Tired of therapists defending porn

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by cleaningupmyact, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. Anyone else come across this? Therapists and mental health experts that *immediately* get uncomfortable and give you a judging look because you recognize something might be wrong with p?

    I used the argument the other day that the age of first p use is down from 12yrs to like 9yrs old? only now I think its even younger?

    Therapist said something about social and societal norms changing and I wanted to fucking gag.

    Likewise, other people in the profession, especially abuse survivor groups said the same thing...wont acknowledge sex trafficking, drug use, addiction with minors, etc.

    What gives??? I can almost see them pulling up their pants and covering their stash up when they take that defensive tone. Shit, at least I admit I have a bad problem.

    Post here if youve had similar interactions with "mental health professionals" or support groups
  2. You are right, society is becoming more complacent.
    I am also engaging in other habits that are helping my recovery, like fasting and yoga and Qui Gong. Porn is like diet, it so entrenched, people don't want to acknowledge the food problem and how the average diet is killing people. Fucked up behaviors are being normalized. There is a lot of support for the porn industry and just generally perverted behaviors, because people want to have others approve their weakness like it's OK, we are just humans, and it's OK to indulge in our fucked up desires.
    Don't rely on others for support...be thankful when you get it, but don't depend on it...you can't. You will fail if you expect it. You have to get to a point in life where you just say, Fuck everybody else, I'm going to do what I know is right, and if the rest of the world is against me...Fuck em!
    Igaleksus, masimas, engelman and 7 others like this.
  3. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Yeah, its unfortunate how people don't really recognize how potentially addictive porn can become for some people, and how it affects them. People tend to not understand an issue until they've dealt with it, not necessarily anyones fault its just how our mind tends to work. Its hard to imagine scenarios we'd never end up in. I never had that experience myself, usually when I would bring up my porn issue with a mental health professional they were very understanding and supportive so I'd say try not to take it too personally and try to talk to someone else. There's people out there that get it.
  4. An0nym0use1234

    An0nym0use1234 Fapstronaut

    I had a therapist who also defended porn even though I was trying to tell him I thought I had a problem with it and wanted to quit. He kept trying to convince me there was nothing wrong with it.
    masimas and Nathan Hoover like this.
  5. One problem is the psychological industry is highly politicized - so their attitude about pornography is similar to their attitude about traditional masculinity- it's 'toxic' according to them.

    IMOP there were two branches of psychology - the healthy one - started by William James and the evil one beginning with Freud.

    With Freudians there were always political goals - post WWII this accelerated with famous studies like the so called 'authoritarian personality'

    In essence they believe sexual 'repression' led to fascism - yeah they were that crazy.

    Modern therapy is way behind sites like yourbrainonporn and testimonials here all know that the more you scratch the more you itch and that you can escalate sexual deviancy and behavior simply by indulging in more just like with you need more and more alcohol to get a buzz.

    But most therapists still see anything trying to control sexuality as 'repression'.

    This is how bad it was in Germany post wwii - they literally knowlingly put kids with pedophiles:
    "Liberating children's sexuality from repressive moral strictures would help to unleash energies that would in turn lead to political protest and the true democratization of German society that Kentler believed was still necessary."
    Candun likes this.
  6. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    Damn imagine paying money for mental help and you instead end up paying money to debate with an idiot
  7. oldgoat14

    oldgoat14 Fapstronaut

    There used to be a guy on the Psychology Today website that was pro porn, anti nofap. Those articles certainly didn't help my perception with PMO prior to finding nofap.

    My current therapist immediately recognized I was trying to rewire my brain when I told her I was abstaining and seemed to like the idea. That was a relief.
    elvagoazul and cato-the-younger like this.
  8. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    It is a sick world we live in.
    Don't discuss such matters with mainstream therapists.
    They are parrots
  9. Adon1s

    Adon1s Fapstronaut

    Remember that therapists are just like any other professional, you're going to find a lot of people suck at their job. High speed porn addiction is also a very new phenomenon in scientific time. It took years before the original nofappers observed the problem and more years before they started understanding the problem. Then it will take years before good scientific research is done, more years before it's published in books, and then years later it might get a tiny amount of attention in the therapy education. Most therapists who are educated before this happens will not update themselves on current knowledge.

    Also as mentioned earlier in the thread, the profession is highly politicized. I think the radicals see that there are problems in our society, traditions is what led us here and therefore all traditions are bad. All traditions is linked to the "oppressive patriarchy". That's why we need to demolish all traditional norms and morals. A very black and white perspective.
    I see our society as generally good and therefore think our traditions must be generally good, but there are little tweaks and adjustments that can make it better.
  10. It's not a moral issue necessarily unless there is abuse in the porn industry which there obviously is, but more of a health issue. Spiritual traditions through the ages have emphasized abstinence as a viable tool to gain higher levels of enlightenment. Look at it from a Spiritual angle rather than psychological IMO. As one of the other guys said, modern psychology is so influenced by status quo and political correctness, and many so called therapists are fucked up themselves, that's why they became therapists in the first place, it's a form of projection...they project their own need for help onto others...they should fix themselves first! I would say it is primarily a Spiritual health issue and should be approached in that way. Zen Buddhism, Daoism and Yoga traditions are a good place to start.
    Buddhabro2.0 likes this.
  11. Some very good points here. Thanks.
    I just want to say for my part, I dont know what it is, but "anti censorship" seems to he a huge part of it. A lot of people I know believe that *any* censorship is bad. Even the word sends them spinning their wheels.

    I do think patriarchy sucks, and rape culture is a huge, huge problem (metoo speaks to that). but thats also one of the many reasons to not use PMO - it supports both of those things. I see it bring out the worst in me, and I imagine its the same for others.

    But when I tell a therapist, or friends, why do they defend an industry *known* for loads of sex trafficking and human rights abuses? They dont even deny it....its sick and sad.

    I wonder if theres just a lot more people addicted to pmo than we realize...I mean look at the stats on these sites, half the worlds population worth of clicks on phub each year...
    Dave G 123 and Whispers like this.
  12. PatrickBasedman

    PatrickBasedman Fapstronaut

    I've actually not experienced this with my own therapist - to be fair the issue never came up but they seemed like the kind of person that would agree with me if I took the time to explain my reasoning.

    To me this paints a wider problem of people defending porn in general. Hell, people on here do that, which shocks me when I see it.
    Whispers likes this.
  13. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    There are good therapists out there that deal directly with pornography addiction. All these other "therapists" that don't believe this addiction is real are either lazy, or went to a horrible college.
    Ogikubo and Whispers like this.
  14. The human you see across from you, no matter what they call themselves are just that, human, they fall into traps as much as the next person, the fact that they have "training" doesn't make them smarter than you, if anything makes them myopic in their thinking, you might get lucky and find an autonomous well rounded individual sitting in front of you, but don't hold your breath, if there is money involved in an interaction between parties then know there is an incentive to protect themselves in interactions. if you fall for human trappings then the most well developed human can also be corrupted.

    The emperor has no clothes.
  15. Maybe with libertarians -but not on the left leaning mental health industry, in fact they actively seek to ban certain types of therapy, and support political censorship efforts and ideas like 'speech is harmful'. At the same time they encourage pornography.
    Bob_the_Rebuilder likes this.
  16. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    I actually had an interesting experience with a therapist about pmo.

    Usually, I've had doctors in the past definitely tell me there is nothing wrong with it. It was crazy, they couldn't wrap their heads around a possibility that porn, masturbation or orgasm frequently had negative consequences on physical or mental health.

    But, I had a therapist a couple of years ago, I went to acquire him for my mental health problems and struggles 2 months before. By my first appointment, I was almost 60 days in a streak. Most of my problems went away.

    He asked, what is the thing that has helped you? Why do you feel like you are a million times better off than before?

    I layed it out right there and told him. This may sound weird, but I am being completely honest as its the truth and I am the patient.

    I used to have a porn and masturbation addiction. I would watch it everyday, I couldn't go a day without it. Now, I have been going months without it at a time. I found my self not waking up with depression anymore, no social anxiety, no feeling like I need "a few more hours" of extra sleep in the morning, none of that.

    He said, "Hmm, that's interesting."

    Then he told me..

    "First off I am glad that you are doing much better now, and as a result of this. It sounds like you were having a really hard time. If this is working for you, and doing great things for you than I would say keep going!"

    The first glimpse of encouragement for Nofap I've had from a medical professional ever.
  17. I bet he was addicted himself.
  18. see, this would actually piss me off. Like, a lot.
    This sounds like a form of therapy based on *your* emotions...like, "anything is true if it helps you!" kinfa crap. and "if its real to you, its real to me" quasi-validation patronizing nonsense. It burns me up.

    None of this "if it helps you..." shit. Porn is fucked up, its connected with sex trafficking, minor abuse, drugs, assault, and all the horrible things thst destroy out lives and brains with pmo. its worse than gambling, cigarettes, and many hard drugs.

    would a therapist say, "oh, well if quitting heroin is doing great for you, than keep going!"
    its the 'if' in there that pisses me off- as if this isnt SCIENTIFIC FACT linked with a CHEMICAL DEPENDANCY IN OUR FU**ING BRAINS.

    I just want a therapist who will say the truth: "the p industry is fed and and its a horrible addiction, I hope you can beat it." -is that so much to ask? Acknowledge that its BAD and its a FACT.

    ive yet to find a single therapist who acknowledges this. Cuz theyre probably allostly addicts themselves. Its so crazy making...

    arg, rant over.
  19. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    Shrinks are just western gurus in my opinion. While each is an individual, the consensus of them, governed by bodies like the APA, currently focus on normalizing and affirming unhealth instead of guiding patients towards any objective standard. They're nihilists. They can't guide you anywhere because they don't admit there's anywhere for you to go.
    NutMaster777 likes this.
  20. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    The problem with most in the medical field is that unless they read it in a text book, it doesn't exist as far as they're concerned.

    I remember watching a video of some daytime US show where the validity of porn addiction was being debated and the woman on there who was a therapist of some sort was having none of it, even when the guy asked why can you get addicted to gambling then but not porn her response was basically "because it's not scientifically proven".
    PrioritySystem likes this.