Flat Earth is Driving Me Mad... I mean, madd-ER...

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by LOSEmyselftoSAVEmyself, May 17, 2022.

  1. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    Finally you alligned yourself to the truth. Verne, just like Goethe, was a Rosicrucian itself...he putted a lot of truth ib his books butb prophanes can't codified them...they do the same with the bibble.
    (if yoy read one of my comments here you'll see i already talled about the cebter of the Earth, Dinosaurs and Nephilims -existing dinosaurs will destroy the fake scientistic narrative of the universe, just immagine what happen when i will bring a velociraptor in front of Dawkins),
  2. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    You are so arrogant, i was trying to explain you the reality of the world and you reject my with that tone? Bro i want to save your consciousness but you continue to accept everything the "strong powers" says.

    Bro they want you to ve submissive like this...is paradoxal but this is how they act, everything they told is fake. They putted an hologram in the sky but that sky is gone...the universe is changing...they are hidding it. Our beloved planet is like a newborn, and the earth is just like his brain.
  3. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    All photos of NASA and satellites are fake, they use the Tech of Tesla that the american government stolen from and they putted Marconi working on them. The space you seen in the sky are just an high tech hologram that rotate, made probablt by the same people that destroyed Atlantis. And no one answered me by the ONU (NWO) use the Gleason Flat Earth Map? Maybe because they don't own copyright of what there is outside the border?
  4. It's arrogant of me to not want to talk to a crazy person about the conspiracy theories they are full convinced of? Lol okay then. I guess I'm arrogant.
  5. A hologram? I don't know. But certainly I have issues with the distances.
  6. Yeah? I'm just saying it's a possibility. Nobody really knows.
  7. Won't the Otis Elevator people be disappointed?

    Not to mention the pterodactlys...
  8. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    I'm telling the truth! And i'm not crazy! You should stop to venerate the golden calf of the Globalism and start to learn the truth!!! I just want to save your soul....
  9. Don't worry: there's no crazy people on this site...
    Fantasia likes this.
  10. Be the exception

    Be the exception Fapstronaut

    Because one is blatantly obvious and observable with my own 2 eyes. Have you ever been outside?
  11. [​IMG]