Am I an Addict that Needs Reboot?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Curious_Explorer, Jul 13, 2023.

  1. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    I appreciate so many different and heart-felt stories on this forum. Many seem to have problems more serious (or, at least urgent) than mine. Undoubtedly, porn has affected my life. However, I'm not at the stage that I think, "This has to change".

    For 10+ years, I PMO once on most days (4-7 times a week) and orgasm at strip clubs 1-2 times per month. I can easily hold a job and have many other interests besides porn and sex. However, I don't date anymore, lacking the motivation for normal sex and relationships. I've had a few girlfriends in my life, and the sex was not good mainly due to challenges with erection.

    Now, I can see myself content with living an "easy life" of PMO, strip clubs, work, and other hobbies. However, perhaps there is more to life on a different path. I am very independent and have no one to tell me what to do. Nevertheless, I know this independence also creates a lot of inertia in my life. This forum is among the few provocations that make me think differently on this topic.

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut

    Only you can determine whether you are addicted, and this forum is for individuals who identify as addicted. I can tell you that most guys here are PMOing quite a bit more than you are reporting, and when they decide to quit, have great difficulty doing so. So, why don't you test yourself. Quit. No P no M no O for a week and no strip clubs. If at the end of that week you feel fine, you are not addicted. On the other hand if you are pulling your hair out and putting an ice pick through your hand to stop yourself then....welcome to the party pal.

    Welcome to the party, pal! - YouTube
  3. GhostShell

    GhostShell Fapstronaut

    Lack of sex drive and challenges with erections are pretty common symptoms of heavy porn use. Very likely you may regain desire for sex and/or romance after quitting porn.
    Talz and Curious_Explorer like this.
  4. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I don't know what path you're talking about but if it's the one I think you're talking about (starting a family), then yeah, you're gonna want to quit.
    freedom is coming and Talz like this.
  5. Max Chickens

    Max Chickens Fapstronaut

    Hey mate!

    im in a similar boat to you! Cept i go to massage places.

    the reason im on here is that it got to the point that the o’s didnt feel that great anymore. It was just like ‘meh’ and its done. I quit for 3 weeks a few months ago and found that i didnt need p and when i o’d it felt awesome!

    if want to try it, or chat to somone 1 on 1 hit me up! Id like to know more about why you’re here
    KevinesKay, Talz and Curious_Explorer like this.
  6. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys!

    @1ANDDONE Since coming to this forum, I've done a 2-day, then 4-day abstinence period. Next up is one week. I've done one-week before while on vacation, but I want to experience abstaining in a more normal context. So far, I've felt my libido decrease while abstaining, so long as I'm focused on stuff outside of sex. When I come off of abstaining, it takes a little time for my libido to catch up and my mind to re-orient. However, once my mind goes back to where it once was, PMO or strip club experience is quite good. I don't feel bad afterwards. :)

    @GhostShell I'm not sure if my porn use is heavy, but it's at least as heavy as a normal sex life with partner. Nevertheless, in the last 30 years, about 90% of my orgasms are with porn (or sexy content/thoughts), 10% with strippers, and <1% with partner. Thus, it makes sense that my brain does not seek out partners.

    @3nigma The thought of starting a family doesn't appeal to me, but it could be my fapper brain talking. Nevertheless, I can't really separate the fapper from myself. This is who I am now.

    @Max Chickens Good that somebody here identifies with me. I actually came to this forum through research out of curiosity. The theories at this site have merit, and I believe in exploring alternative views and trying new things. Hey, I don't want to miss out on "superpowers", because I never tried to stop fapping. By the way, I also have gone to massage places, but have so far found them less satisfying than strip clubs. Thus, I don't go there regularly, at least with expectation of extras. :)
    Talz likes this.
  7. Max Chickens

    Max Chickens Fapstronaut

    So are you gonna try it?!

    just do 2 weeks and see if your concentration/thoughts/sex drive changes
    Talz likes this.
  8. Talz

    Talz Fapstronaut

    Only one way to see... Try abstaining and see how it goes. I don't see how you could really lose.
    Curious_Explorer likes this.
  9. Dagoth-ur

    Dagoth-ur Fapstronaut

    Masturbation daily blocks the brain's androgen receptors, which ups estrogen reception and very much halts testosterone uptake (transcription of masculine traits to DNA).

    This has an array of negative mental and physical consequences.

    It is nice to be in a comfortable position where things don't go wrong or upset a person, stability is great and desirable - but what if life could be even better than you could have possibly imagined?

    If you want to give it a try, to abstain from PMO and strip clubs for a month, then exercise, cold showers, clean food and a journal perhaps will all help stay the path. You could see how you feel after a month and if it's something you'd like to continue pursuing.

    Good luck in whatever you choose though.
    Curious_Explorer likes this.
  10. Max Chickens

    Max Chickens Fapstronaut

    Did you decide if you’re gonna try it?
  11. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    @Max Chickens I'm building up the experiments over time (already got through periods of 2- and 4-days), but I'll likely hit two weeks or a month. I'm not sure about 90 days. :)
  12. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Well, I've completed a 7-day abstinence period. Nothing remarkable to report, one way or another. Sex just became a smaller part of my life without PMO, but other parts of my life did not change much. I guess I focus on what's in front of me. If it's out of sight, it's out of mind for the most part.
  13. Littlefella

    Littlefella Fapstronaut

    Congrats on your achievement!
    The fun is about to start
    7-14 is when cravings peak
    14-30 is when ego peaks
    30-60 is when carelessness peaks

    Please be careful and don't let these effects blind side you.

    At the mean time you can try other 10-14 day abstinence projects to better understand abstinence effects.
    Driving (public transport)

    The more abstinence projects you go through the stronger and better self understood you will be.

    You've got this!
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  14. Max Chickens

    Max Chickens Fapstronaut

    Keep going mate!!!!

    have you found you get turned on more easily yet? Thats on the way!!!
  15. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I'm thinking the better way to change is to try to date again. I'm pretty good at abstaining from things and changing focuses for periods of time. However, I lack strong human relationships that would motivate me to keep any changes I make. However, I'm not sure if that path is better or worse for me, but definitely different.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
  16. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Through my experiments, I am learning that it's probably better to PMO near bed time compared to early in the day. Early in the day, I'm tempted to draw out the experience by stopping multiple times while continuing to look for more or better porn. In that case, porn could consume most of my day. Near bedtime, I have a shorter time window to find fulfillment. :)
  17. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    These are all strong indicators that PMO is having a significant, negative impact on your life. PMO is generally accepted not only as normal, but as good, so if you hear a group of people saying it's not and your first reaction isn't "those people are collectively off their nut," that's highly suggestive you've been experiencing negative repercussions, that this habit has been bothering you, and you haven't been giving yourself permission to consider it. It is normal to seek out and maintain relationships, platonic and sexual. It is not normal to experience erection difficulties in intimate encounters with a real human being.
    It does sound like you have yourself tranquilized into contentment, satisfied with scraps. Maybe it will stay that way, too. You, and most males at this point, might be institutionalized at this point and find real relationships too hard, not worth it. But you have to know it isn't real. Strippers and porn stars are showing an entirely fabricated version of intimacy. You are losing out on something life has to offer.

    In my experience, which is not small, one week is not nearly enough to experience much of any change. It's like doing a week of pushups. Of course you won't see results. You need 90 days, minimum. Then you will know something about it, one way or another.

    First you're going to know if you are addicted. You should be able to get through the day, week, or month, without seeing a nipple. That is a reasonable expectation to have. If you can't, if you go into significant psychological distress unless you see some kind of erotic imagery, that's a sign you're dependent. Second, a full 90 days is enough time to learn if there's any benefit to it. If you go a full 90 days you can truly say you tried it. If you haven't experienced any benefits, bare minimum more time and money to do what you enjoy and the realization that you don't actually miss it, then I'll fully agree PMO isn't a major detriment in your life, and you're good to go. I don't think that's going to happen, though.

    Porn is what told you what's normal. The amount of use you describe is not a normal amount of sexual activity in an average relationship.

    Have fun learning who you really are.
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  18. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    You can be right, @Meshuga . I haven't given up on longer abstanance periods yet.

    I also wonder whether I have undiagnosed autism, which makes me prefer to enjoy life without strong human connections. Maybe PMO lifestyle could be a "by product" of autism?
    Meshuga likes this.
  19. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    I'm not autistic, but definitely introverted. I also like being around people less when I use. I'm more tolerant of people and their BS usually gaining around 30 days.
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  20. Curious_Explorer

    Curious_Explorer Fapstronaut

    Well, I completed a two-week abstinence from PMO and felt pretty good at the end. I also experimented with cutting down alcohol consumption considerably and did a 2-day fast during the period. During the fast, I only drank gatorade-zero and diet cokes. It's interesting how good a diet coke tastes while you're fasting!

    Overall, it seems we humans look forward to many things in life (PMO, alcohol, food, TV, video games, real human interactions, etc.). Any of them could become larger or smaller focal points left unchecked. Perhaps, we just need to find an acceptable balance, which might be different for each person. However, we might need to experiment with periods of abstinence from each activity, to understand how each urge affects us.
    Dagoth-ur, SilentWolfSong and Meshuga like this.