Fat-loss coach here ! Ask me anything :)

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by AlphaWolf1408, Dec 13, 2020.

  1. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    Not sure what to tell you about the study exactly as even they haven't come to a definite conclusion (not a noteworthy one in my opinion).

    Let me explain:

    It studied leaner men and men who tended to be more on the overweight side.

    The activity of the brown adipose tissue during cold exposure seems to be compromised the more body-fat you have and the slower your metabolism.

    Then they conclude that:

    "Brown adipose tissue may be metabolically important in men, and the fact that it is reduced yet present in most overweight or obese subjects may make it a target for the treatment of obesity."

    This makes no sense.

    If having more body-fat means that the rate and quantity of brown adipose tissue activated is diminished, then the treatment is simply to get leaner.

    The study could have been done on Testosterone:

    "Testosterone may be metabolically important in men, and the fact that it is reduced yet present in most overweight or obese subjects may make it a target for the treatment of obesity."

    We know that the more body-fat you have, the less free Testosterone you have. It just means that being obese fucks you up from an Endocrinological point of view and that you should get leaner with dieting or drugs (worst case scenario, if truly needed), not that Testosterone shots can be used as a treatment for obesity.

    To elaborate on my point, if you take extra Testosterone when overweight or obese, most of the Testosterone will get converted to Estrogen through "aromatase" which is contained in your body-fat (the more body-fat you have, the more your Testosterone converts to Estrogen).

    Does that make sense ?
  2. WHMvsPMO

    WHMvsPMO Fapstronaut

    Sure, and while I haven't read the study I don't think them stating that BAT is a potential treatment for obesity can be equated with introducing it externally as comparable to a testoserone shot. Do they say that? As you said the treatment is to get leaner, you also didn't say doing so through external intervention like liposuction or something which wouldn't address lifestyle etc and I wouldn't assume you are suggesting that if you didn't say anything more.

    Remember I mentioned this in context of Wim Hof - although reading him a bit further and even he makes the point that what he can do and has done in setting the world records cannot be explained on BAT alone after noting the twin study they did with his brother.
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    I worked night shifts for about 2 years and transitioned to a normal job that has normal working hours. During the time I worked night shifts I put on at least 5 kilograms of weight since my body's circadian rhythms were distorted. I also was having headaches and depression since I'm not a night owl. What are the best foods to help your sleep and circadian rhythm?
  4. WHMvsPMO

    WHMvsPMO Fapstronaut

    @fapequalsdeath did you recently transition? I would think circadian rhythm is more about keeping a schedule than what foods you eat - though when you eat likely helps? What (and when) are you doing any exercise and light exposure?
  5. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    There are no specific foods although there are ways to make it easier for you to fall asleep and get deep sleep:

    - Eat plenty of healthy protein since tryptophan will synthesize into serotonin which then makes melatonin (helps you sleep)

    - Avoid blue light before bed

    - Avoid caffeine products after 2-3 PM (this is individual and you might need to experiment, you don't want to elevate Cortisol too much)

    - Sleep in a dark-room
    fapequalsdeath likes this.
  6. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    I'm doing the transition later this month, unfortunately, the shifts were on a rotational basis and I could not go to bed at the same time. Due to the pandemic I only walk/run and do pull ups since gyms are not available. My brain wanted a lot of sugar while at night which didn't help either. I'll definitely try to fix that.
    Yep, I knew those stuff but they were hard to implement with night shifts. I Will definitely incorporate them into my schedule and possibly drink camomile tea before bed.
  7. WHMvsPMO

    WHMvsPMO Fapstronaut

    Cool yeah I have a friend in the security industry, it's tough he used to be fit but I think always having to change schedules messed things up for him. Glad you can transition to a consistent normal schedule.
  8. ryukPLYZ

    ryukPLYZ Fapstronaut

    Hey ! So I live in India and for some reason the gyms here are 18+ only its a no brainer , at least where I live .
    Can you tell give me some advice ? Coz im hella overweight .
  9. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    The things I've found I really need to control are sugars and fat. Yeah the things that make food yummy. If I can keep my healthy fats at or under 75g a day and get my sugars only from fruit (and no sugars at all after 7pm) I can keep the love handles at bay but otherwise it's a losing battle. Beer, though I love it, is really a luxury my body can only afford anymore at about 1-2 a week max.

    For what it's worth I'm 54yo, just under 6 feet tall and 178 lbs at about 13% BF but will be starting a cutting diet and sprint regimen after Easter in hopes of getting it down to 9-10 by summer.
    mdnirvana and Leader of ME like this.
  10. yashwant56

    yashwant56 Fapstronaut

    Doing 5km jogging and cardio exercise will it reduce my belly and thigh fat
  11. Buzz Aldrin

    Buzz Aldrin Fapstronaut

    got any advice on how to keep pace in a workout? My workouts usually contain lifting but I take 3 min breaks between sets. (It’s completely unintentional)
  12. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    I don't really understand your question about pacing.

    How to pace yourself ? Use a timer on your phone or use your watch.

    And how is it unintentional ? If your body needs 3 mins between sets then that is simply the time it needs to rest between sets.

    I never understood the concept of timing your rest periods between sets. It doesn't make a difference whatsoever on your training or body composition changes.

    It's like the concept of going high reps to "tone" and "define" the muscle. It's a bunch of bull**** :)

    I sometimes rest 15 mins between heavier sets, especially when I am dieting hard and cutting. It's just the time my body needs and that's OK.
  13. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    It won't. Reducing belly and thigh fat is a matter of dieting and hormonal manipulation through the foods that you eat.

    Cardio is added to speed up the process but not long distance. You need HIIT cardio, but only after having a good diet.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  14. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    Dunno if someone has asked this already but: do you think fasting (eating only during a specific period like during 8 hours a day or 4 times in a week) is good for workouts? I have read benefits about fasting and I can confirm that it helped me losing weights and some fat (even I ate during the period everything I want). Meanwhile I limited unhealthy stuff on one or two days (the last one only when I have to write exams) and eat healthy during the rest of the week.
    How can I improve it so that fasting and workouts/gyms can work together?
  15. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    You will not be able to improve it unfortunately because fasting and good workout performance simply do not go together.

    Fasting does have benefits for extremely overweight people and to restore Insulin sensitivity in someone Insulin resistant.

    It is still a fad diet like any other in the sense that people think you will get a six pack with decent muscle mass by following an Intermittent Fasting diet because it is how "cavemen used to eat".

    It works from a marketing standpoint because people will still rationalize eating junk food while staying within an eating window.

    The truth: It won't work to build an impressive physique and to have decent energy levels in the gym.

    What works is meal prepping while counting Macronutrients (preparing your 5-6 meals for the day while weighing your food).

    I am talking explicitely about fat-loss here.

    If you want to lose weight but don't care whether it is fat, muscle or water; intermittent fasting will work because you might significantly reduce your caloric intake by sticking to an eating window.

    For fat-loss, calorie counting does not matter but Macros and therefore Intermittent Fasting won't work (even though you could combine Macro counting with Intermittent Fasting; but it is still sub-optimal in my opinion).
  16. Wolf01

    Wolf01 Fapstronaut

    I'm enjoying this thread a lot, thanks @AlphaWolf1408 for the idea and all the info
  17. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    You are very welcome. Anyone is welcome to PM me for questions or diet plans ! :)
  18. Wolf01

    Wolf01 Fapstronaut

    I wanted to ask, I'm trying to lower fat, doing weights, and eventually want to get to build better muscles. I have a diet plan, however I'm finding very hard (and expensive) to fulfill the protein requirements. Like, aside of lots of eggs, broccoli, tuna, and the shake; also a lot of chicken, steak, salmon.

    Also, I'm trying to mix some Tofu Blocks (trying to keep as low gluten as possible the diet overall)

    But wanted to know if you have any other recommendations for ways to increase protein intake?
  19. Pozdrav sa obale :emoji_sunglasses:

    Valjda me razumiješ, vidim po imenu da si sa domaćih prostora. Uglavnom zanima me nešto, išao sam u teretanu konstantno jedno sigurno 9 mjeseci, lijepo sam se dotjero, izgubio kilažu malo nabio mišića sve je to počelo da liči na nešto. E sad, udarila korona i eto sranja, nisam se nešto udebljo previše cca 4 kile, što se da brzo skinuti. Ali sam izgubio dosta mišića, mislim na mišićnu masu i to

    Krenuo sam opet u teretanu da bi zatvorili sve opet radi lockdowna, teretane su se otvorile, ali, opet će se zatvorit kad prođe ljeto. Što me nervira. Mislio sam te pitat jest da je glupo pitanje ali eto kućne teretane nemam tako da se nekako moram snać da se vratim u ona bolja vremena. Ima li neka alternativa tipa calisthenics ili body workout a da je efikasno pa ako imaš neki savjet slobodno reci
  20. AlphaWolf1408

    AlphaWolf1408 Fapstronaut

    There is nothing else apart from the foods that you listed to be honest.

    It isn’t cheap, but then again:

    You gotta make some sacrifices.

    I have often heard from clients that I charge a lot yet they are spending $200 on alcohol every weekend.

    It all depends on your priorities.

    All the foods that you listed are actually staples of the diets that I sent out to clients, because they are each perfect for Macronutrient manipulation (except maybe salmon and steak, which are fattier so you gotta count the fat for that day).

    With regards to the price of food, eggs are probably the cheapest and you could THEORETICALLY do only egg whites all day long and it won’t break the bank.