My 30 day abstinence challenge Feb 4 to 90 days

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    just the mere thought of porn and I lose, i just give in too quickly, i don't think about what im doing ... :emoji_unamused:
  2. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    of course... but im not taking this serious or what ever my excuse is.. my will power is pathetic
  3. Until you are desperate to change, you will not change. Change is painful. The pain of staying stuck must outweigh the pain of making the change before we will make the effort needed to change. I pray this happens for you sooner than it did for me!
    Beatthis, Kemar935 and Myfortress like this.
  4. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    you are absolutely right! I don't have a strong desire or a "want" to quit, but the reason why I want to quit is cause I feel bad afterwards and I care about my future, and when im motivated and focused to quit, its short lived...
    Kemar935 likes this.
  5. Vir

    Vir Fapstronaut

    Praying right now that God connects you with motivation!
    Kemar935 and Myfortress like this.
  6. Joe M.

    Joe M. Fapstronaut

    You just have to fight it. Fight early. Once the gambit is accepted, you lose. Just remember the end goal.

    Praying for your willpower.
    Tao Jones, Myfortress and Kemar935 like this.
  7. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    Day 1. :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:

    God is Good!!!

    Today God answered a prayer for me, I found a new bible group to get involved in , something i've been praying for, so praise God

    but on the contrary im still super disappointed in my behavior these past 2 weeks, and feeling like a pos... I hate the after affect, it last too long, I don't want want this anymore

    I also have some good to talk about as well, i've been fasting during the 40 day period on sweets, and thank God, im still strong! also since the beginning of this month i've been exercising almost everyday, and I told myself i would do so for the rest of the month and so far so good

    I hope everyone is doing good, everything is good for me I just need to be patient
  8. Vir

    Vir Fapstronaut

    Hey, so glad to hear it!
  9. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    hello everyone! im alive and well , im 13 days clean , time flies , although i did have a couple days of temptations but pulled through, im still feeling brain fog , not level at all, but here i am, hope every one is doing well!
  10. Vir

    Vir Fapstronaut

    Good to hear from you! Glad you are doing well!
  11. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    alright guys, I went 19 days , so close to 30 days , but oh well... im going for it again... yesterday i was tempted hard but today it didn't take a lot to tumble me .. i relapsed but with no porn, so didn't feel worse but i repented and looking forward..
    Vir likes this.
  12. Vir

    Vir Fapstronaut

    Way to keep fighting, man!
    LonelyStrength likes this.
  13. Maybe you can reach out *before* you fall next time? If you're ready to take accountability to the next level, you might consider joining our Discord server for real-time support.
    Vir likes this.
  14. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    I also want to say i'm excited for next month, i'm gonna challenge myself to exercise 30 day straight as well watch my carbs intake... and to also abstine for 30 days... I also did it this month but i was not consistent and lagged out on days, so I pray for discipline and focus as well as self control for this coming month and for all of us to stay on track.. im gonna try to update my progress more often on here cause i usually don't lol, I hope everyone has a good day!!
    Myfortress likes this.
  15. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    thanks tao! i'm already in a couple groups on cell and I think i'm already with you guys on discord, ill have to double check ?:emoji_thinking:
    Tao Jones likes this.
  16. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have been there. Binge drinking or binge PMO, this is addictive behavior. Recovering alcoholics cannot be left alone with drink and so it must be with PMO. In my case, I was only able to dig myself out of the morass of filth and despair by preventing myself from being alone with the device I used for sin, my laptop. In times of high temptation and weakness, I only allow myself to use it when around other people. On a few occasions I had to leave it in the garage overnight so I could not easily access it. Daily (or more frequent) heartfelt prayer to God and a commitment to avoid even near occasions of lust has proved the only successful longer term means to rebuild my strength after a relapse. I am praying for you! Please pray for me.
  17. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I am no expert, that is for sure. Nevertheless, I have read that when making life changes, the greatest success comes from not attempting too many changes at once. Life on earth is short in comparison to eternity and thus one's immortal soul deserves priority over the temporal body.
    LonelyStrength and Myfortress like this.
  18. LonelyStrength

    LonelyStrength Fapstronaut

    hello everyone, i'm back from a month and a half of ghosting... the past 2 month were nothing but unproductivity , and constant relapses, the worst i've ever experienced so far... my brain is so hard wired to fap when i show NO INTEREST or curiosity to porn or fapping, and when i manage to remain calm through the urges, i get the most exaggerated lust thoughts and urges... as if Satan himself is tempting me..

    overall i have good goals and desires to make my life more productive and satisfying, but pmo just kills me and my ambition, im truly stuck in the middle of this tug of war, i stay positive , i'm exercising and read little every day.. but its so hard to stay committed..

    overall if you guys can pray to bring a strong desire and a "want" to abstain from pmo in my life , i appreciate it..

    heres to the end of the week to just to be free and clear of this garbage .. thanks guys
    Tao Jones likes this.
  19. Reread our exchange above on Mar-06 and 07. Nothing changes if nothing changes...
    Myfortress likes this.
  20. Jsaves

    Jsaves Fapstronaut

    I feel for you and I wish I could give you all the answers to make it go away.

    What's helped me is clinging to the bible. I have a daily reading plan for going through the bible in a year, and it helps to keep my mind focused on God. It's not always relevant to what you may be feeling at the moment, but you're filling yourself up with the word of God on a daily basis, psalm 119:11.

    God gives us grace, and there is no condemnation when we come to Him and confess our sins. So pick yourself up and don't be discouraged.

    You have power over your own thoughts. Not even Satan knows what you're thinking. All he can do is through thoughts at you and see what sticks. You can reject thoughts that are not from God. Monitor your thoughts and stop yourself from dwelling on things that lead back to PMO. I've been anointing myself on the forehead with oil mixed with lavender every evening I remember... it just helps me to focus my mind back on God in the evening as I go to sleep. Also for the last few days I've been thinking of making a short list of reasons why I want to stop PMO, and to read the short list before I get up in the morning or before bed, to keep those fresh in my mind. I will do this soon.

    God bless bro! Praying for you!
    Myfortress likes this.