What will you do with your repurposed time?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NewPaths, Dec 26, 2022.

  1. NewPaths

    NewPaths Fapstronaut

    Back in some of the peak seasons of my 20+ year struggle, I remember spending hours watching porn on some days.

    I recall sitting in my apartment getting lost in porn. I would glance at the clock every so often.

    An hour had passed. A second hour. Another hour.

    "Wow, I just spent the last three hours watching porn."

    It hurts to think about the time that I wasted. What could I have done with that time?

    Here's maybe a more helpful question to consider:

    Going forward, what will I do with the time that I would have been using to watch porn?

    What about you? What could you be doing if you were able to repurpose the time that you would have been watching porn?

    Imagine your life without PMO. All that time that you used to spend watching porn is now freed up to be reinvested into something(s) enjoyable, life-giving, engaging.

    Imagine this for a minute. Let yourself just picture it in your mind. Instead of going to porn when you typically do, you engage in an activity that fosters your growth and joy in life.

    What will that be for you?

    Have you always wanted to play the piano, or the guitar, or the drums?

    Maybe you used to enjoy woodworking but life and porn got in the way. Could you see yourself using all the extra time to start building amazing pieces?

    Maybe you have considered becoming an expert in a certain topic or field of study. Imagine if you poured all your future porn time into that area. In just a few years, you could be a serious expert in nearly any subject.

    Maybe you've considered writing a book, or composing music, but when you actually have time to devote to those things, porn ends up getting that time instead. Imagine if, going forward, you devote all future would-be porn-time into that project.

    Does getting into the best shape of your life sound appealing to you? Maybe you have wanted to lift weights or get back into running. Imagine if you reinvested your porn time into improving your physical health.

    What is that thing for you? What is one enjoyable, life-giving, exciting activity or goal that you would love to reinvest your porn time into?

    Post below. Let's dream a little together. Let yourself get inspired. You're not committing to anything. Just share what comes to mind for you.

    By sharing, you're giving a gift to yourself, and to the rest of us!
  2. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    This is my third year of recovery and so far I have:

    • Learnt how to play the piano
    • Started writing
    • Begun building a business

    It meant throwing away a load of bad habits and even now I still struggle somewhat with them. But I agree, recovering from PMO really is a great time to reinvent yourself.
  3. NewPaths

    NewPaths Fapstronaut

    Wow mentorr, that is super inspiring! It shows the amazing things we can accomplish over time when we don't have PMO weighing us down. Thanks so much for sharing!
  4. Since we're talking about successes that we owe to the time not wasted on addiction, well, after 1723 days of freedom:

    -I got a doctorate.
    -I've become a martial arts instructor and I currectly have my own school.
    -I still have plenty of time for myself and my wife.

    So, yeah, it's worth giving up on your addictions. One of the MAIN reasons I decided to stop my almost 14-year-old addiction was to finish my studies and focus on things I love doing. I literally couldn't have finished my degree without winning against myself, and finding additional solace in martial arts gave me another inspiration.
    It's so worth not giving up. An ex-addict is a person who clearly sees what he or she could have lost. Healthy people usually don't have this persective.
    Use this perspective to win!
  5. NewPaths

    NewPaths Fapstronaut

    That's amazing! Thanks for sharing your inspiring accomplishments with us. Great reminder and perspective! So much potential that we all have when we are free to walk in life unburdened!
  6. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Wishing you all the best @NewPaths . See you at the finish line!
    I_always_try_again and NewPaths like this.
  7. NewPaths

    NewPaths Fapstronaut

    What about you, reading this, if you have 30 days under your belt, or 10 days, or 1 day? What do you dream about or think about accomplishing when you take back your porn time?

    What skill have you been always wanting to learn? What project have you thought about undertaking?

    Again, let yourself dream. Share with us what you envision for yourself when you are free from PMO and are living a life unburdened!
    InformalPermit8701 likes this.
  8. For me there’s so much. Loads on the house and I am pursuing a doctorate that, if I can make this, I will be very proud to achieve. So much to hope for and I have not felt hopeful for a long time.
    InformalPermit8701 and NewPaths like this.
  9. Age??
  10. NewPaths

    NewPaths Fapstronaut

    Love this, thanks for sharing! Keep these goals and the vision in front of you. Freedom is possible!
    CommittedToChange1023 likes this.
  11. Congrats man
    NewPaths likes this.
  12. InformalPermit8701

    InformalPermit8701 Fapstronaut

    Learn to play guitar, learn Japanese, read more history books (my favorite subject), continue to work on improving my work (furthering myself and seeking out new opportunities to make money so that I can provide not only for myself, but for those I care about), further my mechanical knowledge so I never need to go to a mechanic again, and workout more to improve my health and physique.

    In a nutshell I want to continue to improve so that I am an asset and not a liability to those in my life who I care about and who rely on me, and to become the man I am meant to be.
    NewPaths and I_always_try_again like this.
  13. NewPaths

    NewPaths Fapstronaut

    This is such great stuff, thanks for sharing! Love what you said about simply becoming more of the man you were meant to be.

    I admire you for being on this forum and for the steps you're taking towards that vision!
    InformalPermit8701 likes this.
  14. FishBoy24

    FishBoy24 Fapstronaut

    I love this. Thank you
    NewPaths likes this.