I’m falling apart

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by jurte, Oct 25, 2021.

  1. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    Hi guys.

    I honestly thought I’ll never be back here again, but here I go, after 24 days of being free I relapsed once again. To be honest, I feel like I’mlosing my mind, I’m not in the best mental state right now I gotta say. I’mstressed about college, girl I’m speaking at the moment but mostimportantly I’m ruined because of mybreakup which still stings. Eventhough I ruined my girl, because I was the one who broke up with her, generally speaking I’ve done itbecause of this addiction. Nothingchanged, I feel like it’s getting worse, I feel like everyone’s progressingwhile my life is falling apart. Shehates me, I know she does andinstead of changing my life I fucking am still attached to this shit. I’vewasted four hours on video chat and spent almost 75$ on cam girls, I didn’t go to my classes because my demon took over. I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m so tired of fighting everyday, I’ve prayed and prayed and nothing’s changing. I don’t know guys, I had just one bad day in October and suddenly everything fell apart and Ihave to start over… Please, someone…contact me
  2. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    is there any help lines in your country, ( as I can't recommend one without knowing your country ) ?
    I have talked to people on free help lines before for emotional support.
  3. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    Jurte, I think you need a therapist to talk to.
  4. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    I know. Maybe, I don’t know to be honest. I feel like I can deal on my own, because I always despised therapists. Anyway, it’s okay man, it will pass it’s just chemical imbalance after relapse. Thanks for your message.
    determined99 likes this.
  5. WhitePanther

    WhitePanther Fapstronaut

    Jurte, remember that this journey is never linear but has it's peaks and valleys. Right now you are down and it's suck.
    A quick tip I can give is: take small steps right now to try to structure thing around you. Clean your room, take care of personal hygiene etc. Then commit yourself going to classes. The best thing we can do when feeling this deep void of loneliness is being around other people. Are there any other things you are interrested in that you can structure your social life around? It can be dancing, martial arts, cooking food etc.

    I wish you the best
    jurte likes this.
  6. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    Thank you friend. I really appreciate that, I like to workout. I’ve been working out for four years now, but I haven’t been to the gym in a month or so I’ve decided to do more push ups at home, but obviously I didn’t do my daily set of push ups today since I relapsed twice and have no motivation or force. And to add to my stress level, I’ve spent all my money on my bank account today, and this was the cash that my dad gave me, it was actually second time that he helped me financially this month cause I don’t have time to work at the moment because of the academic year. I work only once a week after my classes, but now I have to somehow make time to work more this week since I have to pay for my gym membership. It wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t spend all my money today. I hate myself really, this is just horrible.
  7. WhitePanther

    WhitePanther Fapstronaut

    Please be careful about how you adresse yourself. That is your addiction speaking. You have relapsed and your dopamin neurotransmitters are completely shoot at the moment. That's why you feel like you are hating yourself. Rest up and try to ge some high quality sleep. If money is tight at the moment, I highly recommend sites like meetup where you can find free activites and also meet new people.
    Again, remeber that this will never be linear and have it's ebbs and flows.

    All the best,
    jurte likes this.
  8. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    Thank you man, God bless you. I really appreciate that, I feel quite lonely at the moment and having a sincere and good conversation definitely helps. Thank you, sir
    WhitePanther likes this.
  9. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Well, to relapse is not too bad of a thing, it is not too scary. What is truly scary is for you to no longer continue with the determination to reboot. If you stop coming on NoFap, if you start PMO more and more and more without thoughts of your reboot, that is what is scary.

    Yes, I greatly dislike the feeling after a relapse. There is no escaping it - just how you said - the chemical imbalance is now taking place within your body. Do you have access to a gym? I highly recommend going to the gym or doing some sort of exercise today, preferably aerobic exercise, maybe some light weightlifting. You are in a weakened state right now, so more prone to injury. That's the only reason I wouldn't recommend a hard training session for today.

    What I found that works well is after a relapse to go to the gym and swim laps in the pool. Although the negative effects of a relapse are still there, they become lessened.

    Here is a book on rebooting - a professional approach to ending this addiction. It is a lot of reading, but if you can start reading and studying the book even for 15-20 minutes a day, it can greatly help.

    Attached Files:

    AtoZed and jurte like this.
  10. jurte

    jurte Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Yes, I agree light workout would definitely make me feel better, however it’s 9PM already where I live, and I’d rather concentrate on getting a good sleep than working out, maybe if i had more time. I’m so surprised that you would find a time to provide me with such knowledge, just thank you man! You’re amazing! Thanks, I’ll check it out
    jcl1990 likes this.
  11. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    no problem at all. Yea it’s a really good book, has helped me a lot. Good luck and hope you feel better soon!
    jurte likes this.
  12. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    :) well ok, but you can talk on the phone to them if you prefer that to face to face.
    jurte likes this.
  13. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    I've found this video from Mark Queppet helpful:
    jurte likes this.
  14. Max666

    Max666 Fapstronaut

    Firstly you gotta look at it for what it is. You're masurbating because you're trying to substitute for something else. Don't see it as an evil external force that's taking over you but rather a biproduct of something else. Once you do that, focus on that "why" and put all your attention on it until that becomes the obsession. Change the things in your life that are causing it, is what I'm saying.
    If you try to stop it head on it'll be too hard. We become addicted to things as a way of escaping our problems. You wanna eliminate flapping, that's how you do it. Face your problems, however uncomfortable that is, cause what's the alternative.
    jurte likes this.