Do not focus on being free from porn, focus on Jesus!

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. I was watching a video earlier today by a man named James Jennings, his testimony sounded a lot like mine. He grew up playing video games hours a day, never leaving his house, being very socially awkward, and he was terribly addicted to porn. He eventually found his freedom in Christ, what set him apart from me was his focus on Jesus and not beating his porn addiction, we are Christians who are not addicts to porn but to sin, instead of focusing on beating our sin, we must instead focus on Jesus Christ who is the one who can set us free from that sin addiction. I always thought that in order to pursue Christ I first needed to beat my sin addiction, without Christ however this is impossible, only he can set the captives free, not us or any attempt we make outside of him.
    CPilot, Buddhabro2.0 and Tao Jones like this.
  2. Whatever we focus on is what grows bigger and stronger within us. If we focus on sin, it will grow until it overwhelms us. If we focus instead on Christ, it is his love and presence within us that will grow and grow and grow! We choose what to give our attention to with each and every thought. Keep taking each thought captive for Christ and submitting it to the Spirit to exchange the lies in your thinking for his truth.
    CPilot and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  3. I remember you sharing that link a while back I believe, I look at it from time to time, it is a great resource to look at.
    marlaney and Tao Jones like this.
  4. Something great happened today, the Chaplain called me to his office and asked if I could assist him this Easter Sunday, I will be reading part of the lesson and helping give communion. I am nervous I will admit, but I am sure this is God telling me he has plans for me and does not want me to lose hope.
    CPilot, RedeemedIowan and Tao Jones like this.