If you have urges, you have relapsed

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Quezatolah, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. SergioCon

    SergioCon Fapstronaut

    on the ultra high level monkmode hardmode yes, but unless you are a true ascetic living in himalayas - i would say its unreasonable expectation
    AuwL0ng likes this.
  2. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    While I disagree with urges and "arousal" being the same as a relapse, I do believe 100% that killing the desire for P is achievable and should be the standard we all aim for. I think MO without P is a different story however. I don't see how or why we would remove the "urges" for that.
  3. I agree with you.
  4. That's not healthy nor right!!!

    The point is , every man is BORN with natural desire for women and sex ( while nobody experience natural love for cigarettes or drugs !!! )...This desire for women is a good thing when it stays in the natural course that humanity has known since the first human on Earth. It's good psychologically , physically and for the continuity of the human existence on Earth. However, the trick in this WICKED AGE we live , is ...screens. Women became images and pixels on screen. This is our enemy and that's what we are fighting, to get out of loving the illusion to loving women in reality. We will never stop loving , needing and sleeping with women. We shouldn't think of it. We shouldn't expect ourselves not to be humans stopping our brains from desiring what it was created to desire. Just make it in REAL life not on screen.

    That's why people who stopped PMO for 1000 days can relapse, yes, they still love women and they are tricked AGAIN that the pixels on screen are women.

    It's this modern trick that we must fight ( PIXELS ON SCREEN )...NOT our natural desires as humans.
    Freeddom_Taker and mentorr like this.
  5. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    what we call urge is actually sexual energy and we well always feel it, we simply dont pmo thats all, sexual energy is actually meant to be constructive , write, study, build, etc, the sexual energy well help you with that.
    NewLifeForEver191121 and mentorr like this.
  6. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Sexual energy is just energy and I will stop it from ever flowing into sex and pmo.
  7. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    I think what porn has done to many is make them romanticise sex and women, it's all trash for the most part.

    Alot of you are confused, pmo addiction is linked to sex addiction as a whole. If we all lived in the 1800's where there was no porn our same beliefs and personalities that got us hooked on porn would simply get us hooked on sex, porn is just the medium we use today, it's an outlet for our desires but it would still be there even without porn, it'd just come out a different way.

    Ultimately the change needs to happen to our beliefs about sex at a fundamental level.
  8. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    PMO addiction is just one side of the coin. For example, I have never been addicted to P, I PMO'd as an emotional outlet and because I did not know how to deal with the stresses of reality. If you read many of the posts on this forum from newcomers, you will find that a large majority of them are actually virgins. Meaning they can't be addicted to sex because they have never actually had it!

    Addiction is caused primarily by TRAUMA and over time becomes a coping mechanism to deal with emotional stress. Its a behaviour that is repeated enough to become a habit, and then eventually an addiction. I agree, porn is definitely trash - but just because we are on this forum, does not mean that we all have a sex addiction. PMO is much deeper than 'having sex', it is primarily about emotional yearning for connection with someone or something.

    Please think about what you are saying.
  9. SergioCon

    SergioCon Fapstronaut

  10. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    You basically said the same thing, I agree pmo addiction and really every addiction is an attempt to escape feelings of discomfort, it's not that the object of our desire feels good, it's because it provides relief from our pain which we confuse with feeling good.

    I've just gone a step further and recognized if pmo didn't exist to provide that relief then something else would take its place, probably related to sex.

    Nofap tells you that you need to change your behavior from fapping to not fapping but that is the most superficial change you can make and it's not sustainable.

    There is a whole cascade of processes that happen before you feel the urge to pmo, making an active choice to not pmo is simply altering the last bit of that process but it has such a momentum at that point you need a whole lot of willpower.

    At its core it has to do with your beliefs about sex itself because what is porn? It's just sex on a screen, pmo addiction is sexual in nature so it's linked with sex addiction.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
  11. This new way of going about a streak is technically fine, it's just intense as hell and a little illogical. You can't control when you have an urge, so punishing yourself when you have one makes no sense as nobody can control their thoughts 100% of the time all the time. I remember reading a post of this guy who claimed to have successfully beaten his porn addiction and he reported that for around the first 70 days, urges were common, but he resisted every single one of them. As he climbed into the 80s, 90s, 100s, and over that, he began to care less and less about porn until it was gone entirely. However, according to your way, he failed countless times and his only real streak started when he stopped having urges.

    Not to mention your wildly speculative claim that we would all be sex addicts in the 1800s has no basis in reality and is something you cannot substantiate. It makes a lot of assumptions on our characters, our characters being something you know very little about. Like everyone else here.

    However, playing devil's advocate here since the responses here are rather negative, your way is still sound in effect. As long as seeing your counter read 0 every time you have an urge doesn't demotivate you, you would still be staying away from porn and masturbation and your brain and body would continue to heal. So theoretically, you could be at 10 days without urges and you would count that as your real streak, but your body and brain, under the usual standards, would be, say, 80 days without experiencing PMO. It's a win either way. And honestly, as long as the end result is being able to stay away from porn, I don't think how you do it matters, as long as it doesn't cause harm to yourself or others.

    See, this is what's primarily hurting your credibility. You're falsely equating being addicted to watching sex on a screen to an addiction to sex itself. While it's true both feature sexual acts, there are very important differences and one of them is accessibility. Porn takes 5 seconds to find, is free, and I can get to it in the comfort of my home. Sex, especially if you choose to pursue it without prostitution, requires time and effort as well as a very physical commitment to the task. Sex with strangers invites numerous risks including STDs, assault, robbery, etc. Porn does not have an immediate danger to it.

    With sex, it takes much more to get caught in the addiction, but the potential consequences are much more severe. Porn is relatively the opposite, it takes much less to get addicted to it, but there's obviously still consequences.

    I think your way of choosing to attack all sources of what could cause an urge isn't necessarily a totally bad idea. But your claim that sexual arousal itself should be avoided and that PMO addicts are automatically sex addicts is making it difficult to fully consider what you have to say.

    There's also nothing inherently wrong with one person choosing to pursue celibacy, so if you wish to pursue that, go for it. But your original post is coming off as if you are attempting to tell people that they should do the same when that should be a very personal choice.

    Regardless, I look forward to reading a future post (say, a couple months) on whether or not this new means of fighting PMO worked for you with hopefully detailed notes on how it went. Maybe you're onto something, maybe you're not. The only way to know for sure is to test it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2021
  12. m9damn

    m9damn Fapstronaut

    We're not robots. Dopamine is desirable to the brain all our lives.
  13. m9damn

    m9damn Fapstronaut

    Sexual energy is for sex. That's why we have genitals and can reproduce. The rest of the body can be used for other things. It's natural and we are designed like that. The problem is P and M, that is not natural.
  14. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    If you're here it means your character made you an addict and that's all I need to know. I don't know if you travel alot but people's habits and personalities follow them wherever they go, we will always fall back to our default.

    I made it 84 days before I got physically sick from stress, with my daily routine in shambles I decided to jerk off which ended my streak.

    What I learned afterwards is that I haven't changed one bit as a person during my streak, it was like those 84 days never even happened.

    My default remained the same, and that's what I'm trying to change, on this site there are examples of people relapsing after 500-1000 days, what motivation do I have to do this again knowing I'll be the same dude at day 1000 as I am at day 1?

    It doesn't make any logical sense, we need to be able to measure if we're still addicted or not, if you still have urges it's proof that your default haven't changed.

    It means at some point, you're going to crack given enough stressors, it's just a matter of letting probability play itself out.

    Therefore the way to know if you're free is observing if you have urges or not.

    The urges tell you something, you still want to pmo, you still like to pmo and without a concious effort on your part you would pmo.

    I want to change that and I will, it's only a matter of time, I'm figuring it out, I'm very close to solving this addiction forever.
  15. Furozima10

    Furozima10 Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I relapsed after almost 1 Year of NoFap...
    M soooo disapointed !!!
  16. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Sexual energy also gives you the drive and motivation to do things in life, hence why those in a flatline report that they have no desire to do anything.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
  17. m9damn

    m9damn Fapstronaut

    Those who experience flatline have a f**ed up brain from too much PMO, I'm talking about healthy and normal human from the beginning of times.
    That "sexual energy" is extra dopamine and nutrients from semen. So in a way it's true.
  18. selfimprovemarcel

    selfimprovemarcel Fapstronaut

    From the comments I read above, there are many people who say that a natural desire cant be cut out of your life. I would say very different. Although i havent achieved to cut out my PMO desire, i did cut out the desire for unhealthy food.
    When I was younger I used to eat lots of sugary foods, when I learned the negatives of unhealthy food and started to workout, my desire for sweets completely disappeared. Even though eating sugary foods is natural desire.
    Thanks for giving this view in nofap it will change my perspective very much.
  19. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Flatline isn't a 'fucked up brain'. It is due to your hormones being unbalanced. The flatline is basically the rebalancing of your hormones, which is why many people dip in and out of the flatline.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  20. Ohhhhh that is very sad and unfortunate. I'm so so sorry to hear about that. I can only imagine the feeling.