The pack

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. I figured this would be a good place to cover a bunch of topics and stay on topic at the same time. Feel free to voice your struggles and what you want to get better at.
  2. uitwaaien

    uitwaaien Fapstronaut

    I struggle with my quick headed nature. I will go back to military but I'm afraid I will be in a group of people I dislike and I'll say some offensive shit and it's going to ruin my career.
    Cody Coyote likes this.
  3. I have a short fuse so I have to actively be more self aware of my temper rising and bring myself back down, especially in cases with getting conflicting information and things that confuse me, that's kind of a trigger.
  4. uitwaaien

    uitwaaien Fapstronaut

    I guess age also helps. When I was like 18 I had no filter. Now when I'm bit older I have little bit more experience of life and I seem to understand that there are times when it's better to shut the fuck up.
    By the way, what are your struggles?
    Cody Coyote likes this.
  5. mostly internal chaos, anger, pmo, forming social connections, and apathy with everyday life, as well as forming healthy habits that benefit me for longer than a day or so.

    I feel like I need to clean out the garage of my life and hose everything down.
  6. Blacksprigann

    Blacksprigann Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, it's great to be here. Nice to meet you. I am a 25 yo male, based in Canada, I feel like I have a lot of internal struggles that I am still not aware of but one that has been haunting me since I was 14 is PMO. Even though I have a girlfriend, we both come from a muslim background so there is no way to replace M with sex before we get married, and it will take some time before happening.... I am not an addict in the popular sense but I feel no different that addicts, I feel the urge to watch P and M twice a week approximately. But the ultimate trigger is stress, when I am trying to understand a concept, I automatically start stressing out which triggers my urge to PM especially when I get stuck. I tried to stop this shit many times in the past, I even stopped for more tham 10 months before starting again... I recently tried ro take my life in hands, I started going to the gym and stopped PMO. I am on a 71 days streak and I hope I will be able to keep it up.
    MindfulWarrior and Cody Coyote like this.
  7. I don't know the difference in other cultures regarding pmo, but for me it's more of a self restraint issue that gets on my nerves, like how am I able to get over this issue, I been going all out on being more present like when your mind wanders and stays wandering even while trying to focus, so bringing my awareness back to what is happening to me in my body in moments of weakness have made a lot of difference staving off relapses in other parts of addiction or just bad habits in general.
  8. H4lfP1nt

    H4lfP1nt New Fapstronaut

    Hey guys good to meet everyone of y’all. I’m also a military guy, been serving since 2013. Going through a marriage separation and eventual divorce right now due to my sexual immorality which started out from watching porn while I was not in her presence to actually committing infidelity. For me the biggest thing I have is how to not relapse and in steps like 1) refraining from watching porn again (which i’ve found easier to do due to the stressed state of mind I’m in) 2) avoiding self-gratification all together. This I struggle with more especially because I live alone. I’m 30 now, and coyote like you I do have a short fuse (kinda how I earned a callsign :) )
    WalterDouglas likes this.
  9. uitwaaien

    uitwaaien Fapstronaut

    Do things slowly, with patience. Start with small things. If you want to clean the garage of your life then just start with moving out most unnecessary crap step by step.
    Just make your bed, start doing cold showers, go for morning runs etc. I wish you best of luck!
  10. Yeah building momentum is key to actually doing the big jobs in life. little wins compound into big wins later on.