PIED vs SPIED? Recovery time difference?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by hervesta, Apr 23, 2021.

  1. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    What's the difference between PIED and severe PIED? how much longer does severe PIED take to heal?
  2. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I don’t know, but my husband had pied from 45-50 years old. It took about 4 months before it was gone, then he had pe, but that only lasted for about a month? Now he’s what I’d call normal. How old are you? If you grew up with hsi it might take longer
    hervesta likes this.
  3. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Well I am 19 now and was addicted from ages 13-18, I could not get it up while watching porn in late October of 2020 and in late November I managed to maintain my streak (however a day before that I relapsed but this time I did get it up to porn, but not fully). I have not had an urge to watch porn since like early Feb, and in the last 60ish days I had major withdrawals but at the same time I had my best ups. Which consisted of almost a week of feeling great emotionally and physically, getting seldom authentic libido shots which I haven't had since like quarantine started, and random boners throughout the days. As of now I am at another low point (have been since sunday or monday of last week) and since then I've only had one night of waking up lusting after a real woman and not some fictional fake woman. It seems I have reached some sort of progress in healing, but I don't know how much longer I can handle it if I am not at least 80% healed by day 210. After all Noah Church and Gabe Deem (2 poster children of the NoFap) were addicted since before their teens, got PIED in their 20's, but healed with a 9 month streak. I am currently at 5 months free.
  4. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Are you fantasizing and masturbating? This can slow your progress.
  5. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    I have been praying everyday for the past 5 months as well as my good friends from my church, and they constantly are supporting me as I try to heal. However I just can't help feeling hopeless when it seems like I am going nowhere. I hope God has mercy on me and listens to my cries. Nevertheless I have a feeling deep inside of me that one day I'll look back on all of this and thank God for healing me and never abandoning me, even when I seemingly do so to Him. (just telling you all this cause I noticed your name ;D)
  6. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    No I am not. I have slightly fantasized despite trying my hardest not to, however they seem to come more naturally now and are more "authentic". as opposed to months 2-3 when my fantasies came with me trying to stop and them being more "pornographic"
  7. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    You’re very young. You’re also fortunate to know and understand this is an addiction. We all abandon God at different times in our lives, thankfully He is always faithful. He does hear your cries.
    hervesta likes this.
  8. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Good, try and focus on other things in life and as long as you stay on track you will eventually heal.
    hervesta likes this.
  9. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Thank you mam. Ironically, I was crying to God to ask him for guidance and proper advice/support this morning. You must be heaven sent then! God bless you, and I wish you the happiest marriage with your lucky husband. I desire to be in a loving, godly, and sexually healthy relationship with a wife one day; I won't ever go back to porn knowing all the damage it's caused me. Yes I am quite young, it is a double edged sword as I was broken down by the fact that I was not working in that way at 18 but at the same time I have more time to heal before I even get married as the average age people marry today is 24-26. By then I surely will be healed both physically, mentally, and spiritually. As I think about it, God was very gracious this way as I could have gotten PIED on my wedding night, making it not only on the rocks from the start but me taking longer to heal because of the extra 5ish years. I will certainly check in with you in a couple months for my thanksgiving to God and all who supported me through it.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  10. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    I forgot to ask mam, can you pray for me that I will heal soon?
  11. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I’ll pray God makes you the man he designed you to be.
    Bold_Prawn and hervesta like this.
  12. iwillrecover28110

    iwillrecover28110 Fapstronaut

    please pray for me to i’m 15 years old i realized i had a addiction i stopped masturbating but i thought watching porn wouldn’t hurt i kept watching it without masturbating and i would stalk twitter porn one day i had a huge erection it was like a flick went off in my brain and i lost my erection 2 weeks later i was able to start growing again and 2-3 weeks after that my pp started to feel numb and when i start to grow it’s weak and it’s not as big as it used to be is this shrinkage i need help
  13. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    That is called the "flatline" regular porn addicts who try to quit will always go through a period of their drives and functions not working. You'll get out of it within 1 to 2 months at worst, just don't go back to porn ever again because porn is the issue. You can always go to the doctors if you need assurance. PIED is something else, which you don't seem to have. nevertheless I will pray for you
  14. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Hello mam, I hit day 180 tomorrow, which according to the various statistics surrounding PIED, is when I should start to see major healing from this. May you pray for me that God grants me healing soon? As of now I am in a flatline again but before I hit the flatline I noticed that I had a lot of healing signs that I was progressing further (though now I cannot see that as I have no activity down there nor in my brain again). I am more confident that I will heal now, but I just keep hitting roadblocks...
  15. jayyad

    jayyad Fapstronaut

    I hit day 180 today, 20 years old, PMO since 12 daily. Had my girlfriend over 5 days ago and was maintaining a pretty good erection, but not the best, I was on ED pills tho. Was booking up in the car with her yesterday, had an erection here and there but nothing I can use. I’m worried but I have hope. I know I can do this. worst case scenario I wait another 6 months, but then I’m sure I would be healed.
  16. hervesta

    hervesta Fapstronaut

    Well considering you've been at it for almost 10 years you're gonna need at least 3 more months. Though I don't know how good you've been doing theae past 6 months (for me personally, I haven't had any urge to watch porn in 110+ days and I haven't had a porn-like fantasy in about that time too). Noah B.E. Church was addicted for about as long as you but it only took him around 9 months to get back to normal (and then from there he got even better) I suggest you continue in staying abstinent though.