How to deal with my "toxic" friend

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by MotivationWarrior, Dec 21, 2020.

  1. Hello everyone. I would like to hear your opinion on how to deal with a special personality of one of my friends. Soo this friend of mine has been bullied in high school (we are in senior now), his parents have broke up and of course these things can wreck a lot a teen's personality. They may feel sad, depressed etc. But my friend seems to be okay with those problems, like he has overcome these moments. He seems like all the things I mentioned never happened. Now the problems with are those below:

    1.He always speaks about his problems and personal life but if you attempt to speak about your own, he will ignore you and keep saying his own stuff, he will change the topic or he will tell you "and what's my fault so I have to hear you".
    2. He has touched me in body parts that only girls do like hair, neck, veins (don't think about the specific one luckily never happened xD). He has done the same on my other friend.
    3. He lacks empathy. He doesn't care if you get offended or hurt by what he says. He just throws things at you. I would get mad every single time I was with him.
    4. No one likes him. No one approaches me when I am with him. The same thing happened to one of my friends who told me that he speaks with lots of girls, no one approaches him when he is with the person I told you. In case you say that I may be the one xD. But this kind of social distancing is bad for my psychological health. Very bad.
    5. He is very friendly with me but he also acts like a person who hates me. That is the most confusing.
    6. He was always talking behind my back with our group of friends.

    So as you get it, I stopped hanging out with him and felt like another person. I felt happy, calm, independent. I also started speaking with my crush but the quarantine has messed it up. But now through instagram he still speaks with me but at some point he may leave me on "read". He still tries to approach me and he may think that we are still friends. He has a very bad reputation at my school.

    I want your help on what you believe is the reason he does all these things. The reason I call him toxic in " is because he has the ability to make you feel connected with him but then he treats you like a rubbish. But then he becomes friendly again. It's an endless cycle. My friends tell me to stop talking to him but I am under a bad influence and will feel very bad if I snob him. I want your help to this also. Thank you peopleee.
  2. OttarrTheVendelCrow

    OttarrTheVendelCrow Fapstronaut

    Hey @MotivationWarrior, thanks for sharing your story with us. I can imagine that you feel pretty confused and frustrated with this individual. It sounds like you hit the nail on the head. This person is in fact "toxic" and is most likely holding you back in life.

    From what I gather I would guess this person was not shown much affection by his parents growing up. He seems unsure how to express his affection (strange touching) and unable to empathize. This individual's parents have probably passed down their own lack of affection and empathy to their child. That's not to say that all people who get divorces lack affection and empathy.

    Because of this, your friend lacks what is generally referred to as emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ enables us to understand ourselves and others and how the two interface. Individuals high in emotional intelligence are highly satisfied in their relationships and life in general. Whereas someone low in emotional intelligence will most likely struggle to find happiness and pleasure in life. In fact one of the strongest predictors of a child's future success is EQ.

    I will list some of the characteristics of an individual with low EQ. It may remind you of your friend.

    - They are oblivious to other people's feelings. They may be genuinely surprised when they find out someone is mad at them. They also become annoyed when others expect them to know how they are feeling.

    - They behave insensitively. Ex. they make an inappropriate joke at a funeral. If you react to their out-of-line response they tell you that you are being overly sensitive.

    - Blames others for their problems. When something goes wrong their first reaction is to find someone or something else to blame

    - They always need to "right". Unable to say "I was wrong". They find it impossible to simply "agree to disagree."

    - Lack of coping ability. Individuals with low EQ will walk away from emotionally charged situations rather than deal with them. Brushes others off when he/she is upset

    - Struggle with relationships. They are abrasive and unfeeling

    - They turn conversations towards themselves. No matter what you say they've been there, done that. They will constantly one-up you. Ex. you were in a car accident? so were they .....and their dog died.

    Your friend can't help this. It is just the way he was raised and how he is wired. It doesn't mean that he is a bad person. He still can be kind to you and try and be your friend which is what he seems to be trying to do. However, because of having low EQ his kindness comes off as sporadic and out of touch.

    The good news is that anyone can improve their emotional intelligence (as long as there is no disability involved). Your friend will need to do this on his own or find a coach or mentor. I would not suggest that you try and help him. I think that you are doing the right thing by distancing yourself from him. If someone is making you feel crappy and treating you poorly you should keep them at a distance or cut them out of your life altogether. I have had to do this before. It is difficult but worth it.
    Agent 6 and FezMan76 like this.
  3. I think he might either be
    1. narcissistic

    2. He is still fighting his inner demons (most people can hide their struggles well)

    3. It might be what @OttarrTheVendelCrow is saying.

    I think the best thing you can do it make it clear you won't stand for his bullshit, I understand that the guys been through a lot but who hasn't. You aren't responsible for what happened to him, nor is it your responsibility to be his friend. Friends are people who are there for each other, people who rise you up not stomp you to the ground. If I were you I would just cut him off and save yourself a bunch of bullshit. If you want to try another approach, confront him and tell him what you want, make it clear what you want him to change, and make it something doable, stand you're ground even if he starts telling a sob story or telling you some bullshit, tell him that its either he changes or else you walk away. Again if he's what I think he is it would be simpler to cut him out of your life cause he sounds like he's oppressing you, and might ruin your reputation among your other peers or even worse your crush.
  4. Hello there. I would like to thank you for your opinion. Probably he lacks EQ. If you want, let's go have on DMs because some days passed and I have stopped talking to him but we said some things through instagram if you want to give me one more opinion because he said some things that basically make me very angry.
  5. If you want we can private chat too. Because you cared too and gave me an opinion I would like to tell you what happened the days after I posted the first one. Because I confronted him so if you wish to know his reaction to what I said to him.
    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  6. You should watch if he feel comfortable on what he is. At this moment, for you is just an Hylic, organic portal energy sucker, stay with him could make you hexausted. But if he 's really as the other guy saying, fighting against Archons, Demons, should try to educate him and spiritually help him if you are capable of do it, a lot of souls are lost inside the matter.
    MotivationWarrior likes this.
  7. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

    I really liked your approach and I would suggest you to just cut that person off..

    Don't waste your time helping others to fight their demons..

    He is your friend so friendship should be mutual..
    You aren't his therapist..

    I might sound harsh but believe my I was in similar situation (except the person was my crush) and I continued sticking with that person and it had horrible results
  8. I tried to help this person but he thinks that he is too perfect and all the others are wrong so there is nothing I can really do. He thinks the way he approaches people is totally normal. Someone more specialised should look upon him I believe.
    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  9. I tried to help him but he thinks he is perfect and the rest of us are wrong. He need attention from someone who knows what to do exactly.
  10. I'm mostly friendly with people, i will never leave someone that need me, you should see, if you want to abbandon him, if he care, or if he stay like he actually is now.
    MotivationWarrior likes this.
  11. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    You did not explain a person that I would classify as a ‘Friend’.
    Quick story:

    I had a friend I knew since 8th grade. I am 25yrs old now. For the first time in all these years he said something disrespectful to me. I talked to him in person about it. And just like that...we are not friends anymore. Things happen man.

    After reading your situation, If you can see all these things going on then you already know that you should remove him from your life because misery loves company and these people are great at bringing people down. You’re a senior in high school right? Just cut him off. Most likely it’s not a life or death decision and both people will be fine. You will feel better in the long run.

    Overcome all challenges

    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  12. Tahini

    Tahini Fapstronaut

    MotivationWarrior likes this.
  13. I cut him off. I feel better now. I will also see how this goes when we open on 11th.
    Mauritius and Agent 6 like this.
  14. I believe through all this issue he is a narcissist. He can do well on his own. And he will also find other people to "adopt" him. Trust me.
    Tahini likes this.