
  1. U

    My Journey Starts Today

    I am an porn addict. I am no longer ashamed to admit it. I've resented myself for years hiding this sickness from everyone I know, including the love of my life, whom I have a beautiful healthy and happy child with. This sickness was embedded into my life when I was far to young to understand...
  2. A

    Social Anxiety

    Do you struggle with social anxiety/anxiety? Since quitting porn have you felt a difference in social anxiety? Do you think that porn addiction can be the outright cause of social anxiety developing? What do you do to help/manage social anxiety other than quitting porn? What do you think...
  3. A

    How to Quit Watching Porn in 35 Minutes

    I sometimes watch videos from Dr Alok Kanojia aka HealthyGamerGG on YouTube. He is an American psychiatrist. Some of you may already know of him. He just uploaded a video about how to quit watching porn. Its a fantastic video that goes into the nature of addiction and how to create a plan to...
  4. Toni7

    Sharing storyes and support.

    I would like for people here to share storyes and give each other a support so we can grow together in recovery. And maybe tell what we expetc of our lives in future. 1. I live in a beautifull city with great weather. But that doesn't matter becaouse I make my days dark. My life is messy. I...
  5. T

    Video Games please help

    Hi everyone. I’m 70 days completely free of PMO. I have experienced intense withdrawal symptoms in the form of consistent P flashbacks and intrusive thoughts. It’s distressing but I haven’t even been close to a relapse. What I need help with is that I am currently unemployed due to a health...
  6. FocusIsLove

    DISCUSSION: Are you in denial? To what degree?

    Hello all! After the recent forum crash, I've been in a terrible place in recovery. I've in this terrible place for a long time, at least a year. Only at times I'd get short reprieve as some sort of willpower came to me and I'd stay sober for a few days, a week, but like tiny embers in a gust...
  7. T

    Does anyone else share my experience- advice needed!

    Hi everyone, So I’m coming up a month without PMO. I’m doing ok, but one huge withdrawal symptom I have experienced is flashbacks. These flashbacks can range from vivid to dull, intense on one day to less common on another and on some days they are just lurking, constantly, ready to spring into...
  8. T

    Morning woods/night erections- good sign?

    Hi there! So quick question out there to rebooters and also those that have rewired. I’m 20 days into this reboot and have experienced strong MW (75-100% strength) consistently for the last week-2 weeks. Is the return of strong MW a good sign that positive changes are happening and is this a...
  9. V

    Porn addiction Recovery

    This is going to be my journal where I am going to keep a track of my NoFap journey.
  10. T

    Day 1 of recovery after relapse

    This is me updating my recovery progress after 40 days relapsed yesterday only woke up today really tired and the cold shower was hard I still think that you lose all the benefits is kinda mental I still get eye contact with some girls of course less and get less looked at but still talked to...
  11. B

    Any Help Appreciated

    Hey All, I've been a lurker here for many years. I've never been able to beat this habit and unfortunately I keep thinking I'll never be able to either. I have made progress but also made sure to undue said progress. I am not sure what there is left to do other than give up. My urges come in...
  12. The Revelator

    My introduction, new to the forums but not to nofap.

    Hey, this is my nofap story. I think I first discovered porn when I was about 11. The first time I tried doing nofap was in the summer of 2020 when I was 14. For a long time I would struggle with cooming and watching porn but having some small streaks. In 2022 I made major strides, each month I...
  13. Marcus113


    Once, I stumbled upon a video discussing a mouse experiment. The experiment involved placing a mouse in a cage with two water sources: one with normal water and one with drugged water. The mouse, unsurprisingly, chose the drugged water. However, when a few more mice were added to the cage, the...
  14. C

    Recoverty will take as long as it takes

    I see a lot of people on the forum constantly talking and worrying about how long it's going to take to recover, a lot of people getting anxious about having to wait so long. Recovery will take as long as it will take, there is no amount of trying to calculate how long it will take that will...
  15. silex_jedi

    what are the common patterns of recovery?

    hi, i was wondering if some specialists about addiction could help us. if you have made some research, or learned based on significant amount of different experiences please answer. addiction specialists, or "enlightened addicts" (you have some scientific or even spiritual sources, but please...
  16. A

    Recovery : Main points to consider

    The main points to that affect recovery are as 1. How many years have you watched porn in the past and how many hours daily have you watched. 2. The second factor is that if you had sex before or during the addiction time that may aid in recovery, those who never had sex, before or during PMO...
  17. A

    I need help on 60th day of recovery

    I just want to ask you guys that i am one of you who had been using this shit for almost a decade now, before eight years i was using too much and in last 4 years i am using p*** after 15 days or 3 weeks or 4 weeks, i have had many 40 day streaks, i dont watch all the time i am watching monthly...
  18. LongSault

    The Black Pill, a retrospection...

    Introduction It all started back in 2018. I was sitting at a computer at college, browsing MGTOW content on YouTube, as I had been doing since two years prior to that point. That day (which was in April), I saw some interesting looking videos in the recommendations feed to the right of the...
  19. D

    My addiction recovery - 90 days

    First 7 days: 05/23/2024 - 05/29/2024. Challenge: 90 days without porn, masturbation or sex. Stop my Twitter/YouTube/Reddit addiction. Stop my screen time. I want eat healthier too. In short, I want a better life, with more self control, more people interact and sleep more. This first week was...
  20. +TenPercent

    Really good movies about sex and porn addiction (and recovery!)

    Any recommendations? Anyone want to second a recommendation. The best movies that I have seen are: Thanks for Sharing Don Jon Don Jon was really good. Thanks for Sharing was amazing. Anyone have any other recommendations?
  21. LostSon41

    The Liftoff Challenge - Healthy Habit Tracker

    The Liftoff Challenge – Flexible Recovery Tracker How far can you fly? For those who wish to recover from their problems with Porn and/or Masturbation while simultaneously pursuing life goals, the Liftoff Challenge is the challenge for you! Reach 1500 points to blast out of the Solar System...
  22. tawwab1

    The Path of Least Resistance porn addiction recovery method

    START HERE Welcome! This thread is a work in progress to document a recovery method which is poorly-documented and lacks a central reference point. It's so poorly-documented that one could say it doesn't even exist! If you're a newbie to NoFap, I recommend skipping the first 2 posts and...
  23. J

    Porn Addction Recovery Method; Pulse Electromagnetic Field Device

    Hello there. Been a while since I've come on. I would like to share my findings on finally breaking through this trial. First, an introduction. 23 years I have been addicted to PMO as a way to not only dull the pain of living but as an activity for pleasure. There have been times where I...
  24. L

    Hi I am new here, guide me please

    Hi all, I am new here, Just got an idea of nofap from quora and then redirected to here from Wikipedia. I am 32yr old and single, and currently seeking a suitable girl for marriage. Before that I would like to refresh myself with health and happiness. I am trying to get a permanent teaching job...
  25. L

    Life with pygophilia

    I’m really exposing myself here but fuck it. Needed to find a way to release this before I say goodbye to this strain on my life indefinitely. Some things I need to clarify: Throughout this journey I rarely masturbated. I was scared to as I thought it would damage my penis. NOTE: I won’t...
  26. Homo sapien.

    "Unlocking Freedom: A Powerful Guide to Break Free from Addiction – Must-Watch Video Inside!"

    This includes: 1. Understanding the harmful impacts of porn addiction. 2. Acknowledging the addiction. 3. Seeking repentance and Turning to Allah. 4. Foowing expert Advice. 5. Filling Time with positive Habits. 6. Fasting and Prophetic remedy. (Includes) Book named "The Disease and the Cure"...
  27. SuperSaiyan99

    Soaring Eagle 飞翔 Chapter 41-140

    Quitting is good medicine Season 41: A detailed chapter on how to control legacy Foreword: Many brothers in reboot bars will share their masturbation experiences. It is good to share experiences as it can serve as a warning and inspiration to others. But when sharing your indulgence...
  28. G


    Hi, I am new to NoFap. I tried to find the reason why I am always so tired and restless and not being able to concentrate for a long period of time, and by digging around the internet for reasons, I think I finally found the reason. This is my 4th day not PMO, and I feel like there are...
  29. P

    Dealing with a relapse.

    I'm just writing here to look for some confort and possibly understanding. I am a sex addict. Have been in recovery for about 10 years from prostitution and online sex untill, since last year I started slipping occasionally, then more frequently, mainly with porn and cam. After so long in...
  30. 1


    My story is like a lot of others in the worst ways. I was exposed to p at a young age, began getting off at a young age, and even did it multiple times a day in my pubescent years and beyond. It isn't until I 'accidentally' abstained from masturbating and watching p that I realized something...
  31. T

    How do you know you're healed?

    At what point in the recovery process should you start pursuing women and having sex? Should you wait until you feel totally healed? How do you know you're ready? Or do you need a partner as part of the recovery process to help you heal and rewire your brain to healthy sex? I've heard...
  32. T

    Can Naltrexone actually help recovery?

    I've tried for over a decade to recover from PIED, but I always relapse. My longest streak is 7 months, but I need at least 1.5 - 2 years for a full recovery. I've tried all the usual recommendations: exercise, diet, hobbies, outdoors, therapy, etc. I'm at the point where I'm desperate for a...
  33. H

    Nofap isn't the ultimate cure.

    Nofap isn't the cure for anything. It's just a way to improve yourself if it helps you. I followed nofap for 1 year f***ed up real bad by taking too much stress (I know I can only blame myself). During quarantine I didn't go out and started overthinking and overworking for my goals (more of...
  34. M

    Hi day 5 here

    I think I’ve got a handle on this. Feeling better after 5 days Brain fog is slowly lifting. Just wanted to share my thoughts.
  35. begin again

    Donating to NoFap if I messed up

    **This is from like 6 days ago, I initially posted this on Reddit** As the title says, I made a deal with myself to donate to NoFap, in case I messed up in any way shape or form with recovery. The sum I set up was 200$. Last night I came from a wedding where drank a decent amount of wine and...
  36. D

    How long until you healed your PIED?

    Just curious, I suffer from PIED and currently in the process of doing a reboot and keeping the porn to zero and only masturbated once this month currently on day 25 streak which I'm very impressed with and know I'm not going to break it as I'm proper committed and am not suffering due to poor...
  37. D

    Question on Masturbation and affects on Rebooting?

    Right due to the blocks I've installed and other stratergies I've found it very easy to control my porn use and currently I'm about to surpass a 2 week streak of no porn. However, I know that I am need of a full reboot due to having PIED. Due to this I find it quite easy to not view porn but...
  38. L

    I dont know how to get out of porn addiction

    I’m a 19 year old man trying to escape out of the porn addiction. I watched it for the first time at 12 years old when a friend of mine in school showed it to me. And since that time I’ve consumed this type of content for almost 7 straight years. However during this time it was not a big of a...
  39. GodsDaughter

    A Beautifully Healed Marriage, Now Protecting Our Children:

    The last 7-Years have been very trying. My husband and I have experienced an extremely difficult yet blessed 7-year journey in overcoming our abusive childhoods together and the abuse from our family systems that resulted in early porn addiction and trauma for both of us, which our family...
  40. D

    Fellow podcast lovers

    I love podcasts about therapy, betrayal trauma, addiction, and recovery. Several audio books too. Wondering if anyone else likes to listen and discuss also.
  41. D

    How long does porn withdrawal last?

    Below, I am quoting text from an article on GoodRx (GoodRx Health): What Is Porn Addiction Withdrawal? Symptoms and Guide to Recovery Feel free to share your opinions and discuss.
  42. Neva

    Flatline- please help!

    I'm currently on my day 13 of NoFap (and 30 no P*rn) and It's easy for me, I'm just a bit afraid of flatline waiting for me in about half a moth, and paradoxally not about side effects, i'm gonna deal with it, I'm just a bit afraid of what my family will think about such sudden mood change,I...
  43. JaMorant01

    Speeding up recovery & neurogenesis

    I am currently in a headspace where I'm facing my deep inner demons and that has allowed me to completely let go of my addiction. Despite this I obviously face some of the withdrawals everybody's been facing and my habits are still out of wack to a degree (3 weeks clean approximately, twice in a...
  44. D

    How to manage feeling "healed" or close to it without flatline coming back

    It’s come to my realisation that the problem I’ve had is that I’ve pushed myself too far when I’m healed or very close to being healed. This is a pattern that’s repeated itself for years. I last time I had sex was just over a month ago and was feeling good enough to have sex but 3 times in...
  45. B

    Instant flatline/vaping question

    I might be wrong but I feel like I was in flatline even when flapping. Is that normal? I quit pmo (years of terrible habit, hours on hours daily) and got instant flatline. Zero libido, anxiety through the roof, almost depression. Is there any chance I will be Cured? Did anyone experienced that...
  46. Q

    10 days free

    Finally after a long long time I've made it 10 days porn free. My advice: Trust in God's power to save you. Find yourself something/someone that excites you and gets you out of bed in the morning. Find your why to quit. Exert physical energy. Find people to be accountable with. And when the...
  47. T


    Hi there, Has anyone successfully rebooted (or in the process of rebooting) and played video games during? Was just wondering if playing video games hindered anyone’s progress or led to relapses? If you did play video games did you play them regularly? Thanks for the help rebooters!
  48. tokenblackaddictedman

    Trying to be Better

    Hello my fellow recovering friends! Longtime NoFap viewer on Reddit, first-time poster. I've been a porn and masterbation addict for over 2 decades now. My catfight fetish turned two of my favorite interests (women and sports) into my greatest weakness. I've tried to quit several times but...
  49. F

    Lapse vs Relapse: The BIGGEST PROBLEM with NoFap community

    The BIGGEST PROBLEM with the nofap community is they don't make difference between lapse and relapse. Knowing the difference is one of the keys to overcome addiction. Relapse mean pmo like you used to. Lapse mean pmo just once or 2 times (less than you used to) It is very important to see the...
  50. TheHighMonk

    Eating nuts for recovery

    Hi folks, I'm a new member here on the forums and this is my first post. Honestly I've decided to register into this forum to ask this specific question. I found out that eating nuts, like walnuts, cashews etc. make me horny af. Recovery takes less time after eating them and they raise my...
  51. D

    What is happening to my dopamine

    i was a severe addict of pmo .But now i am abstaining. There is one issue .My dopamine levels have gone down .The pleasure the mental peace i got while doing pmo is no more.I am not getting happiness in anything . The kick in my life is no more. Will my situation improve .Will i get my...
  52. T

    My Sexual Health Journey (Reboot Journal)

    I decided instead of constantly adding to my self-intro thread, to start a new one here and turn it into a journal. Prior posts copied over below. Day 1: Self-Introduction Thread Hello world, I'm 35, married to the love of my life with a wonderful family. And I am miserable. I have been using...
  53. H

    How do I know I’m fully recovered/healed

    Hi community, how do I know I’m fully healed from PMO addiction and not just in a “calm” phase before another bad wave of withdrawals kick in? I’m 5 months in my journey and still have weeks of normal times and weeks of depression/hopeless scenarios etc. I mean, how to know if my “new normal”...
  54. S

    Can PMO cause brain damage and Nofap recover from it?

    I have read many posts in past stating that someone had OCD or ADHD and turned out it was PMO habit and after nofap they were getting cured. What about dementia? I am not asking a medical advice just to be clear. I've been addict for 14 years, I am seeing effects such as unable to focus...
  55. H

    Questions about recovery/healing process

    Hi community, I’m almost 5 months in my recovery and have to say it’s been a very difficult journey so far I experienced a lot of withdrawals (especially psychological ones) that made me think I was getting crazy I was literally living in my own head thinking nothin made sense in life, couldn’t...
  56. H

    About healing and full recover (info help)

    Hi community, I’m almost 5 months in my recovery and have to say it’s been a very difficult journey so far I experienced a lot of withdrawals (especially psychological ones) that made me think I was getting crazy I was literally living in my own head thinking nothin made sense in life, couldn’t...
  57. H

    Am I healed or just in a “calm” phase?

    Hi community, I’m almost 5 months in my recovery and have to say it’s been a very difficult journey so far I experienced a lot of withdrawals (especially psychological ones) that made me think I was getting crazy I was literally living in my own head thinking nothin made sense in life, couldn’t...
  58. U

    Addicted > 10 years recovered my experience

    Writing this to give guidance and hope, please read if you're struggling. Started watching porn at idk, 13? Not sure. I lost the desire to pursue real women, I was nervous speaking to them back then and porn took away the push needed to go do it. Used it to cope with stress (not consciously...
  59. H

    How to know when you can have sex during reboot

    Hi community, how do I know when I can have sex (or in case masturbate in moderation) during my recovery without worsening my withdrawal symptoms or slip into a flatline? I mean, nobody tells you you’re fully recovered/healed and ready to start a healthy sex life so how do I know?
  60. H

    Does recovery have an end?

    Hi community, I keep reading from different rebooters that recovery’s not linear and I can get it, cause in the last couple of months I had horrible withdrawals weeks, now some days it’s actually better and I almost feel like I‘ve always been in terms of psychological sensations (besides some...
  61. H

    Recovery’s not linear

    Hi community, I keep reading from different rebooters that recovery’s not linear and I can get it, cause in the last couple of months I had horrible withdrawals weeks, now some days it’s actually better and I almost feel like I‘ve always been in terms of psychological sensations (besides some...
  62. mentorr

    QUESTION: Have you experienced any form of trauma prior to having ED/PIED?

    I am currently doing a study on the role trauma plays (if any) on individuals that develop ED/PIED symptoms. Once I have this information, I plan to release a post with all my findings - and a comprehensive guide on: a) the true nature of PIED/ED b) the cause of PAWS symptoms...
  63. tawwab1

    Recovery is

    Recovery is life. Recovery is patience. Recovery is kindness. Recovery is growth. Recovery is a lesson about people. Recovery is finally standing up for yourself. Recovery is being relentlessly practical. Recovery is pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Recovery is filling empty space...
  64. H

    How do you know you’re recovered?

    Hi community, if someone considers himself healed after 3+ years (or even 1 year if that’s their case) of no PMO and never relapsed again, so if someone actually managed to overcome for good P*rn, can he tell me when did he realize he was actually healed? And how did he know that it wasn’t just...
  65. Cessna Caravan

    Any Testimonials From My Age Range?

    It's amazing how fast life goes by. One day you're this 16 year old stud and the next day you're my age of 64. It's all good! I'm a vegan and I'm at my high school weight with more energy than most people half my age. I've been reading the book "your brain on porn." I think the guy who wrote...
  66. Sondae


    Title is pretty self-explanatory. I deleted my porn folder with over 1,000 photos and videos. Thank you to everyone who gave me advice and encouraged me to take action against my bad habits. Feel free to celebrate with me!
  67. N

    NoFap and Porn Have Coffee Together

    N: Glad you could join me. P: Yeah, thanks for meeting. N: I’m glad we’re getting a chance to really take a step back and look at things objectively. I hope you don’t take offense to any criticisms I have to offer. P: I think we’ll be okay. I hope you don’t get offended at anything I...
  68. D

    Antidepressants: For or Against?

    Hi everyone, I'd like to pose this question to everyone who has suffered from depression during their addiction and recovery phases, as I'm curious about your experience regarding your symptoms and their alleviation, with or without the use of antidepressants. One question - which I assume a...
  69. X

    Relapse Apathy…

    For the last probably week or so I’ve been trying to self-actualise and better myself and to be honest it felt great. I was doing cardio, volunteering at a charity shop, playing guitar, drawing, meditating, doing work… today starts off great but then I spend 3 fucking hours playing a game with...
  70. Son of Olympus

    4 day progress.

    After trials and errors, I am proud to announce that I have beaten my 3rd best abstinence record of 4 days. Today is day 5 .
  71. newleaf9

    Introducing Myself

    Hi all, I am newleaf9. It's obvious given where this thread has been posted but I am new here. I am 22 years old and have been masturbating to pornography for the better part of my life. I was one of those kids who had unrestricted access to the internet growing up and this led me to...
  72. tawwab1

    Hypnosis scripts for porn addiction

    I have found that the most effective way to stay on the path is just constant renewing of one's intention through learning and studying. Problem is, I don't have enough time / mental energy to read every day. And I would get bored reading the same small set of books over and over. I'm looking...
  73. H

    Anyone able to reverse hyper pigmentation?

    Hi, I am an addict of almost 2 decades. I am suffering from lots and lots of issue which can be read in my other thread. My question is, is anyone able to reverse hyper...
  74. D

    STOP THE PORN my method journey

    Hello everyone hope you having a great day and not relapsing. (read full for a better understanding ;) ) /// MY SITUATION AND WHAT HAVE I GONE THROUGH /// That's what i would like to say but you probably serach information on not fapping, just as me. Personally i realized 4 years ago that i...
  75. KaliYugaWarrior

    Still Recovering (or maybe not), It's been 2 years of nofap

    So around 2 years ago, I started my journey into nofap/brahmacharya and I had no idea then, that my life will change so much. On the spiritual side, I've really become awake of the immense potential of semen in our bodies. It's called Vital Fluid in ayurveda for a reason perhaps. "It is not in...
  76. T

    Recovery Nation Workshop

    Has anyone ever heard of Recovery Nation? They have a recovery workshop full of exercises, available for free. I think it is worth checking out if you are interested in taking your recovery beyond simply abstaining and...
  77. Kurmutziku

    Discomfort while trying productivity

    I have noticed that whenever I sit down at my laptop and try to get some productive work done, my head starts to get fuzzy. Really any activities that seem boring to me. I even yawn more frequently. It’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling. This never happens when I’m watching random videos or on my...
  78. 0

    Hello everyone, My name is Shaun and I am proud to be here!

    Hello All, I would first like to take the time to thank all of you for being here and for creating this community! I have been struggling and dealing with this issue for many years now and I hope that I kind find likeminded individuals who can help me on my new journey towards a new life...
  79. S

    Porn recovery through Meditation Yoga

    Hi all, I've been porn free for 1 year now. Prior to that i used to keep relapsing. But when I brought meditation into my daily routine, things changed. Through regular practice of Meditation, you'll be able to watch your urges, porn thoughts come and go. People who find it tough to meditate...
  80. YoungMedic

    Domination Porn: Bad For My View Of Women

    Hey boys, I just had a realization, albeit not a particularly unique or special realization. I have been gettin into exceedingly abusive porn recently, where the man slaps, spits on, and all around says extremely abusive things to the woman. The worst part is that I enjoy the thought of being...

    Knowing MYSELF

    Daily Jornal DAY O I don't know if anyone will ever gonna read this, my English is not that good, there will be many grammatical mistakes but still i'm gonna write.. I know writing on a real journal is more helpful than on a screen. But its easy to write on a screen.. So here i'm writing about...
  82. B


    Hello everyone, my name is botme (an odd and random nickname). I suffered with porn addiction as a young teen. We had internet, but my family took it away when everyone was just using it for PMO. At 27 years old I discovered nofap for the first time. It took me three years but I was finally able...
  83. mentorr

    24hrs of feeling CURED

    Yesterday, for a reason I can't quite work out, I felt 100% healed. I spent just under a day feeling pretty much back to normal. I cannot express in words how good I felt. It is one thing to sit online and read other peoples recovery stories, but it is totally another to feel cured after years...
  84. onceaking

    Guys We F****d discusses porn addiction

    It's a bit of an old episode but a good one. In it, they talked to someone who says he's addicted to porn and who at the time going through recovery. He talked about how he realised porn was a problem, how it affected his relationships, how it changed the way he viewed women, and other stuff...
  85. solowstreak

    How to start my recovery?

    I want to start my recovery, but I don't know what to do to prevent relapse. Can people share how they started their recovery? :)thanks!
  86. P

    Testicular damage? How would I know?

    So about 6 months ago. December 21st, 2021 (exactly 6 months ago), I relapsed and I was edging during the relapse. I’ve been trying to quit pmo for a while again. but that night, I edged until I got blue balls , the aching sensation in the groin when you are really aroused without release. I...
  87. P

    Is this a weird flatline?

    So yesterday, I relapsed vowing to stop. (I’m done) I relapsed because for the past few days before that, I was fantasizing and checking out girls, and looking at movie scenes, and it was giving me headaches and head pressure. so I figured a fresh start would be necessary if I’m going to beat...
  88. P

    Why is this happening to me?

    I’ve had this happen before. But usually when starting a streak. I’ll avoid all sexual arousal so I don’t get these symptoms. It’s weird. but the other night I started my very needed streak to end this for all. We were all watching a movie at my friends house I went to after and I saw nudity...
  89. G

    hi can anyone motivate me?

    it's my 4th failure, i always fail at 20-30 day im in big depression
  90. Leon12

    Is WILLPOWER reliable to "Stop PMO'ing"

    Can Willpower be effective to break free from porn's grip, or do we need something else?
  91. P

    What does this mean? Am I ok?

    So yesterday I made it a goal to stop once and for all. I can’t let things like this stop me from recovering. I can to conclusions that things happen and I can’t let that stop my reboot. But earlier today, I started to feel better after starting my reboot. I was on a random thing online...
  92. D

    How do you find a good therapist to deal with this problem?

    Hello Everyone, It's common knowledge that in order to deal with this problem a therapist/counselor is needed. So far I've had two counselors that don't believe this is a problem and it's really hurt my progress. My insurance also doesn't really provide me with that many options for doctors. So...

    Advice Please!

    Experienced relapser here. I have a game plan ready to go for triggers. I have a list of reasons not to use P. I have a list of visualizations of a positive, P-free future. When I get triggered, however, I start planning a relapse. The use of each of these tools occurs to me and I choose not...
  94. sh0gun

    Why Counting Days On NoFap Is Holding You Back

    In the NoFap community it is a common practice for men to count the days since their last relapse. This can be a good tactic, as it can be used as motivation to keep going when you hit certain milestones. However, counting days for the most part is unproductive. It can reinforce your own...
  95. N

    Guilt for past fetish porn habit

    Hi, I am new to this forum and wasn't sure whether this thread should go here or in Problematic Sexual Behavior. Please let me know or simply move it if I chose wrong. Thanks Does anyone have words of advice or input? Or been through something similar?
  96. AndreC

    Introducing more accountability

    Hey everyone, I can not do it alone. I've been off and on porn use now for over a year. Initially, I had no idea it was a problem and how far a reach into my life it had. The longest I've been able to stay away from porn was around 3 months. During this time I was doing daily journaling about...
  97. P

    I’m honestly pretty worried.

    About a month ago, a few days before Christmas, I edged. For hours. it was terrible. But it happened and i got blue balls. It was bad pain. I then stopped edging and finished in the morning when the pain stopped. no pain was present anymore. But a few days later into my new streak, I felt a...
  98. J

    How to Fix Death Grip and/or Porn Addiction in Marriage

    I have been told that my original post is too descriptive and " pornographic" so I am rephrasing: Issues: 1.wife feeling like husband is masturbating with her body and not truly connecting when he watches porn and has sex at the same time. despite sexual satisfaction wife need to be connected...
  99. P

    what is happening?

    i started my streak last night, i am getting through the day now but i want to know if this is normal yesterday, i masturbated alot. it was not good. but i got back on the horse and earlier, i was just thinking about stuff in my head, and i suddenly came across a thought that got me pretty...
  100. D

    100 DAYS FREE

    I finally did it. I made it until Christmas, the greatest day of the year. I truly never thought I would get this far, but I did. I put every little bit of effort into my journey, and I succeeded. I truly feel amazing, both mentally and physically. Now I know for sure that I will never turn back...