Fiancé of an addict

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by harleighlyn, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. harleighlyn

    harleighlyn New Fapstronaut

    This shit is soooo tiring and sooo draining, my heart breaks more and more with every “relapse”. We have been together 12 years and have 4 children together. The addiction has been a thing the whole time, he wants to change, he wants to stop. I’m looking around the group a bit to see if this could truly help him or just be another trigger. I NEED him to stop. This is breaking our relationship more than he will ever know, it’s breaking me. I’m a shell of who I used to be. He’s in counseling, we are in counseling together and I go separate as well. I have 0 sex drive simply due to the pain I feel. It kills me daily. Everytime it happens or he gets caught, it tears more and more of me away. I don’t know how to deal anymore. I’m becoming numb yet hurt at the same time. I just want to be happy and in love again. I hope he can beat this once and for all, because I CANNOT continue to lose myself to his addiction anymore.
    Goku22 and U3q like this.
  2. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear that! NoFap could definitely help him. However, it is still very much a thing where he needs to WANT to quit (as you painfully are aware of).

    There are ofc monitoring softwares, there are apps you/he can pay for (Truple) that take screenshots of a phone's activity and track web searches (for accountability)... if he is serious, then he will open up to having these things on his phone or laptop in order to quit.

    I feel bad that you didn't get any responses from either post you made. NF is still active, but often members leave when they are long streaks or when they stop altogether.

    Feel free to look and post in Partner Support (! There are a number of women who have unfortunately dealt with this same issue.
  3. The Abstainer

    The Abstainer Fapstronaut

    Sister, send him here. I have been struggling with this addiction for years and never made an account here. I made one last night and the community has really helped me already. I am on 5 days clean which is my longest in months. On here us, collectively on the site and help him find triggers, develop strategies and try to help him combat this. Iron sharpens iron after all. For you my heart breaks. Addiction is never pretty and hurts those around the addict. I will recommend the Partner Support Form because I as an addict do not know you struggle and will be of very little help to you like most others on this site.
    I wish you nothing but the best
    SilentWolfSong likes this.
  4. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    I will mirror what some others have said. This is a fantastic community IF you truly want recovery. Addiction doesn't allow for others to save's 100% up to us to surrender and get the help we need to get sober and stay stopped.

    It's commendable that you're looking for ways to help him. I understand the pain inflicted as this addiction painfully hurts everyone around us and beyond. However, your fiance would have to be the one to save himself. Encourage him to come to this community, start a journal, connect with accountability partners, attend in person 12 step meetings, etc.

    I'm always here to support.
    SilentWolfSong and The Abstainer like this.