My history again?

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Hello
    I wrote part of my history in the subforum for new member introductions, but I've tought about rewrite it here more complete and with more details. Things that nobody knows and maybe be good to share... I'm not sure
    I'm also thinking wether start my journey here, in the woman forum or in the correponding age forum. I'm gathering strength to begin
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  2. Feel free to post it here or wherever you feel most comfortable. I would just recommend being prudent with the specifics of anything which may be triggering.

    If there are some possibly triggering things you want to share, I would encourage you to put a spoiler/trigger warning in the post. This can be done by selecting the + on the tool bar and then select “spoiler”.

    Below is a screenshot on where to find the spoiler:
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  3. Thanks
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  4. PMO along my life

    The beginning
    When I was about 5 or 6 years old, I touched other parts of my body, and put objects in the stomach zone, because I felt good. I have been told that certain parts shouldn't be touched, so I avoided touch there.
    Between about 7 to 11 I imagined "things", touched my body (no M yet), took off my clothes, looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know if that was normal or not.
    At 12 years old I remembered what I did when was 6 and had curiosity about "how does it feel if I...?" And I did M for the first time. Since that moment I lost my mind and wanted to feel that all the time.

    Please, stop!
    Some months later, (still 12) I had my first period, but with heavy bleeding, that scared me a lot because I assumed it was caused by M and thought I'd be discovered (it's not the only scare I've had due to M). That made me wanting to stop. I tried, but I didn't make it.
    Since then I tried to quit many times, unsuccessfuly. I fell down again and again.
    I lived it as an abuse towards myself. I told myself many things to stop M. I felt guilty, ashamed, dirty, despicable, miserable, pervert. Over time, I began to despise, reject and hate myself. My desperation was so big that I even considered death as a way to escape from myself: If I didn't have a body, I couldn't do anything wrong with it.
    Over time I was able to stay one year or maybe a little more MO free.

    Present time
    Nowadays PMO happens by seasons "episodes", it can go a long time without anything happening, but when the urges appear and I don't resist them I can do it more than intended.
    Now I've a week doing M and seeing P almost every day, I've been totally obsessed with doing M, thinking about all the day every day, a persistent, almost constant thought. I can distract with other activities, but when the activity ends, the thought returns.
    Also I've been having problems with O I guess due to my antidepressant treatment, but this hasn't prevented me from doing M...
    Sometimes I still hate myself, but now I'm less harsh than before

    About P
    I remembered the first time I watched P. It was in my teens, accidentally, I found some magazine pages. Later I wasn't able to remove the images of my mind for some time.
    Two years ago, I was seeing only suggestive pictures, I started seeing real P seven months ago, when I had strong impulse to do that.
    During recent days P has increased its intensity and frequency and this worries me. I don't want to develop an addiction to P.

    To stop or not to stop?
    I want to stop!, but when urges come, eventually I don't.
    Right now my will is a weather vane moved by the wind of urges and bad desires. Now I want to stop but within five minutes I won't.
    Last week I resisted the urges and temptations for several days. But this week I gave in to them very easily, even trying to take advantage of almost each opportunity to do it.
    This is a big problem! I don't want to spend the rest of my life like this!
    I really miss to have the determination to quit I had in previous years, when I was capable of not going to sleep in my bed and staying all night in an armchair with the light on, in order to avoid doing M, or going to the kitchen to washing dishes at 3 AM with the same purpose.
    I want to be me again!

    Affecting my spiritual life
    Also, my Catholic faith is very important, and PMO hurts my relationship with God.
    First times I decided quit, I repeatedly promised God never to do it again, but I couldn't keep it.
    I made my first communion in my teens, and I spoiled it. In my first confession, face to face, I wasn't able to say my impurity sins :-( I tried, I wanted, I didn't... the priest realized that there was something and he said he forgave the sins of my whole life. I come back with him to try to say again, but embarrassment was strong and again I couldn't. I made my first communion anyway and I felt dead, a coward, the worst person.
    After this, I confessed that event more than once. I think this is the origin of my scruples of conscience.
    Years later I discovered that sacraments can stop or at least attenuate my temptations.
    In recent years I've had difficulties to make the purposes of amendment, feeling resistance to give up MO. Right now it is an issue.
    I really want to fully reject PMO and give God His place in my life, the first place, but I'm putting before my desires and urges, my "need" of feeling, my attachment to this sin, my deviant will... What a shame!
    I'm being selfish and ungrateful to God, and worse because now it's Lent, penitence and conversion time, and I'm doing the opposite!
    I feel like a hypocrite.
    I also need to take my prayer more seriously. I've been praying with not much attention, and don't have a special time to pray alone.
    Things I need to correct!

    Dear brothers and sisters, please pray for my conversion
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2024
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  5. As someone who’s been molested, this part hit home. After the abuse I blamed myself for enjoying the physical pleasure; I then internalized this as evidence/proof that I was a disgusting, evil, and horrible person. Instead of extending mercy, forgiveness, and patience towards myself, I heaped condemnation. A moment of real healing started when I was able to see how my behaviors with MO and P sought to recreate or validate this spirit of self-hatred and self-condemnation. This left me with two very important steps that had to be taken:
    1. I had to pray for the grace to view MO and P as snares in which the devil uses to recreate/feed past self-hatred in order to rob me of the Joy of being loved by Jesus.
    2. I had to work on loving myself for the sake of God. What I mean by this is since I had created a habit of self-hatred, changing this wasn’t going to be easy because I didn’t see in myself anything good. I had to pray for the grace to believe and accept that what God created, me, is good and that I should love this good, me, for the sake of God. This then helped with also extending myself forgiveness because God had forgiven me (something which helped me fight scrupulosity). A book that has really helped me with believing in God’s love for me and my belief that I am lovable has been “He and I” by Gabrielle Bossis. Another one is the “Divine Mercy Diary” by St. Faustina.

    When you say “seasons” are you saying you deal with these temptations a majority of the time during certain seasons like summer, spring, winter, etc?

    Escalation is typical addict behavior, so it’s right to be worried about it; however, you must pray to God to not get carried over into despair. Your addiction isn’t bigger than God; Your faults are not bigger than His mercy.

    I would say you struggle with forgiving yourself for things like your first communion because holding on to the guilt and shame of those experiences in a way validates, in your mind, your self-hatred/condemnation. It’s a sneaky trick the devil pulls because he will use Gods justice to make us despair of Gods mercy after our fall, and prior to a fall he will tempt us with a presumption of Gods mercy in order to make us offend against Gods justice.

    Another thing is you can, with God, reclaim your past first communion by offering up to him your next communion. I mean truly we would all be in a better spot spiritually if we treated every communion with the same preparation as our first and with the same realization that it might be our last.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2023
    Mara43 likes this.
  6. Yes, prayer is key and cultivating a good prayer life is essential. Resolve to try to pray with more attention; distractions will come and sometimes our prayer seems like nothing but a constant war with distractions, but this is okay. As long as you’re fighting them, your prayer is good and accepted.

    I know you mentioned you don’t have a special time to pray alone; while I don’t know your circumstances (married, kids, family, etc) I would say it’s unlikely that anyone truly doesn’t have time or could make time. It’s important to go through your day and look for things which waste time (this site could be one of them). Cut out some distractions which keep you from having time. For me, the one time I know I can always control is the mornings, so I make sure to do my best to create a time for myself in the morning. If this means I have to wake-up an hour earlier than usual then so be it. At minimum by virtue of justice, we should be praying at least 15 minutes a day. I bet you can find 15 minutes somewhere in your day, so start with that goal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2023
    Mara43 likes this.
  7. Yes, self-abuse, abuse of my own body only to obtain pleasant sensations.:emoji_disappointed_relieved:
    Many times I was afraid when I felt urges to M.
    I hated myself for abusing of myself and for having pleasure by doing "bad things". For being impure.
    I told myself many ugly things. "If you do that, then you are a... ". "I did it, so I was..." whatever.
    When I wrote the quoted text, I really was thinking so, but I realized still say ugly things about myself, like "you are a disgusting person" and "let no one know the kind of bug you are". Oops!

    I'm so sorry!

    This reminds me I heard some saint said something like "The devil rides on our wounds", he uses our wounds and weaknesses to hurt us.

    Oh! I've said a lot of times: if God forgives me, who am I to not forgive myself? But is easier to say than to do...
    Maybe later I'll write about my scruples.

    No, I mean I currently have episodes of M every several months, which can last only one day or even two weeks or so.
    For example, the last episode or season was on July. I was free of M and P urges all this months, until last days of February when them came back, and I've been a week with PM almost every day. Last Friday was M free and yesterday and today P free. I'm doing some effort. I want tomorrow to be a day without both M and P.
    The word in Spanish is temporadas, google translator suggested seasons, haha

    Until now I had not considered myself as addicted to P, but since the events of recent days, like searching more intense things and more times a day, I don't know what to think. In fact, I started seeing real P just on July, maybe two times.

    I hadn't thought of it that way!

    Totally true!

    You're right.

    Yes, I've a lot of distractions, mainly from my own mind or from the phone

    Yes, I'll do.
    Main waste of time we have? M and P
    By the way, I was checking this site compulsively yesterday and part of today :D
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2023
    Dank24 likes this.
  8. For many years I've had the doubt of whether I was molested and I don't remember, because I found not normal my behavior as a kid. Why would a 5 or 6 years old little girl start doing things like touching her body secretly? I don't understand.
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  9. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I welcome a chance to pray for you and I appreciate you making that opportunity available to us.

    I am a devout Catholic and I have been one almost my entire adult life. Yet, I was trapped in the sinful habit of PMO for 50 years. I felt guilt, debilitating shame for my sins. I tried to quit this sinful addiction many, perhaps hundreds of times. Finally, God showed me the mistake that ended every one of my serious attempts to quit and you have admitted the same one here.

    Each of my serious attempts (2 weeks or more) ended when I quit taking the time to fervently pray, from my heart (not just by rote), every day. Now, with regular fervent prayer from my heart (both when tempted and when not being tempted) I have been given the grace to remain free for well over two years. Be assurred, freedom is possible and the sweet confidence of knowing you no longer have this sin on your soul is transformational.

    The answer is found in prayer. Fervent, heartfelt, daily (or more frequent) prayer. Do not wait to pray until you are tempted, often that can be too late. Pray when things are going well AND when temptation may arise. You will find peace and solace this way.
    Thiago Aziz, born3 and Mara43 like this.
  10. Thanks for taking the time to read my posts and comment!
    I pray (talk to God) several times a day, to thank Him, ask for help, say Him something, but for a few minutes. Also we have daily family prayer and I go to daily mass. But it's also true I don't have a special daily moment to talk with God deeply, having a loving dialogue. I used to read the Bible every night but I quit and I haven't resume :-(
    All my attepts to having a special daily moment to pray end soon.
    I promise, this time I'll do a serious effort to pray every day, at least 10 minutes. I know it's suggested 15, but I want to start little by little. 10 minutes of loving prayer and at least a mistery of the rosary every day.
    Thank you so much for your prayers!!
    Dank24 and CPilot like this.
  11. It hasn't been always the same pattern. For example, when I was a teenager it was about three days every month. The pattern has changed over time.
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  12. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Please don't worry about 10 minutes of prayer at a time VS 15 minutes. I'm sure you know it is a matter of quality VS quantity. Of course, if you find a particular train of thought during prayer that compels you to continue praying, be sure to stick with it.

    God the Father created each of us; each with some wonderful but individual attributes. God knows us and He speaks to each of us in ways He knows we will understand. In my case, I have read the bible cover to cover and I refer to it frequently. However, I have gotten much more from it by listening to "Fr. Mike Shmitz, Bible in a Year" podcast thanks to his wonderful insight into each passage. I also got a great deal of help by reading Archbishop Fulton Sheen's book - "Life of Christ". Currently, I am reading "Spiritual Combat" by Lorenzo Scupoli.

    Going to mass, regularly receiving the sacraments, praying every day - be assurred, You are on the right path. Keep going, keep learning and you will find the freedom you seek.
    Mara43 likes this.
  13. Thank you for your words
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  14. Today I went to talk to a priest and, if possible, confess. I couldn't do either. But I'll come back tomorrow. I need help to fight against attachment to sin and strenghten repentance and purpose of amendment.
    God guide us
  15. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Dear lady, your intentions are good ones. However, you need to pray for God to fight your temptations for you and strengthen your purpose of amendment. Learn to distrust yourself and rely on God for all that you need. Pray for Our Heavenly, Merciful, Loving Father to fill your heart with His love, so completely that there is room for nothing else. When you pray for greater determination to fight sin, seek first the determination to trust in God for all things. Distrust of self, trust in God. This is the way to the wondeful freedom from sin that you deeply desire. May God bless you today with these things.
    Mara43 likes this.
  16. The graces received in the sacrament of confession are some of the biggest helps in severing our attachment to sins. The devil knows this which is why he tries to make you put off confession or never go to it. He either burdens you with intense shame by saying “what will the priest think of you? So horrible!” Or he will tempt you with a false piety “well, I shouldn’t go to confession until I have a perfect hatred and disgust for my sin”. Confession is where we are humbled and then healed, brought back to life in sanctifying grace.
    Mara43 likes this.
  17. There are a couple of amazing saints who’ve understood our struggle such as St. Mary Magdalen and St. Augustine.

    I wanted to share a prayer from Saint Augustine to the Holy Spirit which I think you would love.

    BREATHE in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen.
    born3, CPilot and Mara43 like this.
  18. Dear friends, thank you for answering.
    Yes, I pray for that
    Yes. I need to learn to trust more in God

    Thank you, amen!!!!

    Or at least firm...
    Also the shame can br worse because I'm a woman
  19. Yes, I loved it :)
    CPilot and born3 like this.