Felt like sharing this experience

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by GhostRider@11, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    Before reading it, Please don't report this message, I am completely out of that depressed state(Here I didn't meant that I was in depression, it only meant that I was feeling extremely low and was moving towards depression).
    I don't exactly know how it all started, but I would like to share what type of thoughts I was having, how I was sinking more and more into pain, if I hadn't stopped that downward spiral, I would had been dead or deep into depression.

    I was alone, and I was talking to myself. Actually I don't think I would be able to explain it, still let me try, I spent about two to three weeks talking to myself, asking questions, crying for all the bad things that ever happened, crying for my parents that they deserved a better son than me, I was not able to concentrate on studies and the year was about to end, I didn't had courage to face my parents with low marks, death seemed a easier option then facing them, I even searched for easiest and most painless ways to die. It is not that only because of marks I was thinking all this, I had many ideas to get a good life, but because of some reasons I started feeling that they were just dreams and it is not possible. I was feeling my future is in darkness. I felt that this time, I will hurt my parents with bad marks then maybe in future with something else, and I might never become successful and keep hurting my parents again and again, I thought it would be far better if I die once, they may feel the pain for few days, but they will never get hurt ever again. I felt like I was a dead body or a zombie, who didn't had any control over himself and was addicted to PMO and smartphone. Who didn't cared about anyone, who is a complete failure in each and every part of his life. A person who is contributing nothing but only wasting resources available on this planet. Such a person shouldn't stay alive. I felt like I had ruined my life with PMO, and now I might waste time, resources and energy in fixing myself, if I succeed I may be of some use, but what if I fail, then I had wasted resources of this planet for doing nothing good. It would be far better to take a new birth, but I even doubted weather god will give me a human birth again, or will he send me to hell for doing this type of sin, what is more bad - killing yourself or hurting people in your entire life, if for $uicide I get negative 100 points and for hurting someone I get negative 20 points, then I might hurt many people throughout this life and will get more negative points then negative 100, in this case (single negative 100) death is far better.

    I was analyzing different situations like the one given above, I think I was trying to figure out what truth is and why everything is happening and what should I do now. But I think I took it too far.
    I even thought that maybe $uicide is the worst thing, maybe there is nothing after death, but then what is the use of life, If $uicide is a bad thing, but I still want to escape facing my parents then should I run away from house - afterall it is far better then $uicide. why this and that etc etc etc.
    The more I thought, the more I became depressed.

    But one depressed day, thinking about my future and my past life, I decided to meditate for few minutes, I closed my eyes, I started listening to the nature's sound, complete focus on either breathing or on the sound, I felt my head becoming light and I felt so much peace, I wanted to continue doing mediation, I did meditation for almost a hour that day.
    And when I was back to my thinking process, I was like - "Wait a second, What the hell, I have two hands, two legs, two eyes, one intelligent brain, everything, I am a fit human being, why the hell I was even crying, I can do anything I want, talking about studies, well I do have plenty of time, I only need to start waking up at 4 and study 4 extra hours till 8am then get ready and attend online classes, those 4 extra hours daily, if you practiced it even for 10 days, your backlog will be finished and if you did that for next 4 months you can easily get above 95, and talking about initial capital for your starting your work, I have internet connection and I can learn anything from net, I know programming, for initial few days until and unless I finish my college I can work on fivver or some other online jobs like data entry, I can create websites, or even in worst case I can get a job in railway, minimum qualification required for those jobs is 12th pass. If I want initial capital for my big dreams, then I can collect it from these sources, I can work for 2-3 months until and unless I get enough money to start working on that big thing. Come on man, life is too easy, why was I making it such a big deal, no one is stopping me from doing anything. Why was I even thinking of doing stuff like that and who the hell told you that I am useless, I can contribute so much to this world, afterall people learn from their mistakes, their is nothing wrong in making mistakes, I have goals, I have plans, the only thing left is to achieve them." and I kept talking to myself for another hour giving myself all those alternate ideas that I had forgotten or was hidden deep down somewhere.

    That was a horrible dream, first time I truly realized a single negative thought can cause that type of destruction, I am glad that I was not carried away.
    Thoughts lead to emotion, emotion leads to action, action creates your reality. So control your thoughts, you will control your reality. - This quote works for both sides, positive and negative. I do need to control my thoughts. And I started believing - What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger
    It is like a joke but meditation did saved me from doing something non-sense.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
    V∧DΞR, Rick_mont, JoeinMD and 6 others like this.
  2. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    thank you for sharing:)
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Wait are you saying that talking to yourself and critize yourself for hours on a regular basis is depression and not a completely normal behaviour?...

    On a serious note, glad that you got out of that, suicide is never an option, it was inspiring reading you.
  4. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    No, actually I never meant that, I shouldn't had used depressed word, It was just a horrible experience that I faced for the first time in my life, and I have never experienced depression, so it was one of the lowest point of my life, I always thought why humans only have 100 years of life, and here I was thinking of killing myself, I took that conversation too far, and I am not saying that it was depression, I said that I might had became depressed if I had continued this conversation. I didn't typed all the things that happened, obviously because it would had made it even more bigger, I spent almost 3 weeks, and this post can be read in less than 5 minutes, I can't write all those thoughts and things that I was thinking about. I think I was not able to express myself properly.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2020
    |$µ℗€R↲0|™ likes this.
  5. Abzu

    Abzu Fapstronaut

    100 years is alot dude and 99% people never even reach that mark, i feel 70-80 is enough
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
  6. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    Your Shay Patrick Cormac , so your strong enough to face everything , assassin that became Templar !
  7. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing and glad you got out of it.
    Take it easy man. In a book called "Complex PTSD: From surviving to thriving", I read how a lot of the psychological problems people have are related to how they are brought up and to emotional neglect. High expectations of the children may give them the feeling that they are constantly "watched" metaphorically. And waste their lives trying to "please" the parent.

    There is also a scale called the agreeability-disagreeability index, You come first! (as long as you don't infringe on people's natural rights of course). Some people due to their upbringing will be high on the agreeability scale, which is not a good thing because they will always try to please others on the cost of themselves and it will bring them a lot of unhappiness unless they start to address the issue and metaphorically get some fangs!

    What is important is that you feel you have done your best and are personally satisfied with your actions, if someone doesn't like something, it's none of their business.
    Also I can tell you from experience, that school marks do not denote success in the real world! There may have been a correlation. But more and more these days it's becoming irrelevant. I have seen people with the worst marks in the class make a lot more money than the ones with the highest marks after they get in the real world! The real world is not a class room.
  8. Rick_mont

    Rick_mont Fapstronaut

    It's beautiful how you came through for yourself. Keep it up pal.