How to keep motivation when results aren't showing?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Bluffy, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    Okay so let me tell you about myself. I am 16 years old and started nofap around april(I know my progress isn't good at all lol). I am doing nofap for three main reasons.. 1: It gives me clear skin(I know for a fact my acne is caused whenever I ejaculate. Either through masterbaiting or a wet dream.)
    2: It gives me confidence(which I think is due to the clear skin.)
    3:It gives me the energy to excel in school and sports.
    So know that you know about my history.. i'll tell you my problem. I always start off my streak amazing. Extremely confident, always have a plan, and very motivated. There are two reasons why I lose motivation during my streak.
    1:WET DREAMS. I hate wet dreams so much. They cause acne just as much as pmo'ing. And I literally have a wet dream almost every night. However, if I have just a sexual dream(no ejaculation), it doesn't affect my acne at all. This is the biggest reason why I give up and start to binge.
    2: Not seeing results as fast as I want. I used to see results around 5-6 days when I first started nofap. Then it came around day 8-9 and keeps getting further and further away. I guess it's my body getting used to nofap streaks. Idk. But it's hard to keep motivation when you are not seeing results.. ugh this is so frustrating. Any tips on keeping motivation?
    Räv3n likes this.
  2. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    In some respect you are effectively asking how to deal with impatience. You are also expecting past results to predict future performance. Please be incredibly careful if you ever use this technique with stock investing as it has a very bad wrap.

    I think you should consider an additional treatment for your acne. I never had really bad acne, but I always found that salicylic acid (in my case Neutrogena) tended to prevent acne flareups regardless of the underlying cause. If you have a two pronged (or just multi-pronged) approach to attacking acne, then you can stop hating the wet dreams. You may also want to try a good dermatologist who can work with you directly. Many young people benefit from a good acne doctor. I went to see one as well. Similarly, nofap is definitely 'not' the only place you can get energy to excel in school/sports. You can harness energy though things like meditation, proper diet (requires some experiments), good rest, responsible use of caffeine and other such mechanisms.

    In short, it is not good to put all of your eggs in one basket. That is another investing lesson that many adults end up learning the hard way (by not diversifying). When you carry a bigger toolbox, you can fix many things. If one of your weapons isn't working, pick up another one. Hope the ideas help.
    Bluffy likes this.
  3. Räv3n

    Räv3n Guest

    I struggle with impatience as well. It is very hard to see changes in the moment. Its a slow progress you just have to trust. Whenever I feel the urge to give up ill ask myself a few questions. Do I want deeper and more meaningful relationships or quick satisfaction and selfloathing? And other questions of the sort. Every past test makes your determination stronger. Or watch a youtube video for motivation. As nfprogress mentioned, when you carry a bigger toolbox, you can fix many things.
    Bluffy likes this.
  4. buzzlightyear

    buzzlightyear Fapstronaut

    Just listen to the audio

    "It's not this big rara speech where you do this one thing and something big happens"

    First of kid, your progress is good, you're 16 years old and you started nofap. Your brain will transform and develop for the next 8 years or something. Don’t underestimate the time you have and the point at which you start practicing a skill.

    That skill you practice by doing nofap is self-discipline, you trying to solve an inner conflict whenever a urge comes up. Coming out of such a conflict with a favourable result we call self-discipline.

    You got a kid side and a adult side, the adult side needs to be in charge but it shouldn’t kill the kid. Go find yourself some books about self-discipline it will benefit you in your nofap journey.

    Next issue, you are talking about short-term results wanting to get everything fast, fast, fast. That’s understandable, you and I we both grew up in a society where advertising and movies gives us the impression that everything comes fast and “you can lose 30 pounds in 1 week by buying this”. You can eat fast-food, you need fast internet and almost everything you want can be delivered or bought within seconds.

    However, you can’t just buy a successful personality. It needs proper care and investment.

    Here is where you my friend have more potential than most people on this site, you might not be able to do certain things older humans can but time is in your advantage. There are good men on this site with ages above 30 or 40 that try to quit the same habit that you are trying to quit. Difference is, you haven’t been doing it for 10 years while they got more than 20 years of a deep rooted habit.

    You are young and within a few years you will have the age of a young god, from a certain age your potential health will slowly decline. Please bear with me.

    When you keep on learning and find ways for yourself to turn this habit around, you will succeed within a few months or maybe a year or 2 years. “why do we fall?”

    I see myself that way, within a few month this journey has been going on for a year or maybe it is already a year and I have been learning and I have been growing and I continue to do so. And while I did my streaks became longer, my relapses less frequent. My last relapse was after 1 month, my "AP" couldn't stand my success and left me.

    Do you get the point? When you succeed you will be in your prime, you will be able to do things most humans never thought of doing. You are trying to transmute your sexual energy and you can master that skill faster than nearly everyone because most people haven’t learned that at such a young age or they didn’t bother.

    I’m 18 years old now, when I started I was 17. I’m sincerely jealous of the age you have and that you found out about this idea earlier than I did. I already would be that person.

    Yet I wouldn’t be here to share this with you, giving this insight into your power.

    Read books,
    get your learning/entertainment in balance
    Cut all the distractions,
    Focus on what you want, Nofap isn’t enough
    You are 100% responsible for it, no one is going to save you.

    You are so small in this big universe but you are part of it, you can participate ;)
    Sullyx, Bluffy and A potato person like this.
  5. Bluffy

    Bluffy Fapstronaut

    Wow. Amazing responce. You related to me and gave me another goal to strive for. That's terrible how your AP left you. My AP is far ahead of me but I look to him for advice, which I greatly appreciate. Thanks for the advice man!:)