Food addiction / being obese and 'my' method

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    On this thread I'm starting today to report the usage of my method in another area - that is gluttony. I'm a bit fat (96 kg = 211,6 lb) By the way, when you Anglosaxons at last change your strange system to the metric one. All your feet, ounces,inches, Fahrenheit, stones, miles.... it's crazy.

    Today I promised God eating very small portions for a meal - a slice of bread layed with cut meat or the amount / volume of 3 soup spoons of potatoes with something. I can start eating only when I'm too weak or it's moderately difficult to stay off food. In addition drinking anything without sugar. Only one exeption - once daily I can drink coffee taken with 1 teaspoon of sugar and not much cream (coffee without sugar and cream should be forbidden and recognised as a minor crime ).

    This hard mode will be continued untill I loose 1 kilo = 2,2 lb.
    After that I could eat a bit more plus drinking 1 litre = 4 glasses (juice/ soda/ tea with sugar ..) daily.
    After a day, two or half a day of such relaxation I'm going to come back to my hard mode described at the beginning.

    Will it hurt? Like hell - I love eating but I won't be fat. Will I be hungry? Yes, all the time. I'll kill hunger with combination water with a bit of lemon juice. Will this mixure really help? No, only a bit relief.

    On this thread I'll be reporting my starving progress ( or failure ).

    But one is sure I mustn't break this promise like any other. I write down my promises in a notebook with dates and content and time (for how long) This promise has been taken only to loose this first 1 kilo. Then I'll be free to continue promising or to change the starving system.

    My starving is combined with physical exercises - thrice a week (10 -15 minutes).
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
    ANSE and ANewFocus like this.
  2. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    No offense, but you're bound to fail. A man of your size should be eating at least 1,200 calories a day (minimum). You're not going to lose weight and you're not going to make it very long. Look into the CICO (calories in, calories out) method.
  3. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    I remember 8 years ago how many people on another anti-pmo forum (feedtherightwolf - non-existent today) persuaded me that I have zero chances to get rid of pmo addiction (because I didn't use the tips widely accepted on that forum).
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2021
    ANSE likes this.
  4. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Promise one done - I weigh 95 kg. (209,7 lb)

    After 33 hours - 3 small meals plus a sport training (20 minutes).
    Now it's relaxation time - today I can eat bigger portions but every meal must be ended before I feel full and I can drink sweet drinks but no more than 4 glasses.
    Maybe tommorow the next starving phase.

    My BMI - 31,3 (1st grade of obesity)
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2021
    SuccessInRebooting likes this.
  5. I commend you on your desire to get healthier! I, too, must lose some weight, and have been putting off for some time. Before COVID I had managed to lose 30 pounds to arrive at my ideal weight. Then COVID happened and I gained them all right back! It took me six months to lose it, and probably not even half that time to gain it back up!

    I experienced some concern when I read your post, however. Perhaps it may have to do with an issue of translation. Did you by “starvation” mean “diet”? Reason I ask is because dieting strategies that rely on starving oneself in the short run are thought to actually increase one’s weight base line once the diet is over. For example, if one was at 200 constantly as one’s “normal” before the starvation and one managed to lose much weight, later on, when the unnatural diet has been returned to a more flexible state, the new “normal” might then because 210. It seems that when going through such intense moments, the body will think that it actually IS going through starvation, and, as a result, will store up more fat in the future when things return to normal to prevent a repeat of the event (this is why some dietitians will suggest to aim for a lose of one pound a week instead). I’ve heard it say that one of the reasons why there is so much obesity in the US might be because of cycles of overeating to extreme dieting. Baseline “normal” weight keeps increasing with each attempt… and I’m sure our obsession with sugar doesn’t help! :p

    Anyway, I am certainly no expert here, and I too suffer from an unbalanced approach to food. If I misunderstood your approach, then my apologies and paid no heed to my concerns.

    Onward unto God!
    ANSE likes this.
  6. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    You've understood my my loosing weight system well - I'm eating much less - as little as I'm feeling it as starvation - I'm hungry all the time. Yes, you're absolutely right - such a way of diet can produce (and usually produces) even more weight as the initial point (under normal conditions).
    But ... I live under 'unusual' conditions - I invented a safety button. So after I reach my healthy weight I'm going to take a 'special' promise. That is for example: My aim is 80kg (176 lb). After reaching it I could take such a promise - I will be weighing myself let's say 2 or 3 times a week and whenever my weight goes over 81kg (178,6 lb) then I'll have to start the 'starvation' mode which will last untill I reach back my 80kg (176 lb). I could take such a promise for initially let's say - 1 month or so and after that time I could prolong my 'safety button promises as long as I wish.

    Let's look at the comparission to pmo addiction - After some (even short) sobriety time the appetite for pmo increases and increases to the point that one day the craving is so high that not few give up and it's the start of pmo binge - the intensity of pmo acts is much higher then 'normal'. But when someone has taken a promise ( with the whole method ) then they have no choice they have to stay sober for as long as the promise lasts ( and after that they even can prolong the promise time) - this is the 'safety button' which ensured me 7 sober years of no pmo. Without the button I know that it would have been impossible in my case because many times during these 7 years my only barrier to not pmo was my taken promise which will be lasting for almost 3 years.
    As you see promises are a devise which can substitute for our too weak, broken and inconsequent will, of course provided they all are kept. Even one broken promise can destroy the whole system and what remains then is our too weak inconsequent will.

    That's why I always regarded breaking a promise as a tragedy and one of my main tasks is to keep any taken promise AT ALL COSTS. They are my ONLY working remedy for my broken ineffective will. Without them I would have to count on miracles but I know that miracles occur very rare although I know God can do them if He wills.

    What are your thoughts about it?


    My next promise I took today is to loose my weight to 94kg (207,2 lb).

    So I returned to my 'starvation' mode described at the beginning of this thread. When I reach it I'll change to a 'relaxation' mode - more eating for a day or half a day. My start point today was more difficult then formerly because after yesterday's relaxation mode my initial weight in the morning was 95,5 kg ( 210,5 lb) - so I have to loose not 1kg but 1,5 kg this time. That's why 'relaxation' mode must be short rather because too much relaxation could end in my 100 kg weight soon.

    But I knew about it - it's the result of relaxation mode. So my technical method here is 1 step forwards - 0,5 step back - 1 step forwards - 0,5 step backwards ... and so on. I'm hungry and my hunger level is increasing but it doesn't matter - the most important is to keep my currant promise - of course if I feel really bad or weak I can eat more - it's because my promise takes into consideration such cases and I won't break it when I stop it because when I promised I said to God when eventually I could stop this promise. So the shape of a promise, its limits can be designed at the time of taking it in a conversation with God. Any promise must be reasonable and well thought-out.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  7. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Promise two done - I weigh 94 kg. (207.2 lb)

    The weight reached after 33 hours. Now it's relaxation time - the rest of the day I can eat bigger portions.
    SuccessInRebooting likes this.
  8. I still have misgivings when people tie "starvation" to weight loss. That could very well be influenced by the fact I know two loved ones who have battled with bulimia and anorexia.

    In terms of the correlation between food and porn addiction, there is a difference in that:
    - Sex is necessary for the survival of the human race, but it is not necessary for the survival of an individual (nobody dies from not having sex).
    - Food is necessary for the survival of the human race as well as that of the individual (all those who do not eat die).

    While there are many similarities between these two process addictions, the above distinction is, IMO, needed to be kept in mind.

    As to whether your particular approach is healthy or not, again, I am not a dietician. Just expressing my concerns as a brother in Christ.

    Onward unto God!
  9. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    My only battle in this section of life has always been with my belly.

    My next promise I took today is to loose my weight to 93kg (205 lb).
    Eating and drinking conditions like in the first message.
  10. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Promise three done - I weigh 93 kg. (205 lb)
    The weight reached after (57 hours)

    Now a bit relaxation - especially with drinking sweet drinks. This time the relaxation might be shorter (I haven't decided yet)
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
  11. Congrats on the progress, Eko. What is your ideal weight that you are striving for? I am about 202 at the moment, and ideally should be at 185. While I'm not there, I used to be constantly at 215. Changing eating habits helped, but I have not joined exercise to it yet since before the pandemic. It'd be helpful in more ways than one to get back into that rhythm.
  12. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    I'm striving for 176 lb - it's not ideal but I need a bit of mass because of martial arts training. Now I exercise at home 3 times a week (stationary bike - I hate jogging, some push ups, exercises for belly and back muscles and finger - hand muscles (needed for martial arts ). Yes, the way must be twofold - diet and sport. low callory eating plus burning callories doing some sport. Watch out - I'll reach your weight in a few days if you do nothing :)
    SuccessInRebooting likes this.
  13. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    My next promise I took today is to loose my weight to 92kg (202,8 lb).

    So happy 'starvation' time is being continued.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2021
    SuccessInRebooting likes this.
  14. What martial art do you practice? I practice taekwondo, do you think martial arts help you become more disciplined or virtuous? Or why do you do it?
  15. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    I practice some elements of many martial arts - especially karate, then kung fu, mma, boxing, ju jitsu,... but this all is at a recreational level ( not much time and not often, and as for now I do it at home). Maybe I'll join a martial art club in my city but it will be not an intense training but rather milder. If it's possible I would choose brazilian jujitsu or mma elements but my base I would continue is karate which I trained for 10 years in my young years. I do martial arts because of my interesse - it's much more interesting for me to combine sport with martial arts than to do sport only. Martial arts teach some sort of being hard and doing much effort plus fighting against one's inclination to mental and physical comfort and being to some extent resistant to pain plus fighting against one's own fears which must be broken if you wants to be successful in a fight against your oponent. Plus you have some tools, skills what to do when you are attacked by someone aggressive or you can help somebody who was attacked.
    This all helps in life - for me it's not a problem to do an enormous effort ( for example learning two languages, doing a painful diet etc. ) and continueing such an effort during long time because I learned in my youth that you must practice karate hard and on a regular basis if you want to see results, that you can't be weak avoiding any bigger effort and you must be ready to accept pain and other difficulties. As the Anglosaxons use to say - no pain no gain. And as I did karate in my youth we often said - ' the ninja mustn't be soft'.
    What colour is your belt?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  16. Call it vanity of vanities, but after I read this post, I closed my laptop, and went off to the gym. It's ON! >:)

    In truth, 175 was my "ideal" goal, and I let 185 be more my "realistic" goal. Much like I would like to aim for Heaven that I may at least land in purgatory, so will I aim for 175 that I may at least land on 185.

    I need to be careful with OCD and perfectionism. Maybe I'll post here once a week with a quick update, if you don't mind.
  17. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Your input is wellcome.
    So - I have no choice but to understand it as a 'war' declaration :). So my sick ambition will be to outrun you and to be on the finish line before you.
  18. As it is found in Holy Writ: "Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it." 1 Cor 9:24

    That perishable wreath shall be mine!
  19. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Only after my unexpected premature death!!!
  20. Then in that case you would ultimately win, as I hear that the imperishable crown of glory is a really far more awesome thing. Just make sure to finish the spiritual finish line of the race, too! :p