What are the reasons that you're here?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by BloodyM, Jul 18, 2020.

  1. BloodyM

    BloodyM Fapstronaut

    Hey there!
    So, lately, I've been wondering to myself..
    Have you ever thought about the reason why you're actually here on this website and why do you need Nofap in your life?

    I'm asking that because I've been trying to search for an answer to myself for the past 47 days as to why I'm here and I didn't find it yet.. :X
    My whole nofap journey started as something very spontaneous, I didn't have any plan or reason to do it.. just a random urge to reach a certain amount of days without it.
    Hopefully this thread will help me
  2. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I struggle with this too. I know porn can be a problem in my life, but I have struggled to be consistent and desperate to put together a long streak in a while. I’m in thus comfortable middle place that isn’t sober.
  3. Compulsive masturbation and porn use, causing physical and psychological problems.
  4. Farzium

    Farzium Fapstronaut

    I'm here to create a better life for myself through NoFap and overall becoming a better human being.
  5. Because porn sucks, and the longer you use it the harder it is to stay away like drug use. While I'm in a pretty good place now I still have issues around urges off and on (recently a lot worse), and coming here helps me keep things under control, especially being accountable and surrounding oneself with others going through addictions.
    The Symbol of Hope likes this.
  6. I started with the intention to improve myself and learn from others. I was looking for a mentor and messaged some "successful" Fapstronauts that seem to have a good character. I didn't find a mentor. So I just started my journey. On my way I found many others who I respect and become friends with. I was looking for myself and a way out of this. Now I found myself and a way out is in sight. I don't need the website NoFap but it helps with recovering from the addiction. Also I can help others and learn from them as well :)
    SickSicko and (deleted member) like this.
  7. BloodyM

    BloodyM Fapstronaut

    The thing is that I don't find it as a 'struggle'.
    It was just a random urge to check my limits and to possibly improve my life habits.
    But right now I'm kind of stuck to whether I want to continue doing it or no.
    Like what?
    Could you please describe the problems that you're talking about?
    I've been talking about masturbation in general, not about porn
    but you're definitely right!
    How long are you away from pmo by the way? :]
    I'd love to be your accountability partner if you wouldn't mind
  8. FutureKing

    FutureKing Fapstronaut

    Religious reasons, while I wasn't addicted at the level of many here, I wanted to see if it was truly possible to practice complete celibacy. At this point I am here to BS on forums. I also like to transmute sexual energy into focus in my personal endeavors. Basically it's all one big drawn out alchemical experiment.
  9. Sure. Inability to orgasm with women. Extreme difficulty masturbating without a "death grip" or prone masturbation. Hours of the day spent jerking off at the cost of other, more important activities. Objectification of women. Loss of attraction, desire for partners (because there will always be someone hotter on the screen, ie. too many options to settle down with one person). Thus, ruined relationships, and undeserved emotional trauma caused to partners.
  10. Because I had an addiction.
    Because it was ruining my life.
    I didn't get out to watch porn.
    I missed parties for watching porn.
    I failed exams because I watched porn instead of studying.
    And the name of the site is cool.
  11. mouton1998

    mouton1998 Fapstronaut

    I'm here because my life, last year, was really falling apart. I struggled with depression and, some days, with suicide thoughts; I already knew my compulsive use of pornography was a problem wich increased my mental ilness, so I went on the internet and I found this community (thanks to reddit).
    My life has improved a bit; I still struggle with excessive porn consumption, but at least I've learned some methods to avoid frequent relapses.

    P.S.: sorry for my bad English :emoji_grimacing:
    fg4795 and ANewFocus like this.
  12. Lecovesck

    Lecovesck Fapstronaut

    Eu estou aqui pela minha realização pessoal e profissional. Não consigo me imaginar obtendo qualquer tipo de sucesso na vida enquanto estiver me masturbando ou vendo pornografia.
  13. Porn sucks. It has kept me in chains for 15 years. I'm sick of it driving my thoughts, emotions and actions.
  14. BloodyM

    BloodyM Fapstronaut

    It sounds like porn had a major and negative impact over your life.
    I feel sorry for you
    'The name of the site is cool' good one xD
    Good luck bro!
    fg4795, Lecovesck and FellatiousD like this.
  15. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    I'm just shocked that society is doing such a poor job of fighting back against the 25% of the internet and other tech. which is porn in various forms. I'm shocked that the women have not been fighting back successfully since they are often the victims through legal action against the producers. I'm shocked ministries take a knee jerk reaction to members who are accessing it; not seeing them as poor addicts and victims but as bad people and perverts somehow.

    There are plenty of good solutions through good social and ministerial activity, but for some reason there are not many succeeding.
    Chris_Cactusblossom and fg4795 like this.
  16. Hey, I am serious.
    I mean there's a lot of places in which I could try.
    But I liked the name, so I chose this one ;)
    Chris_Cactusblossom likes this.
  17. Same here. It fits with a general trend of self-improvement in my life, but I only see it as one (important) part of the whole.
    fg4795 likes this.
  18. To help others. People here helped me get outta sewers, so I would very much like to do the same if possible.
  19. I started NoFap, because I wanted to be better in my relationship. I finally started to see how my excessive PMO was ruining my relationship. I wasn't being the man my fiancée deserved. I also dealt with a ton of brain fog, mood swings, and other issues because of the addiction. I've slipped up quite a bit during this journey, but I continue to learn new ways to improve as time goes on. This site has been a big help, and I'm grateful it exists.
    fg4795 likes this.
  20. I need a massive change to my state and the way in which I experience life. I feel like we are missing out on better quality states because of how numb pmo can make you
    ANewFocus likes this.