anyone also give up alcohol ??

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Islanders190, May 27, 2017.

  1. dico888

    dico888 Fapstronaut

    You are 6 months sober? Or you have it under complete control for 6 months? Either way, congratulations man! My longest streak was 2,5 months back in 2015. Then I slowly rolled back in. But as I said, I have a shitload of motivation this time and won't quit this time, trust me :)

    The weird thing is, normally I would've opened my first beer by now (of the 2), but by getting this off my chest the urge is less strong. Maybe I'll skip today.

    Again, congrats on the 6 months man, many people underestimate how hard it is, I, unfortunately, do not. :D
  2. InfinitePossibilities

    InfinitePossibilities Fapstronaut

  3. Dake1963

    Dake1963 Fapstronaut

    After a messy break-up from my girlfriend, I got into a habit of spending perhaps 3-6 hours a day PMO while drinking 1-2 bottles of wine.

    That lasted 8 months. I stopped drinking for two months and then slid back into drinking. I have now decided it is all or nothing, and my daily counter is a counter for no PMO as well as no alcohol. The no alcohol is really a life-long commitment and I simply can't drink 'responsibly.' I am getting professional help with the alcohol issue.
  4. vibemaker

    vibemaker Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Congrats on 25 Days No Alcohol & PMO @Dake1963 . This is really a great achievement. All the best!
  5. InfinitePossibilities

    InfinitePossibilities Fapstronaut

    By quitting alcohol i also lost contact to people who drink unresponsible (like i did for years).

    There are many friendships dependend on alcohol, and if you take alcohol out of the friendship, there's no reason left to meet each other.

    Many friendships dependend on alcohol are also dependend on every member feeling bad, behaving as if getting drunk would be "fun" because money, life, job, wife ... sucks.

    The moment you change your mindset and take responsibility for your life, behavior and spirituality is the moment when you are no longer part of such friendships.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    Islanders190 and vibemaker like this.
  6. lantti

    lantti Fapstronaut

    The problem with drinking goes hand to hand with pmo. And rest of the problems.
  7. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    I could not agree more with everything you said in the past when I tried to quit drinking and I was sober I tried hanging out with my "friends" at the bar sober but it just didn't work. we had nothing to talk about and I was extremely bored. I guess all our conversations took place when we were drunk. because we bonded over drinking and once you remove that there's nothing to bond over anymore. another time I went to a friend's house who drinks like a fish and at the time I was trying to get sober and this guy kept telling me to take a drink etc for the whole damn time it was really annoying. me and this guy were childhood friends who reconnected again when we were in ours 20s.but what we both wanted out of life was different things. I had to let go of that friendship because it didn't serve me anymore
    not to say he doesn't text me from time to time when he's in my area asking to come over to drink
    btw the presense process looking interesting might add it to my list of books to read

    InfinitePossibilities likes this.
  8. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    that's awesome man I wish you the best on your journey ! my alcoholism really took flight also when a girl I loved 4 years ago couldn' be with me due to her circumstances . her family wanted her with a guy of her spiritual I don't Beleive religion should stop 2 people from being together. I was devastated I tried killing myself twice one attempt was jumping in the river because I can't swim. when that didn't work I went to the bottle who became my best friend over the years. but I eventually relaized alcohol is no friend it's a judas in disguise

  9. Yeah. Things I gave up:

    1. PMO
    2. Alcohol
    3. Marijuana
    4. Self-Conscious Thoughts (working on this one)
  10. grayjustin

    grayjustin Fapstronaut

    I don't drink for more than 6 years. Now I know what is real life and how beautiful it is and I don't want anyone else to feel what I was like when I was drunk. Thanks to my family that they helped me to escape from this disease. Alcoholism is a disease and if one of your friends or a member of your family has it, help him to fight with it because it is very hard to fight alone. I read all possible information about (how to, help an alcoholic stop drinking) and I believe you can return them to normal life.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
    Islanders190 and Indurian like this.
  11. magic05

    magic05 Fapstronaut

    I try giving up alcohol since a couple years already. Always failed so far. It's a tough, slow and evil addiction. It's hard to quit, cause you can buy it anywhere and it's cheap. Fucks up your brain and body even more than PMO, I can assure you of that.

    I started drinking alcohol at the exact same time like I started with PMO (around age of 14-15 years). I still don't know which addiction came first. Porn or alcohol? Which is the root cause? My therapist has no answer to that.

    But I know my PMO and alcohol addiction are very closely related. They fuel each other. I feel like they are allied together in order to make my life miserable. Up until last December I was still in charge of it more or less, like I was able to stop after 2-3 beers, but these days if I drink 1 single beer right now, there's a 99% chance I'll wake up with a bad hangover and a hard PMO binge the next day. I can't control it anymore. 1 beer equals 6+ beers. It's either 0% or 100%. If I taste a little bit of alcohol (especially in a beer) I get greedy and want so much until I fall asleep from exhaustion. I think that makes me an alcoholic by definition?

    I still hope to quit alcohol before I turn 31.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    Islanders190 likes this.
  12. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    When it comes to being a alcoholic Ive read it comes down to is alcohol negatively impacting your life ? Work, family, health, love life ?
    I haven’t had a drink since august of 2019. from mostly 2013 to 2017 of November I was full blown alcoholic. in 2013 and 2014 I was constantly in bars. I can’t tell you the amount of money I blew since 2013 on booze. With a pmo addiction thrown into it I’ve said and done a lot of embarrassing stuff and done stuff That could have got me into legal trouble. I’m very fortunate. I tried everything to stop drinking, I tried moderation, tried drinking beer with less alcohol content etc I was a true alcoholic and the cravings were unbearable.
    In November of 2017 I embarrassed myself at the bar because I was so drunk and hit on a waitress to aggressively and yelled at my drinking buddies I got thrown out of the bar and cut off from drinking. That was just the start. That same night walking home drunk I had a petted a street cat and it bit me and ran into our house. I ended up getting into a first fight with my dad and blaming him for the life I lived and told him how I would never forget the beatings he did to my mom, sister and me. It was a true nightmare bro. I wake up the next day my left hand is blown the Fu* k up. The cat biting my hand infected me, I have no insurance and had to face and deal with what I did and said to my family the night before. It was my rock bottom. I went on to drink 4 times total in 2018. 3 times in 2019. now I haven’t had a drink since last year august I forgot the date, I would have to check my phone. what I did to my family that date was my rock bottom. I said I never wanted to be a alcoholic like my dad was growing up and being violent and I became that very person that night. My relationship with alcohol was never the same. Also years of drinking everyday I think I messed up my dopamine. When I did drink I wasn’t getting the pleasure I used to get I would try drinking more but I was not getting that buzz I used to love, all I would get is drunk and tired after trying to chase that high thst I loved. since November of 2017 I’ve tried drinking 7 times and it just doesn’t give me pleasure anymore it actually feels like a chore for me now. The ultimate rock Bottom that changed my relationship to alcohol though was that night I came home drunk and fought with family.
    As for why we drink, pmo etc it’s like all addictions. The main reason we do these things is to self soothe. We do these things to find relief from the pain. We deal with life, stress, low self esteem, unworthiness etc by acting out with pmo, drinking alcohol etc

    Again pmo and drinking etc is a way we take care of ourself. A negative way.
    Will I never drink again ? Idk it’s like will I ever pmo again ? Idk I’m not a fortune teller. I have to use my tools to take care of myself in a healthy way so I don’t return to my negative vices. But with drinking if I went on a date in the future maybe I may go for a drink idk. But my heavy drinking days are over now I just don’t have the energy to keep up and to much pain from the past to have it control me again. When I drink it numbs me to life it’s like my spirituality goes down or something

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    Timecop likes this.
  13. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing this. I consider myself lucky, since I never had problem with alcohol. I only drink maybe 3 to 5 times a year ( Rarely more than 4 beers or I want to puke ). But I can understand why its addictive. Its because its a way to escape reality for a few hours.
    Islanders190 likes this.
  14. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    I gave it up because it interferes with a good night sleep.
    Islanders190 likes this.
  15. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    That was me in 2018 and 2019 when I drank. The next day I regretted it so much. I had low energy, could not connect with nature, tired, head hurt, horny, Drinking had blunted my senses. 21 to 27 I could feel like crap and still drink the same day. I recovered fast. At 29 now It takes me long to recover from alcohol I hate the way I feel after a day of drinking. I’m happy I was able to get a handle on drinking even though I had to hit a major rock bottom to get myself together. Pmo on the other hand has been a decade long on and off again issue. I turn 30 this year and want to get some recovery before the year ends and I begin the next decade of my life.
    drinking alcohol is like gasoline to pmo’s fire. Drinking shuts down your logical brain leaving your primal brain to take front and center so it’s very hard to resist urges to fap when drinking or hungover.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  16. encoupejas

    encoupejas Fapstronaut

    I was only partially addicted, but I realized this in time, so I quickly switched to coffee, thus destroying the alcohol addiction in the вud
  17. I gave up drinking during lockdown - it was just too tempting and dangerous - and now after 118 days I don't miss it and the thought of drinking is kind of nauseating. I found an NA beer I really like because I genuinely like the taste of certain hoppy ales with food - but I realized I only drank wine for the buzz.

    I read several books including "the Easy Way to Quit Drinking" and "This Naked Brain" which really worked - I lost my urge to drink. I wish someone would write a fapping book like that :)
  18. I really started to value the peace of mornings so much that I didn't want to impede them with drinking.
  19. BlackJesus_

    BlackJesus_ Fapstronaut

    Hey, never had a drinking problem, but a very HUGE PMO addiction. Your story inspires me to abstain from this toxic behavior I’ve been wasting so many years of my life with. We can get beat this thing.

    And YYH is such a great anime, very slept on.
    Islanders190 likes this.
  20. 2MuchSauce916

    2MuchSauce916 Fapstronaut

    I used to drink pretty heavily once I turned 21 but I was able to cut down on it in the past 2 years or so without any problems. But I am seriously thinking of quitting alcohol for a good while. as of this streak of 1 month & 2 weeks tomorrow no matter if I have one beer or a few I wake up feeling anxious, depressed like feelings, low motivation. It’s weird because it’s not like I’m hungover as I only had 1 beer so idk why this has been occurring, but is enough to make me consider giving up alcohol for a time being