So many drama queens?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by NothingMoreNothingLess, Oct 10, 2019.

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  1. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Hello again my man! How are you doing? With all due respect Shady, I really mean no disrespect because I know you are a really good guy here, but I just noticed you backed up OP in that linked thread against the alleged “misogynyists.” Yet, you are using the word “teenage girls” as if it associated to something pathetic or negative. Wouldn’t that mean you are breaking the morals you set forth for yourself to believe in? o_O

    I don’t think he is shit talking though, but just pointed it out since there is a lot of drama going on right now. Not a lot of people can challenge anything on there since the OP seemed to have blocked the folks she disagrees with. And wow! I finally predicted something! :cool:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
    brilliantidiot and GottaBFree like this.
  3. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Being a teenage girl is okay, because teenagers tend to have biological reasons for being stupid. Especially for girls that seems to manifest as shit talking and gossipping. Yet I think it would be appropriate to expect that grown people with more life experience and more stable brain chemistry could behave more maturely and address diagreenments directly with the people involved.

    I'll admit that I could have judged too quickly, but I got the feeling @brilliantidiot wanted to come here to talk about the other thread without having to talk with the people in the other thread so his views would be less likely to get challenged. Note that he could have alternatively linked this thread to the other thread and said the same thing he said here.
  4. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Understandable, but totally wrong. The mods are deleting my and others posts in that thread, which makes it look like a massive circlejerk. I was just pointing out the OP's observation was even more correct now than ever. And if you actually took time to read the thread, you would notice that Castielle has already replied here, which means she got an alert about my post, if she hasn't blocked me. So yeah trying to talk about this behind her back is not what I was trying to do. The fact that I posted the link here and not in the other thread is non-evidence of my motives. But hell, maybe I will post this thread there after all.
  5. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Okay, you have proven me wrong. My apologies.
  6. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    No problem.
    Hold it in likes this.
  7. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I've got to give it to you man, you are a very respectable member here. We had a disagreement here and we both explained our take on a said statement, and then ended it respectfully. That is what I am talking about when I say that this off topic section has lost mutual respect for each other when we're in a support group. I saw a post not too long ago a user making fun of someone's reboot process because of a different opinion and it sort of disgusted me. I mean, it's just the internet right? Our words should basically be taken with a grain of salt. You're a very genuine guy and seem like a really chill person to hang out with. God bless man and good work on 21 days! Let's increase that number day by day! :cool:
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  8. Whoa. Somebody on the internet admitted they were wrong and even apologized for it. Damn, where are people like you at?
  9. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Thank you for all the nice words :D
    I just think that fighting and flame wars hardly ever solve anything. Thus I try to remain respectful so that maybe even the arguments I have could result in something beautiful.
  10. johnmarston2001

    johnmarston2001 New Fapstronaut

    The best kind. ;)
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2019
    pickledRick and brilliantidiot like this.
  11. johnmarston2001

    johnmarston2001 New Fapstronaut

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  12. johnmarston2001

    johnmarston2001 New Fapstronaut

    It’s pathetic, I mean what’s next, will I be banned for having Trump as my picture because snowflakes don’t like it? The PC culture nowadays is ruining everything, we can’t even have civil discussions anymore without some tool piping up that we’re “offensive”, or what we believe in is “wrong”. There is no right viewpoint as everyone is different, and we don’t have the same opinions so why are we punished for what we believe in but not them?

    My favourite is when they slide into your thread or discussion, and start insulting you personally and use things like bigoted, “misogynistic” (lmao), racist, etc. That’s perfectly acceptable here and we end up getting in trouble even though they were the assholes to us, there’s no fairness here.

    You have to be careful of what you say now especially on here, one wrong thing (in NoFap’s eyes) and you’re done. So many people have been banned for what they believe in its insane, I hope you don’t take too much shit for what you say or post. You’re strong and we need a lot more men like you, that aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and speak out about the crap that goes on here. You’ve got my respect man.

  13. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    One of the worst thread on here imo. Half of the decent posts have been deleted in that thread though so it looks like a massive circlejerk.
    pickledRick and johnmarston2001 like this.
  14. johnmarston2001

    johnmarston2001 New Fapstronaut

    People complaining need to check their egos at the door and realise they’re not superior or right in any damn way. We’re not allowed to have differing opinions here, and anything at any time the left could get butt hurt and just report you, just because they didn’t like what you said for literally any reason. Yet somehow we’re the bad guys, yeah okay Alex, this is run more like a dictatorship by removing not only freedom of speech but also completely censoring others... If you don’t like something then leave, simple as that.

    I mean just look at the pathetic thread OP made,

    how delusional can you get? I’ve never ever seen misogyny in here and rather guys stating their views, but oh no the snowflakes roll in to shut everything down. Imagine if everything was reversed and it was happening to them? They get away with so much and they still complain about “fairness” and “equality”.

    They’re just immature bullies that never grew up and have the maturity level of five year olds, I mean just look at how angry and hostile the women get here, especially those two... I won’t say more on that subject as we know where that would head right? ;)

    Anyhoo I appreciate your guys views here so keep doing what you’re doing, don’t let these whiners win and voice your opinion. This country was founded on freedom of speech, the only way we stand a chance is to band together and speak up.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2019
    pickledRick and brilliantidiot like this.
  15. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    I agree. Trump is a HUGE snowflake.

    However, there was one time where the Trump-o-Holics had a valid point about One and Done Donny being picked on for NO REASON - it really was FAKE NEWS that time.

    People were saying that Mulligan McDonald was out of shape! Balderdash I say! Our Impeached Imperial Idiot is NOT OUT OF SHAPE at all!

    He is Round and Round is a shape.

    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. And here we are, arguing about arguing.
    Deleted Account and engelman like this.
  17. pickledRick

    pickledRick New Fapstronaut

    I was talking about her, but I guess there's actually two snowflakes here! Unlike that snake Biden, Trump at least gets things done, and always puts America first. If the left had their way this country would be in ruins.

    I'll pick "round" any day, as long as this country doesn't fall to the hands of SJW's and the left agenda.

  18. DrabToLight

    DrabToLight Fapstronaut

    Here are a few things President Plump has gotten done:

    1. He built a wall, a great wall. Why? How? Just like he said, he's a builder, he knows how to build things.
    (FALSE! Out of 2,400 miles of border with Mexico, some previously falling down wall of about 240 miles has been reinforced)

    2. But, Hey! Wait, Donny Darko did get Mexico to send us a 100 Billion Dollar Check to pay for the wall.
    (FALSE! Mexico has not paid us one penny towards the Great Invisible Wall of Trump)

    3. Trump Ordered that hundreds of thousands of gallons of black paint be purchased to paint the new (not yet built) wall black. His logic is that black paint would make the wall hot to the touch.
    (TRUE! Tax Payers actually have purchased massive amounts of black paint to put on a wall that doesn't exist.)

    4. China! Trump knew how to deal with China...
    (FALSE! China kicked our butts in a trade war. Trump had to go to the fiscal conservatives in congress to get three multi-billion dollar bailouts for American farmers to make up for the crops rotting in silos that China didn't buy. In farm country in the US they are called "Trump Dollars" - socialism if you ask me)

    5. NAFTA - Only the Great and Powerful Wizard of New York City knew how to fix NAFTA
    (Mmmmph ... he "fixed" it by taking the NAFTA deal, scratching out NAFTA and replacing it with USMCA. So, he did "fix" the name. Otherwise, it's the same deal with a new name)

    6. The VA.
    (Yeah, he hasn't fixed that, thought about it, nor done anything to help the VA.)

    7. NATO Back Dues from ...
    (STOP! NATO has no dues. Other than that, he fixed it.)

    8. Coal Jobs.
    (NOPE. Exactly how West Virginia is still deep red for Trump is a mystery. Seriously, not one single coal miner is working again after four years!)

    9. Going to surround himself with only the best people.
    (NOT. Well, he sorta did. He hired some pretty good people. Then, when they told him the truth, he fired them.)

    10. North Korea. Today is the one year anniversary of Trump announcing that he'd received a three-page letter from "little rocket dude" and that the US and North Korea were going to solve the Korean War and all Nuclear issues.
    (NOT REALLY. North Korea has since announced it will no longer speak with the Trump administration. If the nut job in North Korea thinks President Plump is too crazy to deal with, how can any American think Trump is sane?)

    11. Smartest Guy Ever to Hold the Office.
    (With an IQ of 73)
    trump-iq.jpg trump-iq.jpg

    I don't see where he has kept even one promise.
  19. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    Oh god, it came back cringier and saltier than ever.
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