Anyone Have Tips for Complete Ending of Viewing Women in a Romantic Way?

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by jcl1990, May 27, 2022.

  1. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    So I’d like to completely stop pursuing women in my thoughts, like if I see a cute or pretty girl, that I will no longer desire her at all.

    I want to go complete celibate mode, 100% zero thoughts about dating. As if sex doesn’t even exist. As if I don’t even have any sexual attraction to women at all.

    I know this is a big step, but I really don’t have any motivation or reason to pursue women anymore. They have caused me more harm than good in my life. Probably 100 times more harm to me than good.

    Yea, I know they are pretty, but they just aren’t worth it. My past investments in women have given me a negative return on my investment.

    Anyone have any tips?
  2. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Meditation can help. I would do 20 minutes twice a day. This will give you "space" between you and the thoughts. This can work for almost anything. It is natural for heterosexual men to desire women in a romantic way, so I wouldn't try to suppress that, it won't work. But meditating may be able to put it in perspective. Hope this helps.
  3. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    You might want to reconsider or figure out your relationship attachment style.

    You might already have a secure attachment style, but the women you meet don’t. They could be pre-occupied (“I’m so busy!”), dismissive-avoidant (“I don’t need a man!”), or fearful-avoidant(“Creeper!”).

    It goes both ways. Seems like you’d want the avoidant style based on your experiences with women. It’s up to you.

    Hope that helps.
  4. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Heal your wounds and resolve your insecurities, and you will attract the right woman.
    Don't generalise.
    Like attracts like and trash attracts trash.
    koolpal and jcl1990 like this.
  5. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Yea, I kinda feel like meditation will move me toward wanting women though. Because deep down in my instincts, I will desire women.

    however, I need to consciously depart from them. So yea, I will desire women romantically, but I need to just reject them outright, and not fall for the trick, no matter how “sweet” the woman looks or talks
    lord_nelson likes this.
  6. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Well, I have been thinking about it from as objective of a standpoint as possible… and overall, I have been led astray spiritually, lost a small amount of money, lost friends, lost control of emotions, lost countless amounts of time…. All in the pursuit and interaction with women. And mostly due to the changing emotions of women, and being “thrown off” by them.

    I basically don’t trust them, just like I wouldn’t trust a rattlesnake not to bite me if I was holding it, no matter how calm it appeared at any given moment
    Legacy of Lost Soul and Beekind like this.
  7. Your reason for wanting to be celibate doesn't sound that healthy.

    I think the choice to be celibate is a good choice if it's a calling that inspires a person to sacrifice a good for a higher good.

    I think those who choose celibacy out of malice just grow in animosity for those they blame for their life being "unfair." Sometimes they get to where they act as if they are righteous people, while everyone else who is not like them is scum.
    lord_nelson, Beekind and jcl1990 like this.
  8. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I took the quiz - “disorganized, fearful-avoidant” was my category.

    well, the thing is, I will always tend to want to “reconsider” my view on this because I naturally, instinctively, want women. However, based on the data I have mentally collected over the years, I see that women, and hanging out with women, pursuing women… all these things involving pursuing women in a romantic way has actually hurt my life more than it has helped.

    So therefore, if I cut out the tumor, which is my desire for women, then I won’t have to deal with any more chaos or traitors, and should be a smooth ride up the hill toward success
  9. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I can see how it seems unhealthy… but I’m just talking in a purely business sense.

    It’s like investing a lot of time and money into a project. After a while, if the project is not producing any profit for the company, perhaps its better to just end the project
  10. Doesn't sound like business though. It sounds like you're just angry things haven't worked out the way you thought they should, and you're just choosing to be celibate out of anger and frustration.

    Your expectations also don't seem to be grounded in reality, since you are asking to not be attracted to women or to desire a relationship with them. I mean, this might happen naturally with old age, but if it doesn't, then you have to carry these natural inclinations to your natural death. You think frustration is going to help you do that in a healthy manner?

    It would just seem healthier if you were a man who didn't abhor the desire to be in a relationship with a woman, but pursued celibacy because you believed another purpose demanded the sacrifice of your desire for a woman.

    Saying, "Women have caused me nothing but trouble. How can I never think about them ever again and live a celibate life free of the desire for women?", well that just sounds like a bad foundation.
    danhuk, Tilopa and jcl1990 like this.
  11. We are going the way of the panda at this point, ever just imagine what pandas go though like, panda bro comes home from chewing on bamboo all day and catches his panda wife with some grizzly bear from Norway lol and they have dead bedroom instantly and then the panda goes all MGTOW on her and is like I'm taking you down with me, and then it takes a bunch of humans 20+ years to make 2 pandas smash after the divorce. All the woodland critters trying to patch shit up like Disney mirage councilors.

    I totally just started rambling and said fuck it, the story started to develop.
    jcl1990 likes this.
  12. [​IMG]
  13. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I see. I have been single for a handful of years now, with some dates here and there. You could try to just occupy yourself with other activities, hobbies, work, etc. This could take your mind off of the desire. Just curious, have you actually tried meditating? At the end, it certainly is your choice.
    Naseh600 and jcl1990 like this.
  14. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Yea, filling my time with activities would be a good choice.

    And yea, I’ve tried meditating before. I remember it being helpful for keeping a calm mind, but it didn’t completely eliminate my sexual desire though.
  15. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I do agree with what you are saying…

    However, it’s not really because of anger or frustration… it’s more of a sad realization that I’ll never be truly sexually satisfied in this life… this is due to a variety of things such as working a job full time, the behavior of women towards me…

    So I’m not angry or frustrated right now, just am trying to forge a way forward in the best possible way
    Pornscars likes this.
  16. Master Builder

    Master Builder Fapstronaut

    Took the quiz. Shit makes sense now haha! I have always taken a spiritual perspective to reflect on life events, but this simple quiz made me understand my relationships and life events in quite a different way! My last intimate relationship was doomed for failure from the start.

    My way of analizing life events even fits my attachment style (do stuff by myself, never ask for help)...

    Mind is blown.
    koolpal likes this.
  17. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you’re taking some time away from women to heal from the past relationships.

    These books come to mind: “Emotional First Aid” and “How to Heal a Broken Heart”.

    The author has a bunch of TED talks that summarizes his works:

    Or here’s a concise infographic:

    The whole idea is emotional pain feels like physical pain, and our bodies and minds are trying to avoid that feeling to heal itself again.

    Hope that helps.
  18. Can you define what you mean by sexually satisfied?
  19. Warrior4Freedom

    Warrior4Freedom Fapstronaut

    Hey OP brother.

    I've been where you are. Women messed with me in seriously grevious ways; so much so that I had decided to swear off them, swear off sex, and live my life free of relationships and with a spiritual focus.

    And that did work for a while, spiritually speaking. Spirituality was my main objective at the time, so it was easy back then to put sex/attraction/women-romantic-feels to the wayside.

    But the sex drive returns. It returns hard. Trust me, I've fought and fought to overcome it, but I realize that I've only been doing that because lust, women and PMO had hurt me and severely compromised my life. It isn't about sex itself, or our sexual drive. You take lust, PMO and even attraction away, and your sex drive is pure and powerful.

    What do I mean by attraction taken away? Well, you had asked about seeing women in a non-romantic way from now on. When you focus on your spiritual side, when you harmonize your emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual energies (takes a LOT of work), then you reach a State of equanimity, grace and self-contained Power. You are like a new Person; a well-oiled machine of fluidity and poise. You don't see attractive women, you see human beings. And that is the best way to see them. It will confuse them, because they're used to be being seen as women first, as objects of the male gaze/female competition. But they eventually will get on board with this new dynamic. They will low-key submit. They will trust you (men too), respect you, help you. And you honour your sex-self that way too, for any sexual/romantic feeling for any particular woman is only pure and worthy once you've done the work to harmonize all your energies. It takes a LONG time to reach that point (relating to women that way). You keep interacting with them as humans, and your conversation flows better, you're more confident. Little by little, if attraction is to be, it will come. Before you know it, you'll have MANY women as potential prospects, because you were just being a human being to other human beings; you weren't focussing on one girl. Suddenly they're all attracted to you without knowing how the hell it happened. But you must maintain your Harmonization of Energies constantly.

    Semen retention is a huge complement. I recommend it without hesitation. If you truly wish to remain celibate and re-focus your energies to higher things, you'll be able to do that without much trouble. Same with getting with a girl/woman.

    Be well.
  20. Instead, try only looking at women in a romantic way. Get sex obsession out of your mind, and focus on your day to day tasks. Women seem more inclined to view sex in terms of “intimacy” and “connection” and “romance” versus a guys view physical pleasure.

    So just put sexuality in the background, this is what is messing you up I think, not viewing women in a romantic way
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.