Cancel Culture is alive and well in 2021

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Max666, Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    I've been a recluse for a long time now, mostly working from home but recently I accepted this temporary job and there I was eating my lunch talking to this 55 year old woman employee about racism. She comes up with this notion that racism is everywhere and put the word 'systemic' in front of it to make it bigger. I said to her there is no evidence to suggested racism is systemic, rather isolated and insignificant and this infuriated her. She thumped her fists on her desk and said "I am so offended right now by you, you are offending me personally (even thought I'm not actually of any race) dare you! I dont want you to ever sit and have your lunch with me again!"
    Clearly she was clinically insane or lacking intelligence, I get that but it just made me think how people on the left use 'offense' as a means of deflecting any ideas that threaten the integrity (or lack there of) of theirs. And it made me realize how they go to great lengths to work themselves into a state of being offended so they can use it to validate their ignorance. Offense is the most important ingredient.

    You can apply the same theory to any incident where cancel culture has shut down anything. For example in this country Coon cheese (named after the originator) was forced to rename because Aborigines partitioned to cancel it. They literally forced themselves to get offended over something they weren't really offend by in order to bring awareness to something else.
    More recently the Dr. Seuss episode.

    It's no coincidence that the people on the left who get offended when someone sneezes are the least successful people in developed countries and the people who dont play the victim are the most successful. It's like you have the losers on one side, aka : cancel culture and the winners on the other. This woman for example was the quintessential loser..55 years old, doesn't own her own house, cant manage her budget (but works as a budget manager), single, spends her time reading fantasy novels (literally) overweight, no respect for her body and miserable.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
    Moopi, QuiggyG, Fat Boy and 1 other person like this.
  2. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Cancel culture..... is that a statement? like we should cancel culture or something?
    QuiggyG likes this.
  3. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    True, unfortunately the only way for someone to actually get cancelled, is if they cancel themselves. Any press is good press my friends when considering cancel culture qualms.

    QuiggyG likes this.
  4. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    check out James Lindsay interviews and his website New Discourses. He is probably the foremost expert on this neo-racist cancel culture.
    QuiggyG likes this.
  5. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    One thing I have noticed is that it is almost always not the people who are the victims of said "offence" that are the ones actually offended. Almost always middle to upper class whites getting mad on their behalf. A good example of this is the belief in some circles that Speedy Gonzales is racist, even though actual Mexicans love him.

    I just wish people would stop getting mad over things that dont matter.
    The Passenger likes this.
  6. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    It's a sneaky way to appear virtuous without having to possess any virtue.
  7. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Definitely. It's the domain of people who have no real problems to worry about so they have to invent new ones.
    The Passenger and QuiggyG like this.
  8. While I'm bipartisan for the most part, I will say I find the left to be the more crazier of the two political parties in the U.S. I usually stay away from YouTube personalities but I've found Larry Elder to be a great one who highlights these issues and he does so not only with facts but with sources for the facts.
  9. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Are you damn serious? What? Leave Speedy alone!
  10. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    yeah man. I'm actually center leftish and I don't care for either party. There are nuts on both sides but while the nuts on the right are marginalized by mainstream right (think QAnon) the nuts on the left are the mainstream (Trump is a Russian agent and white supremacists are hiding around every corner planning an insurrection). It's scary as hell but really entertaining. I like Larry Elder too.
    H D M O F likes this.
  11. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Yeah, its crazy. They did the same thing with the Mario Odyssey videogame, where people got offended Mario wore a sombrero while actual Mexicans were like "This is awesome, hes embracing our culture!"
  12. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    People on the left just want to give the impression they're superheros fighting for injustice but they're just pseudo advocates, attending BLM rallies, taking instagram snaps. The problem they have is all the causes have been fought and won, mostly in the 60s and there's nothing left to fight for. These are desperate times for them. So they dig deep in their imaginations and try to recreate inequality and injustice using stupid things like jokes people post on social media. They just need to grow the f#ck up basically, focus on what's really important.
    Fat Boy and ElSabio like this.
  13. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    Did you see the foot-washing rituals at blm rallies? I'm not super religious but I know where that came from. It was the story of Jesus who washed the feet of his disciples. They are placing themselves in the roll of the savior. The lack of self awareness is stunning.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
    The Passenger and Max666 like this.
  14. The news is to blame for this. It breeds hate and negativity more than anything else.
  15. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

  16. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    pretty much sums it.
  17. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut


    Exactly. This is why I rarely sympathise with journalists. They’re driving the culture of hate.
  18. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    European culture cant be canceled
    QuiggyG likes this.
  19. That is quotable.
    QuiggyG likes this.
  20. gordie

    gordie Fapstronaut

    I'm on the left for certain (other) reasons, but I couldn't agree with your sentiment more. Some of the most racist people I know are the biggest virtue signalers regarding race, and I have seen people blow their parents wealth on videogames and drugs only to play the victim.

    Rising above victim status is one of the most surefire paths to success possible.