Space Marine February - Team Deathmatch (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by EndPornLiveLife, Jan 27, 2021.

I pledge my allegiance to the...

Poll closed Feb 6, 2021.
  1. Space Wolves

  2. Black Templars

  3. Dark Angels

  4. Blood Angels

  1. Checking in for Blood Angels.

    Damn we are 2 men down. @Primaris @Gtweet don't worry brothers, Next time come back stronger,There are still brothers including me fighting for our team.
  2. Sebbrix

    Sebbrix Fapstronaut

    Right when it looks like Blood Angels are struggling, with two members being gunned down, three more stand up to take their place! @Primaris @Gtweet, at ease gents, we can take it from here. @dandausa @Rokudaime, let's see this thing through and come out the other end as heroes!
  3. We can do this.
    Blood Angels FTW!!
    EndPornLiveLife and Sebbrix like this.
  4. Hey! @Sebbrix and @Rokudaime. I know that i failed, but i just wanna say that i got more firepower to see that you people are still in the challenge:emoji_grinning:. You are legends! But I'm not less too... i will catch up to you FAST!:emoji_grin:
    So, I'm late now to write my journal. Keep up the good work guys for creating this type of environment in the challenge.
    I am grateful to Fight this war with you fellow people! :emoji_sob:
  5. Everydayisday0

    Everydayisday0 Fapstronaut


  6. Everydayisday0

    Everydayisday0 Fapstronaut

    Checking in, Day 16/28, Space Wolves.
  7. Whoops, forgot to check in! Doing it now. :D Dark Angels, FTW.
    EndPornLiveLife and Rokudaime like this.
  8. Thnx bro.
    Will always try to encourage a healthy competitive spirit in here.

    Does that mean march challenge is gonna be an epic one??;)
  9. You’re challenging us?
    You’re damn challenging us ?
    ..... We accept it :D.
    And I hope this brings some kind of team spirit to stay strong.
  10. Day 17 checking in for black templars
  11. Um wait is that Conor McGregor’s Style of saying that ?:emoji_laughing:
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  12. Germany
    vicicool, EndPornLiveLife and RK@24 like this.
  13. Checking in for the Best Team! I mean, uh, Black Templars. Same difference, really. Easy mistake when they share initials!
  14. Erm... who? :emoji_sweat_smile:

    EDIT: Ah, some martial artist.
    EndPornLiveLife and RK@24 like this.
  15. Okay, this one made me laugh out loud. That's good. :p
  16. Sebbrix

    Sebbrix Fapstronaut

    Checking in day 17 for the Blood Angels! Things will probably start getting difficult again for me, I had a date yesterday and... yeah :emoji_smirk: but now the chaser effect is here and I have thoughts running through my head - will try to stay clean but things will be hard (pun fully intended)
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021
    EndPornLiveLife, Rokudaime and RK@24 like this.
  17. Yeah
  18. Nailed it .

  19. Sorry, DeathWatch!
    I am out of the challenge. I actually relapsed on Sunday and also yesterday. I have had some sort of chaser effect after being intimate with my girlfriend on Saturday. The only positive thing I can say is that my PIED is almost 90% cured if I can put a number to it.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.