Try Again

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    I guess I will begin again. My life has gotten out of control. My father is in and out of the hospital and I am stressing about school and ... whatever. I am just starting again. It is what it is. Jesus is always with me and I will follow him no matter what else is happening with me or around me. Jesus has already overcome the world and I rest in that victory with him, even when I am covered in my own semen. Thank you Jesus for the victory!
    ferret XD, Myfortress and Kemar935 like this.
  2. Christian Warrior

    Christian Warrior Fapstronaut

    You've come a LONG way Neil!

    One little stumble doesn't take anything away from that.

    2021 will be our year of restoration!!
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2021
  3. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I stumbled and fell more times than I can count but God did lift me up, time and time again because His mercy is not given on any condition. He doesn't expect us to be worthy, He only expects us to ask for His help.

    Pray with all of your heart to feel God's loving arms wrapped around you. He is there, waiting for you to ask Him but you show Him the intensity of desire you have for Him. Pray until the temptations pass. Consider that you wouldn't stop struggling after merely 20 seconds if someone was trying to hurt you so make sure you pray as long as it takes to feel the Father's love wash over you and inspire you.
  4. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    I was going to just walk away from this group, but a little humility can be helpful in this situation I suppose. I am contnuing to move forward with God's plan in my life though. He incorporates even our stumbles into his plan so it all works out to the good!
    XandeXIV, Kemar935 and Tao Jones like this.
  5. I am glad you did not just walk away. Many do, and I always wonder what has become of them. Of course, I don't need to know how Christ is at work in others, but it is nice to get a little view into that whenever we can. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are an encouragement to me.
  6. Kemar935

    Kemar935 Fapstronaut

    Great to hear your not walking away Neil! Stumbling is part of the journey, all we can do is start again and again each time we do.
  7. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    You have made a good decision and you have overcome another hurdle. Well done!

    The day before I vowed to begin my current fight against this sin, I let my behavior sink to a new personal low. Disgusted with myself and determined to make a change, I returned to this website after being gone for many years. Here, I found help from a few wise and kind people and I am now on the best path I have been on in 50 years. As you say, God uses our failures too.

    Stay the course brother, especially when you fall. The devil uses depression, despair and deceit to make you his. Don't let the bastard win.
  8. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    PS - I wish I had done this so much sooner. So many years let by without truly appreciating the beauty of the Father's love.
    ferret XD and Tao Jones like this.
  9. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Well done for not turning away, Neil. There's no need to be ashamed when we fall, because we all do it. Merely by wanting to get back up each time, let alone doing it, you are so much further along the path than those who don't even admit they have a problem.

    We walk this path together. You encourage us and we encourage you.

    Keep on keeping on :emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle::emoji_muscle:
  10. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    I have been so busy with my father. We have put him in home hospice because the doctors say he's dying and I am his primary caregiver, but I am pushing forward trusting Jesus with all things.
    ferret XD and Tao Jones like this.
  11. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    My father is dying I guess. All the candles and prayers and worship music and laying on hands is not changing this it seems. And what good is my purity in the midst of this? I am discouraged in my faith but I will remain in Jesus no matter what.
    ferret XD likes this.
  12. Christian Warrior

    Christian Warrior Fapstronaut

    Sorry about your great difficulties Neil. I hope you can endure without too much pain.

    And I wish a speedy recovery for your father.

    Job 13:15 - Though He slay me, still will I trust in Him.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2021
    ferret XD likes this.
  13. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    Your purity is everything brother.
    ferret XD and Neil4jesus like this.
  14. Purity is the pathway to peace. Peace is what you and your home need right now more than anything. Do not go back into chaos and unrest.

    Does your father know Christ?
    ferret XD likes this.
  15. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    It is just that the other night when I became incredibly aroused and resisted the temptation to masturbate and climax, I awoke the next morning to my father having another seizure and had to call 911 and we had to bring him home and put him on home hospice waiting for him to die. I wonder, did the repression of my libido somehow create an atmosphere that caused his brain to malfunction? Would he still be recovering instead of deteriorating if I would have just given in? If I had become arouse since then I probably would not resist because of these thoughts, but I have had no desire for it since then, and I cannot say what tomorrow will bring, so for today I am still moving forward in my quest for purity.
    ferret XD likes this.
  16. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    It is out of my hands and into Jesus's hands. Please read my response to the previous post and let me know what you think about how crazy my life is now with purity.
    ferret XD likes this.
  17. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    If you would have given in you would have invited demons into your space and the outcome with your father may have been even worse. You did the right thing man.. stay strong.
    ferret XD likes this.
  18. This makes no sense. These two things are in no way related.
    ferret XD and LyarTheTruth like this.
  19. Neil4jesus

    Neil4jesus Fapstronaut

    Still actively sustaing my purity; only by the grace of God giving me no desire for PMO. I realized that the disconnection I have been feeling during praise is probably because I gave in nine days ago and it will come back as the energy builds up again.
    ferret XD likes this.
  20. I'm sorry about your father.
    Neil4jesus and ferret XD like this.