Masturbing my self to death

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Share The Pain, Sep 30, 2021.

  1. Share The Pain

    Share The Pain Fapstronaut

    Im so tired of this addiction, it has ruined my spirit, my health, my life. My brain is so fucked up. I feel always, non-stop, braindead, brainfog, depressed, tired, anxious, dead, disconnected. I suffer from dp/dr and many others mental health issues that are most likely caused by porn. Id rather be a fucking meth addict than porn addict, porn addiction is the worst addiction there is. Feel suicidal and violent lots of time. Im so afraid of future and my health. Imagine being pathetic coomer what kind of a loser watches (((porn)))? I can only be 3 days without pmo and then I will fail again, I know it destroys me completely but I cant resist. No for gods sake stop pmo and dont get this far as Iam and many others, you dont want to destroy your life like I did. Please give me some advice or hope, if theres any.

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    Awi007, Toni7, 88991s and 3 others like this.
  2. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    There is hope. I have been there too when I could not get few days without it. You need to do more research if you have not done it about how to kick this addiction. Find activities to do when urges hit. Have a productive and healthy lifestyle but dont be too hard on yourself. May God bless you.
    Awi007 and Share The Pain like this.
  3. Same is happening with me.
    Today I started NoFap but I failed at my first day
    Awi007, 88991s and Share The Pain like this.
  4. There is no one thing anyone can say to you to make it all click. There are no jedi mind tricks.

    It is as simple as making the decision never to harm yourself in this way again and abiding by it.

    You have to make a free decision. You can't go from compulsively masturbating to pornography to compulsively not masturbating to pornography. You remove the element of compulsivity by accepting that relapse or abstinence are alternative choices that you are forced to make each and every time your mind decides to beg the question.

    Relapse is a choice. Recovery is a choice.

    You make your own choices.
    Xander_, Awi007, Roady and 4 others like this.
  5. wicket

    wicket Fapstronaut

    I sometimes feel like I am fapping myself into a coma on binges lol funny but scary sad
    Awi007 likes this.
  6. Blocking internet and meditation are two tools that got me out
    Nugget9 and Awi007 like this.
  7. Spend at least 1 hour in the gym each day. Freedom from porn addiction comes from a network of mutually reinforcing habits that give your mind and body a place to rest other than with your face in a screen and your cock in your hand. Regular exercise is one of those habits.
    Nugget9, Awi007, 88991s and 2 others like this.
  8. Haladavar

    Haladavar Fapstronaut

    Hi Share the Pain!

    There is always hope. What your mind has done pulling you into a PMO addiction, it can also pull you out into freedom.

    Most importantly right now, look to incorporate 1 habit into your life that takes places during your vulnerable hours.
    Some ideas:
    • Going to an event or class
    • Talking with your family
    • Exercise routine
    • Reading
    Get immersed in the tactics from the forums us NoFappers have incorporated.

    Don't stop until this addiction is dealt with. It shall not have control over you.
  9. last chance

    last chance Fapstronaut

    It's hard. I'm struggling with it myself, but I've gone a whole year without it in the past. Quitting is definitely worth it. Unfortunately, I fell back again. But I now have been clean for 14 days.

    It currently helps me to keep these two sayings in mind:

    "There is no and between porn and my goals, there is only an or."

    "I want to live a pure and clean life."

    Maybe this will help you too. I wish you only the best. Keep fighting.
  10. BeBlessedAndFree

    BeBlessedAndFree Fapstronaut

    Don't be so hard on yourself brother. If you need to fap every three days you're not alone. A lot of successful people most likely do PMO more than we think. Maybe you're not ready yet and that's OK.
    Awi007, Buddhabro2.0 and silentmike like this.
  11. Warwick

    Warwick Fapstronaut

    Is there someone you trust you can talk with?,..maybe a friend or perhaps a counsellor to help you through this time.
    Awi007 likes this.
  12. Share The Pain

    Share The Pain Fapstronaut

    No. Well, I have time for psychiatrist due to my mental disorders, not sure if Im going to mention porn addiction there.
    Awi007 likes this.
  13. last chance

    last chance Fapstronaut

    I can still recommend omega 3 fish oil. It helps a bit against depression and is completely natural.
    Share The Pain likes this.
  14. Share The Pain

    Share The Pain Fapstronaut

    Im taking it, such as d and multivitamines and magnesium. Doesnt help at all. Im in serious situation now. I need medication or something.
    88991s and last chance like this.
  15. Brother, I wonder if porn is more of symptom of other things. By that, I mean you use porn as a method of dealing with problems or anxieties.
    I don't know about others, but when the urge comes over me to view porn, I know it isn't really porn I crave. But my brain is used to me doing pmo. It gets a rush from it. I don't think my brain would care if I got that rush from alcohol or gambling or shoplifting, it just wants it.
    I see by your avatar that you are 21 or 22. I envy you - I mean, do you want to have grey hair and still be dealing with this shit? You are at the perfect time in your life to make some changes. Now, maybe you have already, but, if you have not spoken to someone about how you are feeling then it is time to face it. Once the truth comes out of your mouth, believe me, it doesn't seem so shameful or terrible. The porn addiction loves it when we keep it a secret. It thrives on it. When we dare to speak about it, the power of it is reduced.
    Okay, I have gone on too long. And maybe my words are not the ones you need to hear. But you are a valuable person. You are needed on this earth. Take some time for yourself and get a plan together. Go for it, brother. Don't wallow in shame.
  16. last chance

    last chance Fapstronaut

    I went through the same hell of depression. In my opinion medication shoud be the last step.

    Do you do sports, especially endurance sports?

    Do you have a daylight lamp? Do you use it?

    How many social contacts do you have?

    Do you have a hobby?
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  17. Share The Pain

    Share The Pain Fapstronaut

    I dont do sports, I cant see anyone, I cant go to work, I cant even leave my house. Im struggling really bad. This will end up to a suicide very soon. I need something to calm my anxiety and others down fastly.
  18. last chance

    last chance Fapstronaut

    63 a daylight lamp there are inexpensive models. Sit in front of this lamp for one hour every day at the same time in the morning.

    2. Try to exercise, even if it's just a walk, even if it's only for 10 minutes. Do this every day.

    3. Look for social contacts. Call your parents or look for chat partners on the Internet.

    4. Find a distraction so that your thoughts are not circling all the time. Even if it is video games. I recommend books.

    Believe me all this in combination will help you. You have to fight yourself out of the hole. There is no magic pill.
    Nugget9 and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  19. Share The Pain

    Share The Pain Fapstronaut

    I need something to fix my mental illnesses before I can do anything. Seriously, I cant go to have a walk, even if I want to. Im trying to speak everyday to someone online, it isnt really that helpful tho. Im trying to distract myself but nothing really helps, Im stuck playing video games, then using phone, then playing again, then using phone again, which probaly makes me feel worse but I cant do anything else for now. I wish I could go to school but I cant which Im really depressed about also.
  20. Share The Pain

    Share The Pain Fapstronaut

    I have self diagnosed myself Dp/Dr, (Psychotic) Depression, Major Anxiety, and OCD. Becouse I suffer from such symptoms, and porn addiction seems to be the main cause of them and thats why Im here in nofap becouse I want to get rid of this evil shit porn that is consuming me alive. It is time to stop and become myself again. I miss my life and I miss God.
    88991s likes this.