Time to become real men.

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by False promise, May 3, 2020.

  1. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    Want to stop porn? Meet girls.
    Want to stop wanking? Meet girls.
    Want to control your sexual energy? Meet girls, develop relationship, fall in love, have sex.

    It's that simple.
    MHero likes this.
  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    It’s not your concern whether I’m here or not. Don’t generalize and assume I hate everyone just because I dislike some users. Clearly as seen in this thread I’m getting along fine with many people. In fact, you are the only one now intruding on the productive thread we had going here. Ps: don’t talk about whining when you cry to mods and beg people to report me... pathetic.
    MHero and WarriorofLight like this.
  3. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    90 days would solve everything? Not at all. Reboot is not the right term. The right term is change of lifestyle.

    Want to be the best man you can be? Have human connections. Have relationships. They help you succeed. Stay in your mission and become the man you are meant to be.

    Know the saying that you are the reflection of 5 closest friends? This is WHY having human connections are so important in helping you become the best man you can be. That includes dating women and having sex.

    The only reason why I'm here tonight online on a Friday night is one: Pandemic. That's the only reason, otherwise I'd be out with my friends tonight having a beer and having deep talks on life stuff, on how we can improve ourselves, etc.

    This website is great for short term goals. It gives you tools you need to help reach your noPMO goals, but if you want to make REAL life changes, you really have to get offline and go out and get started on meeting your specific reasonable short-term and long-term goals.

    I'm developing a S.M.A.R.T. plan for both short term and long term goals.

    Google many successful men such as Elon Musk, Gary V, Tony Robbins, etc just to name a few. They really don't spent much time worrying about fapping. They focus their energies on other things. That's the kind of man I want to become.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
    MHero likes this.
  4. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    This is exactly how I’ve felt lately as well. This is what I mean.. once you truly make the decision then the battle is already won. I think urges (most of the time) are a symptom of fence sitting. Going back in forth on whether you should do it or not. Alternatively if you have the conviction before hand, then any temptation you may face is mostly brushed off immediately. Urges only gain strength when the idea of indulgence is debated. Otherwise theyre just thoughts that are quickly ignored or shut down.
  5. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    I started masturbating around grade 6, at the latest grade 7. I purely used my imagination. Yet I did it profusely. The use of porn for masturbation wasn’t that big, at least for me until I got a smart phone with unlimited internet access. I was probably 17 or 18 by then. At that point is what just an upgrade to make self stroking sessions a little more enjoyable.

    The thing is, porn use tends to halt when masturbation does. But masturbation doesn’t halt when porn use does. Take away porn and kids will still masturbate.
    hadenuf, MHero, ShowProof and 3 others like this.
  6. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    A few comments have gone back and forth about the purpose of this thread......and site. Let's not confuse the two. This THREAD is for semen retainers who wish to eliminate ejaculation and masturbation entirely from their lives for the sake of their mental and physical well-being.

    I believe it was agreed to early on in this thread that the only useful ejaculation was for procreation.

    To this end: I have pledged to eliminate ejaculation and masturbation (but not sex with my wife) from my life. She is supporting me by no longer allowing me intercourse with her. But we remain in intimate contact.
  7. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    This is PERHAPS one of the reasons why most(if not all) “Monks” can’t live with The public. They’ve got absolutely zero endurance to handle bs.

    If so is the case, We’re actually Emotionally stronger than them in that respect.
    seaguy44, StarRider and Davidphd1866 like this.
  8. seaguy44

    seaguy44 Moderator Assistant

    This. I agree, I used to admire monks for their strong stance on semen retention, etc... but now I'm thinking... wait a minute they really haven't experienced the real world (social media, girls, distractions, sex, etc). We all do, not them. So that means we are stronger men than they are
  9. Not exactly true. I mean... On one hand they haven't faced all of this, but on another they have renounced all worldly comforts including tasty food (as what they eat is bland and unimaginative) which none of us can ever pull of. So idk who is stronger, but chances on them being hardier is mighty high.
  10. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Not on much of a "streak", but trying to not think about it that way really. You know those things you think about doing, but never get to it? I'm doing some of them. I'm upgrading my computer hard drive because it had an old, completely full hard drive that was preventing me from loading new programs (programming) etc. I also got a personal trainer for tomorrow just to try to get back in shape. I also got a weed eater for my yard which I kept pushing off. The grass is about to go dormant, but next year I will have a spectacular yard. Go! Do! Live!
    MHero likes this.
  11. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Umm.. I guess One can’t generalise.
    It will vary with categories. Food, Emotions, and so on..
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Just become a monk. Not being rude, its a serious option :)
  13. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

  14. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    You mean cut any kind of contact with any Woman who can give ‘em boners?
  15. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    Haha Vision(Touch is, but Vision is the first step lol) is a Dominating sense.
  16. Exactly... I have been saying this since day 1... Invest in your social circle, alongside working out on your looks, knowledge and skills. Most people who have problems with PMO are there in the first place because of not being able to successfully handle women/men and get laid enough.
  17. MHero

    MHero Fapstronaut

    Sorry guys I relapsed again.
    No excuse, it was my fault,
    I'm weaker than before, I didn't resist the urges.

    I'll continue my good habits. Another sleepless night :(

    What should I do ? Please help me.
  18. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    How has this relapse made you feel?
    MHero likes this.
  19. MHero

    MHero Fapstronaut

    It made me feel like shit. At first, I didn't felt guilty.

    I worked hard during the day. At night I couldn't sleep, it was around 1:00 AM. I felt aroused, then I decided to relapse.
    I stayed up till 4:00 AM. I was planning to wake up at 7:00 AM, workout, study, and learn new things. But all my plans got ruined.
    I waked up at 10:30 AM, now I don't feel like doing anything (Another wasted day, I'm wasting my life).

    I'm lost, I know that I have to decide seriously to stop. But I just can't make this decision (seriously), it's not because I don't want to. It's because deep in my mind I know I'm lying to myself.
    I feel like, I don't have a strong reason to stop, I know I'm wrong, but this is what comes to my mind, I told myself, it's fine to watch P. It's like I can't get enough of it.

    Will watching P, I felt like I'm going down a deep well. I know I'm hurting myself, but I think, that my pain isn't enough to stop me. I feel that I'm weak and exhausted.
    I think I'm getting addicted, more than before. I relapsed after 3 days, I rarely relapse after such a short time. I'm tired of this life. I'm disappointed on myself.
    I feel lonely, I don't have friends, I don't go out so much. 90% of my life is in front of a screen because this my work, I don't have any social activities, I must change this, but I don't know how.

    I'm like a zombie.
    I trained hard during the past 3 days. Every day I do my workout, study, build and create new things. But It didn't seem to work, I'm struggling to build a new lifestyle. I want to take a break, but I don't know-how.
    Actually I'm on a vacation, I still have five days, to rest, learn new things, and work on my personal projects. Yet I'm tired even more than working.

    This addiction, is the biggest problem of my life, I want to get rid of it for ever. but know how.
  20. Robbedoes

    Robbedoes Fapstronaut

    21 Days semen retention and i’m feeling great. This is the streak that’s going to last 90 days and beyond! I can feel it. Today at work I Unintentionally made strong eyecontact with a 40something year old atractive woman and she was smiling uncontrolably. May seem like nothing to some of you but i’m feeling fantastic.