The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. jimmyanderson

    jimmyanderson Fapstronaut

    I can totally relate! Some things that work for me - chanting prayer, counting numbers backward and visualizing them, thinking of tasks you've got to do the next day help me
  2. jimmyanderson

    jimmyanderson Fapstronaut

    Day 30! At the gates of Rivendell. The pathetic PMO forces have been attacking me in my dreams but we fought them off. :)
    It's scary how accurate the dreams are to my previous actions (Pre-Nofap time) that it's actually funny in a way the brain plays tricks on us.
  3. Thedaveisdead

    Thedaveisdead Fapstronaut

    Day 50!!!
    I am valiant and courageous dwarf now.
  4. @Ciceron and @RiseToGreatness I'm very grateful for your words, brothers. It pains me to admit that I relapsed about an hour ago. Back to Day 0 and filthy orcdom for me.

    It seems another NNN challenge has come and gone. The urges these past two days have felt insurmountable. I've still been able to stay clean of P but my biggest problem has always been with M. I can take enough control of myself to leave my phone in another room but I can't very well cut off part of my body.

    My genitals felt achy for a few hours this afternoon, like they were demanding I put them to work, and I hit the panic button then. This evening I took a cold shower, but even the force of the water coming out of the showerhead was stimulating and without any manual help I found myself well on the way to climaxing. I finished my shower quickly and got out but by that point my body had slipped into a thrusting rhythm and the erection was too much to ignore. The orgasm itself was pretty weak and there wasn't much semen, which I found strange. Idk if that says anything.

    I can't figure out how to break myself out of this cycle once it's started. I feel like I did everything "right": cold shower, phone wasn't anywhere near me, got plenty of exercise today through volleyball and rock climbing. I wasn't even feeling stressed or bored or anything; homework was done and I was a short prayer time away from bed. My body simply decided it was time.
  5. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

  6. Day 9.

    Some urges but just accepting them.
    Daily pondering on how to not relapse around day 14-30 like I usually do.
  7. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

    Thanks as always for your wise words..
    This time I am not giving up..
    One day at a t
    That is what I need to do..
    Right now..
    Thanks again
  8. Ciceron

    Ciceron Fapstronaut

  9. Nurdaulet

    Nurdaulet Fapstronaut

  10. Ciceron

    Ciceron Fapstronaut

    I understand you, that (apparently unstoppable) urge to relapse has passed to me too. But no one told us that this was a simple fight. It's not as easy as simply logging into, writing a message, and your addiction magically disappears. No, your body has been used to daily PMO for so long that getting out of that cave is very difficult. It is a long, difficult process that takes a lot of prayer, work and effort to break those chains that enslave you to sin.

    Even if you have relapsed, look at the good things about this period: for the first time in a long period you got ten days without PMO. The next time it's fifteen, and the next twenty. Until it is forever, and if you return to NoFap, let it be to show those who are struggling at that moment that it is possible to have a life without this addiction, a better and happy life.
  11. Ciceron

    Ciceron Fapstronaut

    Day 6.

    Under the Saruman´s rule, I carry the banner the banner of the White Hand. An ugly and deformed hand, symbol of ours when we do M. I hate this banner. I don´t like Saruman´s betrayals and his slavery. Specially his hate for the little and beautiful things of the Shire.
  12. Haha...
  13. Julito

    Julito Fapstronaut

  14. Cooperator_Dei

    Cooperator_Dei Fapstronaut

  15. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    Day 23, about to head for that watchtower
  16. MyGodandMyAll27

    MyGodandMyAll27 Fapstronaut

    Day 15 , I think I'm a Hobbit now , yeaah its time to start this journey, lets go to Bree :)
  17. I relapsed but never giving up.

    We worth so much more!

    Good luck brothers and sisters!

    Day 0 Check in!
  18. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Day 69.

    We are capable, for we are all apart of each other. You are my neighbor, and I am yours, wherever you are in the galaxy. If one can can make it to "high king" we all can!
  19. Day 191. I've been having some strange dreams, brothers. Still going strong and not looking back, thanks be to God, but please pray for my sake and I will keep you all in my prayers.