How did you learn about sex?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by onceaking, May 31, 2022.

  1. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Was it at school? Your parents? Porn?

    I wasn't allowed to attend sex ed classes so I kinda figured out for myself what went on during intercourse. I have no idea how I figured it out but I did. I learned a lot more when I started looking at porn.
    Zachary8 likes this.
  2. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    I think i learn about it watching tv, probably at 8-9 years (didn't watched porn till 12). There was a young adult movie and the protagonists had sex, if i have to be honest that shocked me to a point i can remember some details of that scene.

    Today our society is filled with sex everywhere. My friend seen his brother watch porn at 7-8 yeard old. We are going to have kids sensibilized to porn and sex at 4-5 years old like the Brave New World book. Young kids in the past had vague idea of what a naked body is, now they masturbate at 8 years old.
  3. I discovered the same way
    Fantasia likes this.
  4. @rm0uR

    @rm0uR Fapstronaut

    School friends and porn.
    Nathan4 likes this.
  5. I would like to say it was an episode of The Magic School Bus, but it was probably some other t.v. show and porn.
  6. I asked my mom. I had heard people on TV say things about having "the talk" and I didn't know what it meant. I asked her what it meant, and she told me what they were talking about and asked if I wanted to have that talk. I said yes, so she explained it to me. Never watched porn until I was like 19.
  7. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    I would have rather to be shooted instead of have this famous "talk" with my parents lol i don't know how your psyche can resist that, guys.
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  8. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    I read it in an encyclopaedia aged 12.
    Nathan4 likes this.
  9. That's sad. I have a great relationship with my parents. Parents are exactly the people who should be teaching you these things, not porn or strangers in school.
  10. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    In a book, we were in middle school, well twas more abt how a woman gets pregnant..
    Before then, we learnt abt AIDS and 'sexual intercourse' but never knew what does it involve practically..
    Before that, i thought a girl can get pregnant after a 'couple of kisses'
    Nathan4 likes this.
  11. Fantasia

    Fantasia Fapstronaut

    Well to us talk about that or whatever is taboo, i don't know anyone that told it to their children except a foreigner. Anyway is not just me, if we watch arround ourself our depravated society just allow children to aknowledge porn at 6-7 years...many ways..maybe because the childrens of today just navigate on internet and accidentaly get in these famous pornographic spam....or because people want to teach sexual education at 4 years old...
  12. I only read about sex like 4 days before having sex for the first time. Before that I knew nothing about it, not even porn. It was enough to have a great performance.

    I read the tao of health, sex and longevity by Daniel Reid
    Nathan4 likes this.
  13. Shit man, I'm still learning.
    Nathan4 likes this.
  14. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I agree 100%. Having said that, my father was useless and could not even use any of the words pertaining to sex or body parts. :rolleyes: So, mum explained everything. I knew much more about it when sex education was taught in school. Also, she had included guidance on the importance of love in a relationship and Christian moral values in general. Good ol' mum! :D
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  15. I'm not saying it's just you. I'm just saying that's sad to me. I find it sad that people think it's more taboo to talk to their parents about sex than a stranger or a teacher at school.

    That's great! It's so sad to me how many people don't have that kind of foundation and relationship with their parents. I can't imagine that. I'm so grateful for my parents.
  16. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    That is lovely. My dad traumatised me. But my mum dear old mum is still a treasure. ❤️
    Dr. Howard and TakingTheSteps like this.
  17. In terms of the basics, I learned that from porn, but my parents would and did answer questions. In fact, up until about a week ago, I had no idea how a woman's ovulation cycle worked until I asked my mom and sister, who explained it to me. :emoji_sweat_smile::emoji_joy:
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  18. Lol I just explained that to some guys here on another thread. Tbh, even as a woman, I did not know how that worked for WAY too long. I don't fault anyone for my lack of knowledge, because I'm sure it was explained to me and I just didn't hear or didn't understand or forgot. But for the longest time I thought that whenever you have unprotected sex, you will get pregnant, unless you have some kind of infertility issue. So I was always really confused about people saying they got pregnant on accident or by surprise. Lol I'm like uh... how did you not expect that to happen?
    Pentatonic likes this.
  19. Well, if we're sharing things we thought or did not know for a long time, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that up until just a few days ago, when I saw that thread where someone was asking if it was possible for a woman to get pregnant from unprotected oral sex, I thought it was possible for years. I think I saw some guy in a YouTube video claim it was true when I was like 14 or something and I just never questioned it, thought about it, nor did I see anything that made me doubt it was true until a few days ago. Then you explained how it wasn't true, some Googling on my part confirmed everything you were saying, and then came the feeling of foolishness afterwards. :emoji_sweat_smile: At least I know now. :emoji_joy:
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  20. Haha hey, everyone believes silly things sometimes because they didn't question it enough. Being teachable and accepting you are wrong is the quality that matters most in my opinion.
    Pentatonic likes this.