The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. HE^MAN

    HE^MAN Distinguished Fapstronaut

  2. Baby Yoda

    Baby Yoda Fapstronaut

  3. Rubzi

    Rubzi Fapstronaut

    Day 21 check-in (Attempt 4) - The village of Bree
  4. GN-z11

    GN-z11 Fapstronaut

  5. Day 7 complete. Man, it feels good to be back at one week. Going strong!

    I believe I've heard people say that testosterone usually peaks around 7 days, and that does seem to be the case today. I hung out with a female friend for a couple hours and the deadly, tiny whisper in the back of my head that tells me to use these experiences as fuel for PMO was there almost the whole time. But that voice is a fool and a liar. "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."
  6. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    Day 0,

    Not gonna lie folks, been on the struggle bus a bit with being a poopy head lol. Conversation can be triggering and I did reset yesterday.

    Lets see where this goes!

    Best to you all Fellowship!
  7. Anew2019

    Anew2019 Fapstronaut

    14 days. Close call last night. Should keep my iPad out of arms reach for the next few days. Saw I soft image and it excited me very much. I will take it as a win because it showed me how much I have already healed. Started to type in my fav site soon as I saw it but stopped myself, put down my iPad and went to sleep.

    I become a hobbit tommorow. Pretty excited about that. Have a good day my brothers and sisters in this fight.
  8. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    278 days the stairs of Cirith Ungol
    353 days no PMO, semen retention
  9. jaberwaki

    jaberwaki Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Feeling good on this side of 90, but I'm also noticing a general increase in horniness as spring hits full force. I believe that's natural--warm sun, leaves on the trees and flowers springing forth, my body is cued into the season and says it's time to start making babies.

    What's nice about this feeling is that it's not attached to PMO. The urge isn't to hit the computer, it's to go out and be part of something real. I'll take that win, and I don't feel any white-knuckling behavior, more just a strong impulse to be out in the world and make something happen.

    What's challenging is that, even though that's the biological season I'm in, it's not the season-of-life I'm in. I'm still processing my divorce, focused on being the best co-parent and father I can be, and working on strengthening the relationship with the best version of myself, for myself. There is no space to invite another person into my life right now, and any attempt to do so would only stem from a place of unhealthy need.

    So the task at hand is continue to master sexual transmutation. I am literally overflowing with supercharged sexual energy; I feel it all around me, and through me. That energy is power, and rather than repressing it, I am taking full advantage of what that offers. I'm not crippled by unfulfilled sexual need, I'm empowered by an energy I'm learning to harness for my own benefit. It's hard to describe how important that change in mindset has been for me--in the past this feeling would materialize in me as a lack, a need that had to be filled somehow, a desperate desire that compelled poor choices and addiction. Hornyness would turn me into a beggar. This feels different, like I'm full of something that I can choose to share, when the time is right, and until then powers and motivates me into acting out of my best self. I'm learning to love this feeling, to want more of it rather than desperately trying to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

    So bring it on, Spring. I'm ready.
  10. Thomas3

    Thomas3 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone. I've been absent the entire weekend since I relapsed Friday. I've been trying to lay out a plan to prepare for the coming storm in about 2-3 weeks because my temptations get a lot stronger then and that's when I gave in. So hopefully I can make it to at least a month and potentially more.

    Checking in Day 3.
  11. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

  12. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    That is the spirit! show to the mind who rules , future hobbit:cool:
  13. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

  14. MyGodandMyAll27

    MyGodandMyAll27 Fapstronaut

    Day 0. Starting again , I'll never give up
  15. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    excellent bro, that is one of the most important reboot skills that all fapstronauts must develop. excellent, you´re on the right path :)
  16. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    i will definitely recomment that you keep the ipad away from sensitive situations until you feel 100% solid. the soft image that you saw shows that is still very early for you to engage with the ipad in those conditions. it´s a warning sign bro. take measures.
  17. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    beautiful bro :). keep going, you´re an inspiration for us all!! :)
  18. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    that´s the spirit :emoji_muscle:

  19. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Checking in mighty Fellowship!! :)

    Brain fog appeared hard today, maybe due to too much sugar yesterday and screen time, broke my vows of not watching tv, and i watched a bit too much. or maybe it has nothing to do with it, i don´t know. anyway i will allow some screen entertainment, but not too much. anyway i did the wim hof technique twice today and it help me a lot to clear the mind :). i owe a lot to this man!! :D

    Let´s welcome our new brother:


    The following members are strong in their paths. Congratulations!! ;)

    @Baby Yoda @Rubzi - Bree / Eriador

    @Revanthegrey - Anduin River / Wilderland

    Have a great day brave Fellowship!! Love you all :). You´re warriors, never forget that. Only someone who lived with an addiction knows the struggle, the effort and the determination that one must take to overcome this. You are warriors!!!

    Checking out :). Chapter 3 of "The Coiled Serpent" - Civilization ;)


    "The progress of civilization seems to
    have been unfavorable to the virtue
    of chastity." — Gibbon, Decline and Fall of tks
    Roman Empiri, I, fac, 504.

    "The energy ... of civilization-man is directed out
    wards." It is applied to materialistic and intellectual pro
    gress at the cost of the spiritual. Thus "our knowledge has
    increased but not our wisdom." Industrial mechanics have
    astoundingly evolved, but not the modes of building
    character. "While we are hastening from moment to
    moment we have neither leisure nor repose . . . for the
    development of character."

    "The stressing of the physical sciences without a corres
    ponding cultivation of the spiritual factors has lowered
    man's sense of his moral power and responsibility." "The
    most noxious sign of the blight in the social atmosphere is
    the openly increasing laxity of morals." In fact, "moral
    sense is almost completely ignored by modern society."

    The race may be more intellectual than it ever was, but
    it is not more spiritual. "Intellect preponderates. At the
    same time . . . consciously hardly any one thinks today
    of developing the soul." "The great intellectual progress
    has been achieved to the detriment of soul life." Yet "it is
    the character of the soul which determines man's level."

    Man has learned to control many of nature's forces. But
    as long as he can not control the forces within himself there
    can be no question of real civilization. "Control of appetites
    is the first step in human culture.""

    "As regards his sexual ethics man has . . . retro
    graded."" Although a milder mannerism in sexual expres
    sion has been adopted by mankind, it has not become less
    sensual ; rather the opposite. "Human culture . . . has not
    carried things further than the putting of a finer polish on
    . . . our animal impulses." "The effort of our civilization
    has been to domesticate lusts", and now they are found
    and fostered in almost every home. "In comparison with -
    the mode of life which prevailed among mankind for
    thousands of years we people of the present day are living
    in a very immoral age." "Sexual morals have been cast
    aside." "Sexual license would seem to be the unwritten
    code of modern society." "We find ourselves ... in a
    welter of urban sensualism and immorality.""

    Sex tends to permeate to such an extent man's mental
    and emotional as well as physical existence that "sex and
    its expression have become an obsession"; and the present
    generation stands practically indicted as one of sex-addicts.

    Characteristically one finds in this age of boasted
    culture: society saturated with sexual abuses from the
    bottom to the top ; prostitution flourishing on a Gargantuan
    scale; white slave traffic amongst the fastest growing
    crimes; abduction and seduction as daily occurrences;
    "criminal assaults upon children . . . greatly increased";
    abortions more frequent than at any period, and as lightly
    looked upon as is the extraction of a tooth ; sexual relation
    ships among students of colleges and schools; "epidemics
    of venereal diseases ... in highschools"; widespread
    indulgence in perverse sex practices by old and young, even
    the very young; sex plays on stage and screen attracting
    largest audiences; sex novels finding the best market;
    sophistical sex teachings disseminated without restriction,
    their popularity resulting from the fact that they provide
    excuses for personal weaknesses ; and such a prevalence of
    male and female troubles that it would seem that 'civiliza
    tion' inevitably spells 'syphilization'.

    "Mere animalistic sex expression has no more place in
    worthwhile civilization than would mud-huts serve as
    modern houses."" But in our pseudo-civilization worse than
    animalistic sex misuses are indulged in and condoned.

    There can be no question of real civilization until a re
    lentless campaign against the domination of sex is well on
    its way. A lessening of the overwhelming influence of sex
    is necessary before the race can claim a semblance of true
    culture and of becoming spiritualized.

    It is just because spirituality has been practically dis
    carded that sensuality has become paramount ; for there is
    a close relation, in inverse ratio, between the two: only
    where the one is absent can the other rule.

    Hence the great need of consciously and conscientiously
    approaching a spiritualizing ideal. In themselves "ideals
    . . . testify to a high level of civilization"" — particularly
    when they help to bring the spiritual nature to the fore, the
    animal nature to the background of human consciousness.

    Therefore "human nature . . . must be modified according
    to a definite ideal." And the needed ideal must in the
    first place diminish the overpowering fascination of sex.
    Because "it is not possible to develop . . . civilization
    unless we can inhibit primitive passions", "there is as yet
    no civilized society."" Above all other responsibilities "the
    task of humanity is to build up a genuine civilization, a
    corpus spirituale of mankind" — a civilization in which
    a purified love, disentangled from all sexual accretions, will
    come into its own.