Insert a spiritual teaching or quote

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    So not very Saint friendly around here. I'm going to get along with you and put a similar one

    "if you meet the buddha, Kill him" Linji Yixuan

    This quote from what I understand it means buddhism aims to go beyond the concept of duality, so even buddha, enlightment are all concepts. A real buddha doesn't know he's a buddha he does not have concepts or defines himself in any form or fashion.

    When you are more advanced in the path even the idea of enlightenment or buddhahood has to be erased.
    tazmaniac likes this.
  2. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I think that being an open book, totally open or totally transparent is not the issue. One can be completely transparent without one being at risk of being taken advantage of. What makes one vulnerable to attacks by others with a different set of principles or moral values is the actions (or reactions) of one towards the attackers. One can be transparent and safe at the same time depending on whether one acts based on one's own set of principles and moral values.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    How would you suggest going about doing this? Every time I try to be more open with people it seems to backfire in the end, unless it's with a handful of people I genuinely can trust, and even then I'm not 100% with them.
  4. "Your mom goes to college." -Kip Dynamite

    Confused? Good. It's like a koan from a movie. To put it into context especially from Zen:

    "What was your original face before your parents* were born?"

    * Which includes your mom
  5. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    You ruined it, you got me totally engaged and in awe and then the need to clarify such an obvious thing ruined it.
  6. But that still doesn't explain anything about the significance of your mom going to college...
  7. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Does it need to have any significance?

    "Your dog eats a turtle" - SickSicko the Koan maker.
  8. But I don't have a dog..
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    How could we forget this classic from the master?

    Uh oh... stinky! Poop! Hahahahahaha! Poopies! Funny poopies a-lalalala-ha ha! Funny poop! Poop funny... wee! Haha, yay for poopy! Good poopy! Poopy funny hahaha-ha haha poo poo poo poo poo poo poop funny, yay! Fun fun poop, hee hee hee. Poop-poopy, yay! Poop make me happy, happy hap-ay ahahahahahaha...

    I think with this, Le Monke is trying to tell us to take the good with the bad in life. That sometimes, life is shit, but that doesnt mean we cannot approach and face adversity with a smile on our faces.
    SickSicko likes this.
  10. pichus321

    pichus321 Fapstronaut

    Hello! i like your phrases, let me put 2 of my religion. "unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds" I like it because i think is what we are doing in nofap, killing our old self and destroying our bad habits, to become a new person and be happy. Other phrase i like is from Jacques Philippe "All the reasons we have to lose peace, are bad reasons" this last one for ex. when we commit a sin, or fap, there is a tendecy to lose peace and be very hard on ourself, as if we had to be supermen, getting depressed for days and relapsing eveing harder, and that is a symptom of narcissism, in my opinion. We should be sad but recover fastly and start again by being humble and understunding we are just humans.
    tazmaniac and black_coyote like this.
  11. tazmaniac

    tazmaniac Fapstronaut

    The more he is open to all that is beautiful and harmonious, the more his life is tuned to that universal harmony and the more he will show a friendly attitude towards everyone he meets. His very atmosphere will create music around him.

    Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Music, Sound and Word (The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan Book 2)
    black_coyote likes this.