol. To everyone. Delete this point.
    6. Also bad argument. You don't lose much of it meaning it can be easily replenished. It's bad approach not to do things that cost kcal and other nutrients because to do that you would have to do absolutely nothing other than lying on your back for the rest of your life.
    So yes. A dumb argument. Not a reason why M is bad for you.
    7. Might be subjective. Might be that your point is too vague.

    Not very convincing.
  14. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    So can watching vanilla porn help me rewire my brain faster? Or should I just stop watching them? Because at this point I have just started to figure out only what thing of girls actually arouses us
  15. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Screw that. I don't want to explain anything. Do whatever you want to do. I quit.
  16. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    It won't even boost my recovery and rewiring process? It would be humiliating to not even get aroused at that sex time
  17. You have no points to make so you decide to just give up?
    I mean at this point I realise that here masturbation is like religion and so any kind of argument makes no sense at all. People just have some ideas about it and fiercely defend them no matter what.

    But it's a bit nonsensical to say that masturbation = 2. Social detachment, and 3. Anxiety
    Like wut?
    How would that even work?
  18. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    These detachment and anxiety are not my words. Some people shared their experiences on this in this same thread. You can go and read.
  19. I read enough. Can't be bothered to do that again.

    Btw. Why do you repeat them if they aren't your words then?
  20. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Because it looks genuine. Although I never faced it but there are lots of people that did