Are Cosmetics and Makeup a Symbol of Female Oppression?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. Think about it:

    A billion dollar industry - cosmetics. Stuff you apply to your face when you go outside.

    What? A woman has to feel like she has to put on makeup to leave her house?

    That is a form of control. A system of indirect oppression. To not feel pretty enough without makeup? And then apply makeup before going outside?

    I’d love to see a day when all women refuse to buy any more makeup/cosmetics. To see the look on these big cosmetic companies faces when they lose ALL revenue!

    Makeup is oppression. It is propaganda used to control a woman’s thoughts.
    Yin&Yang and desmond3 like this.
  2. DeeJ4y

    DeeJ4y Fapstronaut

    yep, and they make women insecure with their ads of photoshopped "perfect" people and brainwash them to thinking there is nothing wrong spending huge amounts of money to "feel pretty". and this can only be achived with make up. of course anyone can do what they want with their money and its their choice to make.
    desmond3, ARCEUS and 100 Days like this.

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    the "perfect" thing you said is absolutely correct. In the ad, they are made attractive from every angle, majority of ignorant females gets inspired from them and they feel their natural beauty is very less compared to the one shown in television. They try to enhance their beauty artificially, don't lie this, majority of them apply that to look "attractive" and not "beautiful". Its example could be women in traditional festivals, especially in India, they actually make themselves look very beautiful, but in normal days, for eye catching or looking "pretty" purposes, or looking "attractive" in other words.
    My sister is crazy in terms of this things, she watches insta reels so much and that too, she sees females showing off their curly hairs than asks my mother does she looks like her... 1 day my mom said her let your hairs be natural, they look more beautiful that way, it hurted her so much that she cried till 3am night stating "mom said my hair's not beautiful" isn't it too much? And my sister is 22...
    And to clarify, I criticized about "cosmetics", not "self care products like face wash, serum, etc."

    Before a Pseudo-Feminist criticizes my point, the thing I said is the obvious thing, whether you oppose or not, but, somewhere in the very corner portion of your heart, which you stopped utilizing, there is a same fact lying around, be sensible.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2022
    desmond3 and 100 Days like this.
  4. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I don't know whether it is a cause of female anxiety and insecurity or a symptom of it. And the growing (although still miniscule in comparison) male cosmetics industry is far from a positive thing. Let's persue an 'equality' that elevates us all not drag us all down to the same level.
    desmond3, ARCEUS and 100 Days like this.
  5. You can think what you want about makeup, I think the world will be MUCH better without the makeup industry.

    Do some google or youtube search about celebrities with and without makeup.
    It makes perfect sense imo.

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    oh my god they look like hell in their real version.
    desmond3, Roady and 100 Days like this.
  7. Yea that’d be kind of the point… bring everything back down to regular reality, eliminate the fantasy stuff…. Then there could be a new normal, where maybe instead of trying to look pretty by applying cosmetics, fake nails, and all that stuff, people could look good by being healthy, both mentally and physically

    I’ve worked at retail store before and the amount of overweight women buying fake nails, eyelashes, and cosmetics was unbelievable. If they’d just use that time/money for the gym, that’d be a much better alternative
    desmond3 and ARCEUS like this.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    IMO neither males nor females need so-called beauty products.

    In many cases, they look awful anyway. Take false nails or even nail varnish. What is wrong with what we have got?

    I do not find make-up, piercings or tattoos attractive. I am not in favour of jewellery either for men or women.
    desmond3, 100 Days and ARCEUS like this.

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    Ah, you typed my thoughts!
    100 Days likes this.
  10. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    make up is actually the only thing in this list that has a "positive effect" on me... but wether the girl i'm in front of me uses some or not, that is not something i actively ask for.
    100 Days likes this.
  11. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I honestly think people should do what makes them happy. For example, skincare. I do it so I have less outbreaks and healthier skin, which looks more attractive. It makes me feel better and my dates equally like it. That being said, I enjoy seeing a female who has a normal amount of make up since it amplifies her already beautiful qualities. Too much can be bad too, I agree. But the right amount looks proper in my opinion. I will also add that manicured and pedicured nails also look super attractive to me, since it shows that they like to treat themselves and take care of themselves. I do not think men should do make up.
  12. As a woman myself, I definitely agree.

    I wish makeup just never would have existed, however, I don't blame modern women for using it, because it's not their fault the world is the way it is right now, and I don't think it's fair to put it all on each individual's shoulders to radically change everything. It's hard to choose not to wear makeup when everyone around you is wearing it, especially because it makes you feel a lot less attractive than people you might actually be more attractive than, because they are wearing makeup and you aren't.

    So yeah, I don't expect women to all band together and boycott makeup and change the world. I just wish it never would have been like this in the first place.

    I have similar feelings about shaving. As someone with major skin sensitivity issues and a chronic skin condition that makes me severely itchy all the time, it's sooooo annoying that it's considered weird and gross for women to have body hair. It's completely unfair and ridiculous that women feel the need to shave their armpits and entire legs all the time, just to remove hair that naturally grows and it completely normal.

    I wish that all these beauty standards didn't exist. I do, personally, ignore them most of the time, by not shaving and not wearing makeup. But it's not really because I'm trying to make a point or change the world.

    Most of the time, I don't shave my legs, and that is because of my skin condition. Really the only person I care about is my husband, so I've asked him if he cares if I shave my legs, especially when we have intimate time together, and he said that he enjoys my legs being shaved but he also doesn't really care and doesn't want me to do it if it makes me uncomfortable all the time. So 99% of the time, I don't shave. Although I am also blonde and have pretty thin leg hair that isn't super noticeable, so if that wasn't the case, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable going out without shaving. I also do wear pants or long skirts a lot of the time, if I'm going out and don't want to shave.

    When it comes to makeup, one reason why I stopped wearing it regularly is because I didn't like the fact that I felt so much less attractive without it. As a Christian, I felt a bit sad that I felt the need to "improve" God's creation, because I didn't feel nearly as pretty without makeup. I also didn't like the fact that my face without any makeup wasn't the norm. Like, if I looked in the mirror when I wasn't wearing makeup, it felt less like looking at myself than when I was. I wanted to flip that around.

    Another reason is actually because i do have some friends who pretty much never wear makeup, and I think they are so beautiful. And because I never see them with makeup, they don't look strange without it. They look normal, because that's what they always look like. But for me, when I would see myself in the mirror without makeup, I felt like I looked a little strange or not like myself, because it wasn't normal for me to look like that.

    A few other reasons were time consumption, money consumption, and skin care/skin sensitivity. I really dislike the feeling of taking makeup off, especially off of my eyelashes. I've always worn non-waterproof mascara, because I hate having my makeup be really hard to remove and linger on my skin. Especially now that I have urticaria. I also dislike spending so much money and time on makeup, even though for myself personally, I really didn't spend much of either of those. I've never been someone who wears a ton of makeup, or cares about buying really expensive brands. But still, it's a little bit of a money and time that's not necessary to spend.

    So because of all of those things, I decided to stop wearing makeup regularly. I still wear it on occasion, but very rarely. And now that's the time when I look in the mirror and feel like I look out of the ordinary and not quite like myself. Although I also feel like I look super pretty when I have makeup on. lol but still, I've retrained my brain to see my makeup-free face as the norm.

    Funnily enough, a lot of this change actually happened because of time. For a while a few years ago, I was pretty dang busy and doing a whole lot of stuff, basically running two businesses at once. So in the morning, because work, I would think "Do you want to spend the next 20 minutes writing or putting on makeup?" I pretty much always chose writing. Or in the evenings, if we were going to go out somewhere but I had some time before hand, I would ask myself "Do you want to spend the next hour watching TV and relaxing, or doing your hair and makeup?" Since I was so busy and didn't have a lot of downtime, doing my hair and makeup just didn't take prioroty anymore.

    So yeah, that's kind of where I'm at not with my makeup journey. Most of the time, when I think about maybe doing my makeup, I think about how annoying my eyelashes are going to feel later, how bad it probably is for my skin, and how I could be doing something more fun with my time. So 9 times out of 10, I decide not to. I've even been able to be comfortable going online, like in YT or TT videos, without makeup, which has been really freeing. Because I used to get stressed out about making YT videos, because I would have to do my hair and makeup first, so I couldn't really do daily vlogs or anything without doing my hair and makeup every single day, which was a huge time sink. Now, I just don't care. Which probably shows in my videos. lol but whatevs.
    RobbyGo36, DeeJ4y and 100 Days like this.
  13. See, this is what I have a problem with though...

    People say they dislike women wearing makeup, but then insult their appearance when they don't. You can't have it both ways. I mean, you can, but it's a little hypocritical to expect women not to wear makeup if they know you're going to say they look like hell the minute they take it off.
    Xander_ and 100 Days like this.
  14. Also, I'm not sure what pics people are talking about, but most of the celebrity women I'm seeing in these pictures without makeup look perfectly fine... they don't look like hell. They look normal.
    silex_jedi and 100 Days like this.
  15. Yea makeup is a strange thing. Makeup, false eyelashes, false nails, shaving all body hair, curling hair, straightening hair

    I do admit I think a girl wearing makeup looks attractive. That is the problem with makeup, it does do something unfortunately, I don’t know why. Why would a woman with makeup be more attractive than one without makeup? Idk what causes the shift in perspective

    But yea I pretty much wrote this post because sometimes I despise materialistic culture and thought if all women in the world quit buying makeup it would be pretty awesome haha
    Roady and ARCEUS like this.
  16. Yeah, theoretically I agree.

    I'm sure there are lots of biological reasons for this. There seems to be some sort of universal ideas of beauty and health, and a lot of makeup enhances those things. Clear skin, thick lashes, flushed cheeks, brightened lips, etc.
    100 Days likes this.
  17. Do you think the feminist movement has been infiltrated by “less radical” agents in order to keep big changes like cosmetics boycotts out of the conversation?

    It’s funny how I never hear about women’s rights in regards to fashion, cosmetics, and things like this. Anything that would threaten the capitalistic structure of society. I bet this is on purpose. The powers at be let “rebellion” run its course as long as it stays within certain preset guidelines.

    The same can be said for men and sports though. Why would a man watch another man play a sports game? What benefit does it bring him? I would laugh if all men stopped watching professional sports. I’d even be more joyful about that than the cosmetics industry going down

    Also, why talk about makeup and biology? I’d venture to say we think women wearing makeup is attractive because it may be a step towards how we would have been if there was no fall of Adam and Eve. If we were a more perfect body than we currently are
    ARCEUS likes this.
  18. ARCEUS

    ARCEUS Fapstronaut

    Than you have seen very limited stars.
  19. Eh, idk. I'm not sure I'm on board with that conspiracy. I think it's more like a bunch of women have been brainwashed into believing that makeup is empowering.

    Although to be fair, personally I do believe it can be somewhat empowering. I also do fully believe that a lot of women enjoy makeup as a form of creative expression, just like fashion or having different hair styles or cuts, or even as a form of art. Some people act like people are just lying when they say that's why they do makeup, but I disagree. I don't think they are lying at all. My sister really likes playing with makeup and doing different things, and she's happily married, doesn't really post on social media at all, and doesn't go out much. So she is obviously doing it for her own enjoyment, not to get male attention or something.

    Which, by the way, is another thing I think is silly to say. Lol most men these days tell women they hate the type of makeup that is popular right now, and women still do it. So no, it's definitely not for male attention. If anything, the biggest compliment a woman could get regarding her makeup would be from another woman who also loves makeup. It's just a fun expressive thing they do, and sometimes they meet other people who have a similar interest and appreciate their work, sort of like an artist in a way.

    In general, I think the world would be a better place if makeup never existed. But that's a hypothetical thought, not something that could be implemented now and have the same effect.

    That's an interesting thought, and I certainly wouldn't put it past "the powers that be" to do that. But I'm not sure that's accurate.

    Like I said, I think a lot of women find makeup empowering. Which, by the way, could very well be brainwashing from the media and the way cosmetics are presented in media and advertising.

    Another thing is that, in my experience, a lot of feminists I have encountered are big proponents of the mindset of supporting all women, no matter what. So it has actually become rather taboo, in those certain feminist communities, to ever tell a woman she should change or do something different. So the idea of telling women they should stop wearing makeup or shaving or whatever, is actually anti-feminist, to people with that kind of mindset.

    The ironic hypocrisy of that, though, is that their mindset of "support all women no matter what" will not allow them to support a woman who is telling other women they are wrong and should do something different. There are also a number of other things they don't support women in, like being pro-life or fighting for the rights of biological women in sports, etc. So the really don't support all women. They support the ones who idealogicially agree with them, which really isn't saying much, since pretty much everyone on the planet supports people who ideologically agree with them. It's not hard to do.

    But when it comes to seemingly superficial issues, like whether or not women should wear makeup or shave, etc, the idea of a lot of feminists is that women should have the choice and freedom to do what they want with their life. Which, personally, is one thing I definitely agree with feminists about, so long as a woman's personal freedom of choice doesn't go against God.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Biology definitely play a part, in general I think there are three main reason why cosmetics and makeups are as popular as they are :

    First is that men are instinctively hebephile despite the fact that it is socially unacceptable nowadays, a woman will reach physical maturity by the time she hit 14, she is then at her most fertile and women start to lose muscle mass earlier than men and do it much faster so purely from an evolutionary viewpoint it make sense for men to be attracted to them if they plan on passing on their genes. Most of the skins care products are just about making them as young as possible, women on the other hand seem to prefer elder men, either to emphasis their own youth or maybe some other evolutionary instinct I don’t know.

    Second rather than being a step toward a perfect body of an adam or eve it is probably to further enhance those sexual dimorphic attributes, in general only the traits that one gender like is passed down, so women using eyelashes or mascara to emphasis their eyes or fake nails for their hands which are different than men is totally understandable. Furthermore humans females unlike most others animals do not have a mating season during which they will enhance their buttock or breast to attract a male, women are constantly and actively doing both already as soon as they hit puberty so using makeup for them may be instinctive although men must also do the same thing(attract females I mean) if they ever want to mate.

    and finally probably the most important one is cultural, I see that many of your criticisms here are about current trends yet modern humans emerged around 100k-200k years ago and have been since using various kinds of cosmetics enhancement, you should take a look at some of the more isolated africans tribes and their use of their own forms of cosmetics it differs greatly from others and I can’t see how they can all lead to this “perfect form”; the huns for example were know to elongate their skulls and remains of germans burial have shown that their subjects also adopted this form of cosmetic enhancement, there is currently a form of subculture in the west, the “body modification” movement for them it is also a form of makeup and finally I don’t know if you consider things like surgery either facial or of the breast or putting fat in your lips or buttocks to be cosmetics but they also varies between cultural and racial groups.

    There are studies floating out there that show men actually prefer women with minimal makeup and find them more attractive but id say if someone want to use makeup or cosmetic product let them, not everybody is going to be born with perfect teeth or want to be balding or greying at their early 30s, those things are not gonna impact their life in anyway yet people still like to look good and if you did not luck out in the genetic lottery and are not naturally good looking no amount of workout is gonna help.
    So whats your take on women watching men’s sport? Or women/men watching women sports?

    apart from making you happy it would not serve any good purpose to get rid of it other than from taking thousands of jobs off the markets, these are mainly social events that one ought to be sharing with close ones to build close rapport and common interest, the sport itself can serve to build up a sense of community and I personally think that the most skilled among them are more artists than anything else.

    You take for example antique Greece, they had a saying “summer.harvest.war”, the olympics were one of the few things that could brings belligerent states together in peace to celebrate the gods and show off their skills in essence to make love not war. It has also served the same purpose in recent time with an increasingly belligerent nazi germany hosting the olympic games to ease of relations or later the urss and china, although there is also a component of competition there with each nation showing off their skills but also at the micro level local communities often support the local team. Popular sports like soccers can brings people of different culture or religious groups togethers, surely this beat a few push ups in your room alone.
    ARCEUS and 100 Days like this.