Memory Challenge [ 30 Days ]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Mr.Tony, May 3, 2021.

  1. I will start this new challenge of Memory, I suggest you do the same, we train our memory for everyday!

    I just got 4 books gonna start reading and applying each one of them!

    2 Books of Dominic o Brian:

    How to develop a perfect Memory
    How to pasd exams ( Gonna start with this one! )

    and Mind Map Book of Tony Buzan

    another book of Lorayne Harry - Improve Exam Result was suggested to me by people from a Memory Forums.

    I will start training today of course it won't be easy, I'll start once again with a White Belt!

    Train the Memory!

    I truly believe Science , To successed as a student you need to master certain skills! Good Luck my friends, Let's improve our memories togather!

    I'll focus mainly on Mind Map and Association for the first 30 days, until I'm done with my MBA Exam!

    I'll follow Ron White on YouTube, he explains a lot of things regarding Memory!

    As for nutrition, I'll be eating Tomato and Salad it doesn't cost much and it's healthy! Good Luck, Proud of you!
  2. Day 1:

    Learning and Applying Techniques of Dominic O Brian on Mind Mapping!

    It requires a lot of Imagination!
  3. Day 2:

    Learning Dominic O Brian on Mind Mapping! I've just Finished reading a chapter in his Book: How to pass exams!

    Good Luck my friends, The beat is yet to come!
    Bloggertobe likes this.
  4. Day 3:

    Practicing my Memory's Imagination using Mind Map.
    Bloggertobe likes this.
  5. Day 4:
    I've done it yesterday, forgot to write it here.

    Gonna practice it again Today.
  6. Day 5:
    Revising the Mind Map for an Exam.
  7. Day 6:
    Revising the Mind Map for an Exam
  8. Day 7:
    Revising the Mind Map for an Exam, It's hard to keep up but it requires a lot of imaginatikn in the process! Keep it!
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
  9. Day 8:
    Revising the Mind Map for an Exam coming soon! Keep it up!
  10. You can't survive on tomato and salad alone unless you're in a desert are you in a desert?!
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  11. Funny Reply, of course not, although my country is surrended by Sahara. but a Healthy Food is on the Top of Nutrition, I still have thoughts on going extreme on this level for a life long process.
  12. Day 9:
    Revising and improving the Mind Map for the Exam
  13. 4:30am

    4:30am Fapstronaut

    where's your country?
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  14. Africa.
  15. 4:30am

    4:30am Fapstronaut

    That's a continent.
  16. You asked: where's my country ? I told you Africa.
    Morocco, if you're still curious.
    NEET2021 and Anti-Hero like this.
  17. Day 10:
    Little memory exercice for some Math Equations.
  18. Day 11:
    Little Mind Map Practice!
  19. Day 12:
    Using my Imagination to revise the mind map!
  20. Day 13:

    Little progress so far :) keep it up!