Withdrawal Symptoms Wreaking Havoc!!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by n0m0p0, Dec 15, 2022.

Where are you at in your NoFap journey?

Poll closed Dec 22, 2022.
  1. Just Beginning!

  2. Just reached 30 days!

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  3. In between 30 and 60...

  4. In between 60 and 90...

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  5. Over 90 days!

  6. Over a year!!!

  1. n0m0p0

    n0m0p0 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    I hope I'm in the right area to post this. Now I know that not every ache and pain you experience during the withdrawal phase is a withdrawal symptom, but I'd like to share what I've experienced so far in my journey since starting in October. I have relapsed at least a dozen times, so I will just combine all of my aches and pains here that I've experienced along the way. Can anyone relate or have any tips to take care of these? In particular, my stomach and testicular pain have been very prevalent during my NoFap journey.
    • Body/joint aches
    • Increased body temperature
    • Chronic testicular pain and sensitivity - In both sides, happens when I stop porn for a while after a few binge days.
    • Stomach troubles/pain - has been very prevalent since starting my NoFap journey
    • Extreme tiredness and fatigue
    • Headaches, tension and migraine
    • Irritability
    • Acid reflux/GERD
    • Insomnia
    • Anxiety with associated symptoms
    I should also mention that my last PMO was about 4 or 5 days ago, but I have gotten back up since then. Failure is not an option and I can't stop this now, not after the results my previous 26-day streak gave me! I'd also like to hear about your symptoms and how you've dealt with them.

    Thank you and have a great day!
  2. n0m0p0

    n0m0p0 Fapstronaut

    Okay guys I have a bit of an update.

    My pain has not subsided so I'm thinking it's something a bit more serious. My testicular pain has not gone away completely and has been accompanied by lower back pain and upper groin tightness/pain.

    If you are at all experiencing pain like this, don't wait like me. It's NEVER a good idea especially if it's something that can be saved. It's best for your well-being and getting better down there can ultimately help you battle your PMO addiction.

    Have a great day and keep fighting your battles. I know you can do this!
  3. Pep2050

    Pep2050 Fapstronaut

    En mi experiencia yo llevo 1 año y una semana en abstinencia la mayoría de los síntomas desaparecen con el tiempo, ahora experimento reflujo, problemas estomacales, y llevo buena alimentación, fui al dr y me diagnóstico gastritis emocional, también de repente aumento de temperatura corporal e insomnio
  4. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    I've had/have every single one of those and very much believe they are all PMO related. The only difference from that list to mine is that the ball pain came from chronic edging rather than abstaining. My balls feel fine when not engaging in P/M/O. Don't expect these things to fix themselves overnight, it could well take a while.
  5. OLLIE_100

    OLLIE_100 Fapstronaut

    Well during my first week I had to deal with insomnia, anxiety and waves of depression also I did develop dark circles and spots but I pushed myself through that and then a couple weeks later I had to deal with negative thoughts and overthinking. Once you push and get past the flatline it does get easier and these symptoms are just temporary so don’t worry and it is part of the recovery and healing process.
    RobIndigo likes this.
  6. I've dealt with all sorts of symptoms I've associated with PMO throughout the years. Among them are all of yours and many others.
  7. n0m0p0

    n0m0p0 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone! I wanted to give an update of where I'm currently at with my symptoms.

    I've got some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that I relapsed (again...:'( for the how many-nth time???) but that leads me to the good news: I've probably solved my groin pain problem.

    About a week or two ago, I noticed that my groin pain was starting to subside because I cut back on my PMO. I was in fact successful in almost eradicating it completely. Because it's nearing the end of the year, though, I've been PMOing every day once a day like there's no tomorrow and my pain is back, but it's not as intense as it was before. As a result, I had to go to extreme measures.

    I am still going to go to a urologist sometime at the beginning of the year just to see if anything has happened or changed. As a result of my HEAVY PMO stint, I've installed blockers with a wait time to unlock them. I've set the time frame to 12 hours since I figured that 5 mins and yes, 1 hour, wouldn't do it. By the time it would unlock, I'd be in bed. I put my phone out of my bedroom so I'm not tempted, but here lately, I've been getting such good sleep that the temptation barely phases me.

    TL,DR: If you're a heavy PMOer, STOP IMMEDIATELY! These things I've experienced are mostly withdrawal symptoms due to heavy PMO over a few years and could further cause damage. Don't listen to people who say that PMO won't damage you - that's the biggest lie I've been told. I'm a healthy male and the pain that PMO has caused me has caused problems in every aspect of my life.

    I hope to start 2023 off as PMO-free. Hope you all are going strong and are looking forward to 2023! Have a happy New Year and may blessings rain down upon all of you!
  8. n0m0p0

    n0m0p0 Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone!

    As of right now, I am planning on seeing a urologist sometime in February. Most of my symptoms have gone away but last night something quite scary happened.

    Unfortunately, I relapsed majorly :'( and now have to reset my counter. But this morning, I woke up feeling like CRAP. I only got 4 hours of sleep and I have a very busy day today. On top of that, I had a major panic/anxiety attack before I went to sleep, which only worsened my symptoms. Today my groin area does indeed hurt but with a break from PMO (hopefully my last attempt!), I think it should resolve.

    I'm not sure if I've mentioned it, but I've also had a bad bout of IBS-M-like symptoms ever since a few years ago when I really got into PMOing. If there's one thing that I've learned throughout this journey back to the light side, it's that there will be pain, but no pain, no gain. Of course, pain only goes so far before you have to do something about it.

    I hope that this clears up soon. I don't think I can go on like this much longer. I don't know how you all get back up after a horrible relapse like this. I'll continue to push onwards, and hopefully you all stay strong too!
  9. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Been dealing with
    Joint pains/aches
    Brain zaps
    Testicular pain
    Frequent urine
    Porn has really mess me up relapse A few times one time I peeked at porn for bit felt A big dopamine rush was the scariest thing I ever experience
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  10. jdubz8419

    jdubz8419 Fapstronaut

    Wow...brain zaps! That's something I've had that I could never describe. Its like you get an electric shock in your brain right? For me it mostly happens when I'm laying in bed at night.
    Andy1517 likes this.
  11. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Yea I couldn’t describe it either til I first got on this site n saw how others described it it happens in bed for me and mostly thru out the day and yea kind of like electric shock but mostly strange movements up there
  12. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Bro this disorientates me throughout the day and i feel slight dizziness or confusion.
    Andy1517 likes this.
  13. xuledywo

    xuledywo Fapstronaut

    Hello... I was taking mirtazapine 7.5mg for the past year as a supplement for an SSRI. I gained a ton of weight and decided to come off of it. I tappered down the medication and have been completely off of it for the past week and a half. I generally feel terrible. About every other day I have sneezing fits that generally last the entirety of the day. Additionally, I have felt depressed, experience crying spells, weird pains in my muscles, insomnia, overall cold symptoms, and itchyness. I am planning to stick it out but looking for some support to see if theres a bright side coming soon... I'm getting really tired of feeling so terrible all the time. I've also been off from work, as a am a teacher and will be going back to work next week.. I'm feeling nervous about that. I just want to feel better! Any suggestions or support are welcome. Thanks.
  14. Andy1517

    Andy1517 Fapstronaut

    Yup disorientated sometime u feel like your dumb or you can’t think
    SuperSaiyan99 likes this.
  15. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    I have experienced exactly everything you listed as withdrawals. Not all at once but they are some days good some bad
  16. waynebruce

    waynebruce Fapstronaut

    Can anybody relate to your eyes being exhausted from staring at a small screen or your phone for hours at a time? Also dehydration from sweating during long relapses?