Porn ruined my life attempt #3

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Victimofcircumstamce9977, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Hi i posted a thread 3 days ago about my struggles with pmo and its correlation with being molested but its still under moderator review before going public :( its a very long post so im just wondering now where i can post what has happened to me and i can get some feedback from anyone here because im losing it right now with no one to talk to. Im 4 days in no pmo, but i still feel horrible about what i did 5 days ago. Idk im tryna remain stable.
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Can’t change the past. Own it and move on or getting eaten up like a termite infestation. Work on the now, today. Focus!
  3. Yea i know. But what i did is something i just dont wanna own. Ill just say it here shortened. I was molested on more than one occasion as a young boy, by 2 other males from my family. As i got older i seemed to have this experience buried until i started abusing substances way more than i should that brought back up these traumatic memories when i was 17-18. That combined with my addiction to pmo that clearly stems from the need to feed that demon that touched me when i was a child, led me to right here and 5 days ago when i went to see a ts escort. I didn’t penetrate or get penetrated but the was still stuff that went on. I hated the whole moment from driving there to while it was happening. I dont even know who i am right now
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    It’s horrible that happened and even more difficult to have to cope with it and then to not let it own some piece of you.

    therapy definitely helps and a group like SAA can help tremendously.

    I know the feeling you had driving to that escort—consciously you tell yourself not to do it while you are in the midst of doing it. Like some little monster has hijacked your will and you just can’t stop. I feel ya.

    stay strong, get a group, keep up therapy—stay off the devices. Public library is saving my ass. Reading whatever I get my hands on.
  5. Thank you its a work in progress. Its really the worst ive ever felt in my life. But im digging. Thank you for your words
    tryro123 and Azzure like this.
  6. I went without internet in my home for a year and would only go to the public library if I needed to look something up. That was 11 years ago and haven’t looked at P since. The public library saved me as well :).
  7. Yes it is a work in progress. You are a work in progress and your Higher Power know exactly what you are going through. I’m not sure if you are religious, hence why I mentioned Higher Power - it can be whatever you want it to be. You are cared for and admired by your Higher Power.

    I just wanted to say keep coming back. It will all work out, eventually. I may not have the answers, and I may not know exactly what you are going through but as a brother from another mother and as one who has his fair share of troubles and challenges I just want to say, you’re a good person. The abuse / molestation netted out on you was not your fault. I’m sorry that happened my friend. Please keep coming back and keep reaching out for help. Keep talking. Keep sharing. There will be peace and support eventually for you.
  8. I do believe in a higher power, a consciousness if you will. I feel a little bit better today than i did before probably because im getting further removed from that detrimental experience but for now i gotta just keep on keeping on. Thank you.
    Azzure and stranger_oreo27 like this.
  9. stranger_oreo27

    stranger_oreo27 Fapstronaut

    What happened in the past was sad and uncalled for. I hope you understand you were not at fault there. What happened 5 days ago was a mistake, its obvious you would feel terrible about it. But there's a bright side, now you know what you don't have to repeat. It won't be easy, it is not meant to be as you said after a few days you are feeling a bit better. Be consistent and that feeling is only going to get better.
    Love and support, all the best mate!
  10. Its hard to believe i was so foolish to make that mistake in the first place. I really thought i was able to handle my need to release at that point. But clearly i was ignorant. Thanks for the words friend i needed em. All the same dude
    stranger_oreo27 likes this.
  11. Maybe a i shouldnt look in the mirror too much. I feel i could never look like myself anymore because i just see the guy who was molested, lost his virginity to and only had sexual experiences with women who were escorts, and who saw a ts escort once, always in the reflection. I see a scumbag, a lowlife. Filth. I feel like im living my life as a lie. I get it. Dont let the past define you. Look and move forward. But jesus talk about easier said than done. Thats all i can feel. I know its not logical, but its how i feel. And idk about reaching out and going to a sa group. Maybe i should. But that would make me face this shit head on and it would make the problem much more real than just in my head and feeling. and maybe theres fear involved in facing it. But man am I disappointed in what ive let myself become. I really let myself go these last few years. Is there a chance at redemption for me? Can i eventually live in a time and space where this situation would just seem so minuscule compared to the grand scheme of things. I hope so. Is there any hope left? Im 1 day in from abstaining. Maybe the more days i do abstain the more these thoughts and feelings will subside, which they usually do less of overtime. But i need to never do it again. I have to at least try reaching a year without indulging. I will Thanks. Just needed to vent. Again.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  12. With abstinence you’ll feel a lot better about yourself. It sounds like you have a rough past, some of which was not your fault. I can’t relate to being molested and I’m sure that has been really hard to deal with. And it’s important to go through the process of working that out. Have you been able to talk to anyone about it?

    You are trying to overcome your past. There is something noble in this. Resist the urge to tell yourself those negative things. You have a lot of worth and you’re not “damaged” or “unrepairable”. It will take time so be patient. And try to be kind to yourself during the process.
  13. I have never talked to anyone about it. Its all part of being a man right smh. Cant carry that around with me. And ive always been hard on myself. I try not to be but i feel ive dug myself in such a hole i cant help but blame myself and hate myself for it. Thank you for your response
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  14. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Dude please forgive yourself, you haven’t hurt anyone or took advantage. You’re a good person that was abused and all the pain and trauma has manifested into addiction which sooner or later escalates. Get some psychotherapy and work on what happened. Treat yourself like you’re someone you care for. Would you scold a child that had been abused. No you’re a good person. The longer you stay away from that filth especially the porn (which for me fuelled a lot of the behaviours) the less guilty you feel. There was a side of me that felt guilty which I’d punish with that degrading stuff to almost set in stone that those thoughts were real.
    Kristin Neff self compassion book has been helping with that inner critic recently ( a little bit cheesey) but makes total sense.
    Good luck
  15. I dont think its cheesy i think its true and makes total sense. Where you said treat yourself like someone you care for is similar to jordan petersons sentiment. Which is beautiful and awesome. I felt like I understood all this to prevent me from pmo yet it really is like how a drug addict eventually gets a tolerance so high he needs higher doses to get that “fix.” Im trying everyday right now. Thank you again for your reply
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.