I'm dissapointed. 7 months and PIED not cured

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by majo2, Jan 13, 2021.

  1. Andreid

    Andreid Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It happens after a short time, from what I remember. After a month, I think.
  2. majo2

    majo2 Fapstronaut

    How bad was your addiction and how old are you?
  3. Andreid

    Andreid Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I had times when I was PMOing like 3 times/day, mostly 2 times. Last year, I had almost 6 months streak of nofap, but I relapsed in May and started again with this bad habit. On 10th July, I decided to start this NoFap habit again and I'm almost 7 months now.
    And I will be 26 yo in 2 weeks.
  4. majo2

    majo2 Fapstronaut

    I was heavy addict, started around 13 years old and watched really hardcore stuff. 15 years of addiction... Ofted I had porn sessions lasting 5-6 hours. I think I fucked my brain so much, and I just need more time. A year or more i think.
    Oliver Gunter likes this.
  5. Andreid

    Andreid Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I feel bad for you, mate... I know how hard is to reboot after these toxic habits and mindset... I wasn't into hardcore porn, but I was only triggered by HQ videos, made by big corporations. That's why reality beauty for me it's not attracting me.
    But I'm sure both of us can do this. We have 6+ months streak for now and we can do better. Patience and discipline are very important assets.
    Oliver Gunter likes this.
  6. Oliver Gunter

    Oliver Gunter Fapstronaut

    I'm glad for you! These pills are very safe (if you are healthy) and can make a huge difference. Since you use them now you might want to avoid handjobs to avoid wrong conditioning and drawbacks on your nofap journey.
  7. Are you sure the pills are safe?
  8. Oliver Gunter

    Oliver Gunter Fapstronaut

    From all I have read I am sure that they are safe for me. There are some factors that can make them dangerous, i.e. if you take blood pressure medication. Read the patient information leaflet carefully or talk to a doctor to learn about all contraindications.
  9. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

    lol no it took me 10 months, and i had 5 years of severe porn use, id imagine itd take u longer
  10. majo2

    majo2 Fapstronaut

  11. ramesh.g

    ramesh.g New Fapstronaut

    im 25 ,, and im started watching when i was 15 years old ,,, i need to come out from that plz give me propor sollution for that
  12. _most.high_

    _most.high_ Fapstronaut

  13. TantraMan

    TantraMan Fapstronaut

    It might be that your problem is a mixed-up of different reasons, can you tell us how was your situation before starting NoFap?
  14. majo2

    majo2 Fapstronaut

    Before NoFap it was worse that it's now, my erections were weak with gf, but hard with porn. Now it looks like this: with porn (I relapsed a few days ago) my dick is flat (strange?), but with gf it's way harder but still not enough for penetrative sex. But with gf I can get easily hard, but with porn even with fast stroking I'm flat...
  15. TantraMan

    TantraMan Fapstronaut

    Well, that's a step above, however, if this is what you got after 7 months there's something missing, how did your erectile problems start?
  16. majo2

    majo2 Fapstronaut

    it started once I wasn't able to get hard with gf (first sex in my life) then always had problems... Physically everything is ok - I was checked by urologist and had blood check - everything ok. I have strong mornig woods.
    Do you think it should be better after 7 months? I read stories where guys even after 7 months weren't able to get hard during hj and stuff. I also though that I should be cured after 7 months and it's strange that I'm still not cured. I don't know maybe it's something mental or maybe I missed sth physical...
    drkarim likes this.
  17. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I'm also 'sorta' PIED. I'm in my mid-thirties. I've got the same problem as @majo2 ; it gets flat when I try to penetrate.
    Like him, I also have good morning wood. Hell, I can get it up no problem even without prn. I've identified a bunch of issues in my case..;

    Performance anxiety
    This might be, in my case anyway, a big one. The issue here is that because you couldnt 'perform' properly last time, you're afraid you can't the next time. Like a vicious circle. I'm pretty sure I have performance anxiety in other areas of my life. It's dang difficult to overcome it if you've lived much (and still do) by the hypothetical opinion of others. Wish I could let it all go..

    Not horny (enough)
    This one is one that may be easily overlooked. Sometimes I mast when I'm not horny. Sometimes I'm just plain bored, or even depressed and then I go and watch P to 'feel better'. So the root of this could be a pattern I follow when I feel bad or bored and need to find an alternative.

    'Bottled up' feelings
    This is probably less common but I personally often experience myself bottling up my feelings, especially the negative ones. This also causes to bottle up the other feelings and then you feel nothing, just a bit cramped in my belly and as if there's something stuck in my throat all 'choked up'. I experience difficulties letting my feelings flow 'freely' without blocking them. So often I get choked up by these negative thoughts and it also blocks the feeling of hornyness which would help keep your soldier erect.

    Too much masting
    This is also a feeling thing. Because of too much masting you don't build up hornyness. Imagine you've had to wear a chastity belt for a year, always on, and you lived in a brothel. Imagine the day they'd take it off and you're alone with a willing woman. You'd be superhorny.

    Perfect women in p videos
    An obvious one is that, that real women might not 'do it' for you as much anymore. Unless they look exactly like that p model in the videos; perfect. Let's be honest, we rarely hook up with perfect looking women. You will need either a high level of confidence, looks, or money to get a perfect '10'. A combination is possibly needed. Well I'm just saying that most of time you'll meet women who don't look like they do in the p star videos, and all the little 'imperfections' might bother you bringing your soldier down because you're used to seeing something more perfect.

    Being single too long
    Now I've dated a bunch of times but I've never had a relationship in my whole life. All the time I was stopped by my own insecurity, not knowing how to behave and those fears of rejection. Being single for this long hurts you deep on the inside. As if somethings wrong with you. As if you're not 'good enough'. In my case it feels that way. What happens is that you're going to do it solo, watch p, and also it spawns all these insecurities, fears etc. when you're with an actual woman. Hell I've got the flat problem with paid ladies, but that situation also brings other problems. Simple fact that they're just waiting for you to leave on its self is terrible enough.

    Extremities in p videos
    Where to begin.. if you're a long time p watcher, you're bound to explore and watch new things, that are unusual or uncommon in real life. If your girlfriend is used to vanilla sex and you're on the other extreme end it's not going work. Sometimes I wonder if I got there because I'm just sexually curious or even a bit kinky, or because p has brought me there. Could even be both.

    Anyway, I'm also using the blue pills when I'm with a lady, they work well, but you need to be horny in order for them to work.

    Ofcourse I can think of a few other ways to improve the flat problem, obvious ones, but dang hard to consistently apply to your life;

    It's crucial that you find a sport you like. If you like to dribble and score goals, go play football, if you like to ram into a crowd play american football or rugby. Even self defence sports can be satisfying. Go play badminton if you find it relaxing. This is just me, but don't go to the gym without a real purpose. The gym is too obvious and overrated in my opinion. Like with anything you need to have some passion in order for something to succeed. Ah yes, sports are good for you, both mentally and physically and should contribute to your overall bodily state.

    Not much to say about this one, except that it's dang tough these to not be seduced by the Mcs, KFCs, Dunkins, Dominos etc. Argh junk food!

    Overall confidence
    This ones built by everything you do in your life, now. For instance, I personally hate my job and it kinda depresses me. Not good for my soldier. But I'm working on it. Again, passion.. if you have something that eats your life hours away and you're genuinely happy about it, you've found yourself something you're passionate about, and are probably good at it too. This contributes to your confidence, as well as other successes in life as long as you're willing to take risks and chances.

    Living in reality
    Meeting and talking to real women can seriously increase your hornyness and the non-awkward conversations increase your self confidence. Both should contribute to at least an easier and longer lasting erection. We may need to get out of the house more.

    I personally also believe that having a patient supporting girlfriend helps fix the flat problem. It doesn't seem like a fix on its own. I won't say much about this as I've got no relationship experience but I do believe one can help you get back to 'normal' but I imagine it won't be fixed over night.

    What do you guys think?
  18. TantraMan

    TantraMan Fapstronaut

    It seems that you have too many things in your head, this matches with Performance Anxiety, like you said, but I believe that, at the end of the day, your situation may come from a bunch of "roots" so to speak, for how long have you been experiencing these erectile issues?
  19. R2DToy

    R2DToy Fapstronaut

    What do you mean by 'roots'? Did you mean it can be traced back to (traumatic) events. Because that would definitely make sense. Anyway, I experienced my first flat (or how do you call it?) back in 2014. That's when I noticed my soldier wouldn't march. It was with a paid lady, who are the only ones I have sex with.

    I never had a gf in my life, and lately I've been asking myself why. I'm not sure if it's the cause of (too much) P, or that I never really cared much about women, except to have sex with them. I feel kinda bad when I say this, but I sometimes I feel like I don't really give enough of a damn to start a relationship. And knowing this, my conscience tells me I shouldn't lie and engage in a relationship if I'm not attracted to a woman, and only be with her for the sex.

    I would visit paid ladies more often if only I could afford it. But concerning my flat problem, I can get it up no problem, but as soon as I start thrusting it gets flat. I don't really have this problem when I'm M-ing. So yeah I'm really confused about what I want.

    I get matches on dating apps, but I'm just not motivated to talk to any of them anymore. And I can't quite put my finger on why, is it because I'm unhappy, with me, my life? That's certainly the case. Covid crisis adding to this, work contract ending soon.. maybe I'm just not in the mood to date right now.

    I've had talks with a sexuologist for a while, but they were never able to help me overcome my P and M and ED problems. I think I'm just too f*ked up. I've also been suffering from depression since 2010. It's gotten better for me but I don't know, it seems like I'm just having a lot of trouble being myself (again), and every day I'm in battle with myself. I just doesn't end which in turn triggers depression. Also lost a bunch of friends, all kinds of shit have hit the fan for me and it's constantly flying towards me.

    So yeah which explains why I'm unable to tackle anything in life, too much shit going on makes it impossible to get my life back on track. And don't get me wrong, I'm not poor, I'm educated, I'm creative, I'm not stupid or ugly, yet I'm severely unhappy. Most of my days are rather unproductive. Most of my days, weeks, months pass by without much change and progress. It's really hard to find the energy to do anything.

    Oh and sorry I sounded like a huge downer, needed to get it off of my chest anyway and I think it's linked to my flat problem.
  20. Have you seen a psychologist?