No Porn 2021 Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by master3, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    BreakTheSpell and ELITE2BE like this.
  2. AJ777

    AJ777 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I'm a virgin so I haven't succumbed to the sin of being with an escort / prostitute, but I believe that watching porn is just as great a sin, just with different consequences. Any act of adultery whether it be visual or physical is still adultery (imo / based on my Christian beliefs)
    Lately every time I've made the mistake of watching porn again for the millionth time it makes me feel like complete shit. I've been struggling with it for many years and I really want to shake these chains off once and for all.
    Keep up @master3 and don't let your mistakes bring you down too much. I'm guilty of it myself but I usually remember after a day or two that it doesn't do any good to dwell on our mistakes and let them make us depressed because that's what keeps us feeling like shit and then coming back for more.
    I'm having a hard time making it to a month of sobriety. I keep usually failing around 20-25 days. But I'm not ever giving up because I know there's a better life in store for me once I finally beat this stupid addiction. I've already come a long ways from where I was.
    When I was younger (in my mid and late teens), I would watch porn like once a week - and then be super depressed and feel guilty all the time - and then watch it again the next week and so on. I would feel like such shit that I would punish myself in various ways. I made myself sleep on the hard floor instead of my bed, I would go some days without eating any food, etc. I did that solely out of the shame and guilt that I felt and how much I despised myself as a person back then. Those were some dark times for me.
    I'm a much happier person now and no longer struggle to that level, but the grip of porn still has it's fingers laced around me at times.

    To everyone - just remember to NEVER give up. Things will always get better if you keep trying. Although still hard, life has certainly improved for myself over this last year, despite all the crazy shit going on in 2020.
  3. I would like to do this as well
    DudeAlex and BreakTheSpell like this.
  4. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Great to have you onboard man.
    DudeAlex and BreakTheSpell like this.
  5. Thank you @master3 I hope to achieve great things this year. My highest streak so far is 28 days. I will beat it in the month of December!
    DudeAlex, BreakTheSpell and master3 like this.
  6. Count me in, it’ll be my first challenge on here but I’m ready!
  7. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    @SunnySigmund thats right man, confidence is the key. I also advise you to not wait until December, start the fighting this now and when the challange starts you will increase your chances of going through december without watching porn. Thats why the challange starts in december, to increase the chances of going without porn in 2021. Keep on going strong man.
    Atcman1 likes this.
  8. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Atcman1 likes this.
  9. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, 15 days till 1st December. I encourage you all to start your No Porn challange/streak even now as it will improve your chances of success when the challange starts if you have gone the previous 15 days without watching porn.
  10. I'm up for this challenge
    BreakTheSpell likes this.
  11. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Great to have you onboard :)
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.
  12. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut


    congratulations on your 50 days.
  13. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    *I had replied but i see it didnt go through.

    I'm glad that you are in a better place right now. Just like you, many here used to punish themselves but it seems that you have realised that it wasn't the right way which is good. Punishing yourself just gets you back in the sink whole and it kills the confidence in you that you can actually beat this bad behaviour. Sadly many people out there still do punish themselves regulary because of their porn addiction and how they cant control it.

    It's great to have you here and hopefully we can go through this challenge together and encourage each other for success.
  14. imandrew

    imandrew Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. To infinity and beyond :emoji_muscle:
    master3 and BreakTheSpell like this.
  15. Count me in as well. I need this in my life.
    BreakTheSpell likes this.
  16. Jay559

    Jay559 Fapstronaut

    I am in Porn has ruined too much, also although allowed I will not masterbate!
    BreakTheSpell likes this.
  17. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Good to have you onboard :)
  18. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Great man, and keep on doing as you are doing now. As said, the reason i included Masturbation is because there are those of us who feel like porn is our biggest issue and not necesarily MO which can be used as a tactic to reliese tension when you are having strong porn cravings. But with that said it will also be necesary to keep a kind of self control to ensure that you dont indulge in over masturbation to replace porn.
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.
  19. Jay559

    Jay559 Fapstronaut

    I will be honest I didn't know how hard this was but it's a battle... tip on what really helps me is staying active.. the hot /cold shower and back in forth and ending in the cold. and journaling and honestly I am beginning to think how disgusting it was... I am only 17 days clean but I want this to be a life time change.
    ShockTheSystem, master3 and Atcman1 like this.
  20. master3

    master3 Fapstronaut

    Thats a great mentality and good that you have found a strategy that works for you such as keeping a journal, cold shower.... The aim should be for a life time change. Our time is limited on this earth so lets not waste it being slaves to porn.
    Jay559 likes this.